The Village of Fox Point is a community in the metropolitan area of Milwaukee County, in which Village substantially all of the land and real property has been or is being developed for private residential purposes by the owners thereof, and territory accessible to the inhabitants of the Village is now occupied by, or is available for, manufacturing and industrial purposes more than sufficient for the general needs of the inhabitants of the Village, and it is the desire of the inhabitants and property owners to preserve the residential character of the Village, and in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the enactment of the regulations of this chapter is essential for the promotion of the public health, morals and public safety, and is further necessary for the promotion of the public welfare, convenience and general prosperity of the Village and its inhabitants by the prevention of unregulated and unrestricted development.
In interpreting and applying the provisions of this chapter, such provisions shall be deemed to be the minimum requirements adopted for the public health, morals and safety, and for the promotion of convenience, comfort and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Village, but it is not intended to interfere with or abrogate any existing easements or other agreements between individuals, but when this chapter imposes a greater restriction, the provisions of this chapter shall control, and the following words, when used in this chapter, shall have the meaning hereinbelow set forth:
AREA, OPEN That portion of a lot which will be unoccupied after the erection of a building or buildings for which a permit has been duly requested. In computing such open area, the lot shall be considered as extending not further than the side line of any street or area reserved for highway purposes upon which a lot abuts, except when this chapter specifically provides otherwise.
BUILDING Any structure used, designed or intended for the protection, shelter or roofed enclosure of persons, animals or property.
BUILDING, ACCESSORY A building or portion of a building used for a purpose customarily incident to the permitted principal use of the lot and located on the same lot as the principal use.
BUILDING, PRINCIPAL The building in which is conducted the principal use as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located.
DEPTH OF FRONT YARD The minimum horizontal distance between the front line a building and the front lot line or side line of the street or area reserved for highway purposes, whichever is nearer, except that the roof of a building or any attachments thereto may extend over said front yard a distance of not to exceed one foot.
DEPTH OF REAR YARD The minimum horizontal distance between the rear line of a building and the rear lot line or side line of the street or area reserved for highway purposes, whichever is nearer, except that the roof a building or any attachments thereto may extend over said rear yard a distance of not to exceed one foot.
DWELLING A building having accommodations for one family only, provided that the building may provide quarters for bona fide servants though they constitute a family as defined in this section.
FAMILY One or more persons related by blood, adoption or marriage living and cooking together as a single housekeeping unit, exclusive of household servants. A number of persons but not exceeding three living and cooking together as a single housekeeping unit though not related by blood, adoption or marriage shall be deemed to constitute a family.
FRONT LINE OF A BUILDING A line drawn through the point of a building as defined above nearest to, and parallel with, the front lot line or the side line of a street or area reserved for highway purposes, whichever is nearer.
FRONT YARD An open area on the same lot with a building between the front line of any building and the front lot line, or the side line of the street or area reserved for highway purposes, whichever is nearer, extending the full width of the lot.
GARAGE, PRIVATE A structure primarily intended for and used for the enclosed storage or shelter of the private motor vehicles of the family resident upon the premises. Carports shall be considered garages within this definition.
LOT A parcel of land, whether unplatted or platted, in whole or in part, all of which is owned legally or under a land contract by the same person or persons and which is treated or occupied by them as a unit for a use permitted by this chapter.
NONCONFORMING USE Any use of a building or premises which does not conform to the regulations of the district in which it is situated as provided for by this chapter.
OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Land, water bodies, and structures, along with accessory equipment, designed and utilized for leisure time activities of a predominantly outdoor nature and of more specific active purposes than park-like open areas.
REAR LINE OF A BUILDING A line drawn through the point of a building as defined above nearest to, and parallel with, the rear lot line or the side line of a street or area reserved for highway purposes, whichever is nearer.
REAR YARD An open area on the same lot with a building, between the rear lot line and the rear line of any building, extending the full width of the lot, except that where the rear of said lot abuts upon a street or area reserved for highway purposes, the rear yard shall extend only to the side of said street or area reserved for highway purposes.
