[Amended 1-14-2003 by Ord. No. 3352; 9-28-2004 by Ord. No. 3490; 2-13-2007 by Ord. No. 3656; 6-10-2010 by Ord. No. 3882; 9-22-2020 by Ord. No. 4331-20]
There shall be a Department of Land Use, the head of which shall be the Director of Land Use. He/she shall be appointed by the Township Manager and shall be qualified by training and experience in municipal land use.
Within the Department of Planning and Zoning, there shall be an Administrative Officer. He/she shall have, perform and exercise all of the functions, powers and duties as provided by general law and municipal ordinance. He/she shall be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Department.
The Department shall provide planning support for all Township bodies and, in particular, provide staff support and liaison to the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. The Department shall perform planning research and related work as required. The Department shall be responsible for the enforcement of the Township's zoning regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 112, Land Development.
Planning Board. The Township Planning Board and Secretary thereto, heretofore created by ordinance pursuant to general law, are continued with the functions, powers, and duties prescribed by general law and ordinance. The Council shall appoint the members of the Board, who shall serve without compensation for terms prescribed by law.
Board of Adjustment. The Township Board of Adjustment and Secretary thereto, heretofore created by ordinance pursuant to general law, are continued with the functions, powers, and duties prescribed by general law and ordinance. The Council shall appoint the members of the Board, who shall serve without compensation for terms prescribed by law.
Division of Engineering. There shall be a Division of Engineering which shall be supervised by the Director of Land Use.