[Adopted 5-2-2001 by Ord. No. 11-2001]
The City of Nanticoke shall enter into a written agreement with the Township of Newport, which will provide substantially as follows:
At the request of a representative of the Police Department of the Township of Newport to render assistance in Newport Township, members of the police force of the City of Nanticoke may perform police duties in the Township of Newport and, in that event, shall have the same powers, including, but not limited to, the power to arrest, and authority in the Township of Newport as is conferred by law on police officers in the Township of Newport.
At the request of a representative of the Police Department of the City of Nanticoke to render police assistance in the City of Nanticoke, members of the police force of the Township of Newport may perform police duties in the City of Nanticoke and, in that event, shall have the same powers, including, but not limited to, the power to arrest, and authority in the City of Nanticoke as is conferred by law on police officers in the City of Nanticoke.
Members of the police force of the City of Nanticoke shall not be paid by the Township of Newport for work performed in or for the Township of Newport, and they shall not be considered as employees of the Township of Newport for any purpose.
Members of the police force of the Township of Newport shall not be paid by the City of Nanticoke for work performed in or for the City of Nanticoke, and they shall not be considered as employees of the City of Nanticoke for any purpose.
The agreement between the Township of Newport and the City of Nanticoke shall provide that it shall continue in full force and effect until terminated by either party by giving written notice thereof to the other.
The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the cooperation agreement on behalf of the City of Nanticoke.