SIDE LINE OF A BUILDING A line drawn through the point of the building nearest to, and parallel with, the side lot line or the side line of a street or area reserved for highway purposes, whichever is nearer.
SIDE YARD An open area on the same lot with a building between the side lot line and the side line of any building, extending from the front yard to the rear yard, except that where the side of said lot abuts upon a street or area reserved for highway purposes, the side yard shall extend only to the side of said street or area reserved for highway purposes.
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM A system intended to convert solar energy into thermal, mechanical or electrical energy.
[Added 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-02]
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, FLUSH-MOUNTED A solar energy system that is mounted flush with a finished building surface, at no more than six inches in height above that surface.
[Added 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-02]
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, GROUND-MOUNTED A solar energy system mounted on the ground and not attached to any other structure other than structural supports.
[Added 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-02]
SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM, STRUCTURE-INTEGRATED A solar energy system that is an integral part of a principal or accessory structure, rather than a separate mechanical device, replacing or substituting for an architectural or structural part of the structure. Structure-integrated systems include, but are not limited to, photovoltaic or hot water systems that are contained within roofing materials, windows, skylights, shading devices and similar architectural components.
[Added 3-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-02]
STRUCTURE A combination of materials other than natural terrain or plant growth erected or constructed to form a shelter, enclosure, retainer, container, support, base, pavement or decoration.
STRUCTURE, ACCESSORY A structure or portion of a structure customarily incident to any permitted principal use of such lot and located on the same lot as such principal use.
STRUCTURE, PERMANENT A structure placed on or in the ground or attached to another structure in a fixed and determined position and intended to remain in place for a period of more than nine consecutive months, except as follows. An enclosure for the keeping of chickens that is approved pursuant to §
579-17.5 of this Code, and a hive for keeping bees that is approved pursuant to §
579-17.6 of this Code, during such time that such permit has been issued and is in effect shall not be deemed to be a permanent structure for purposes of this Chapter
[Amended 11-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-06]
STRUCTURE, PRINCIPAL A structure used or intended to be used for the principal use as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located.
SUBSTANDARD LOT A lot which was of record on April 22, 1958, and which is:
A. Smaller in square footage than the total of the minimum open area requirement of the district in which it is located plus the minimum floor area described in §
756-15B of this Code; or
B. Narrower in width than the minimum lot width requirement of the district in which it is located.
TIME SHARE PROPERTY Any property that is regulated by Chapter 707, Wisconsin Statutes.
[Added 4-19-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-07; amended 1-8-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-01]
USE, ACCESSORY A use customarily incident to the permitted principal use of property and on the same lot as the principal permitted use.
USE, PERMITTED That utilization of land by occupancy, activity, building or other structure which is specifically enumerated as permissible by the regulations of the zoning district in which said land is located, including those uses customarily accessory to such permitted use.
USE, PRINCIPAL The main or primary use of property or structure as permitted on such lot by the regulations of the district in which it is located.
WIDTH OF LOT The distance from one side line to the other measured on a line which will be contiguous with the front line of a building and be as nearly parallel as possible to the street on which the lot abuts.
WIDTH OF SIDE YARD The minimum horizontal distance between the side line of a building and the side lot line or the side line of a street or area reserved for highway purposes, whichever is nearer, except that the roof of a building or any attachments thereto may extend over said side yard a distance of not to exceed one foot.
Except as hereinafter provided or superseded by state or federal law, no building or premises or part thereof shall be used, altered, constructed or reconstructed except in conformity the provisions of this chapter which apply to the district in which it is located.
Any use, structure or lot existing on April 22, 1958, or thereafter which was commenced while a previous zoning ordinance was in effect and was in violation of such ordinance shall not be a nonconforming use permitted to continue under §
745-4 but shall be a violation of this chapter, unless the provision of the prior ordinance which was violated shall have been changed by this chapter and such use, structure or lot is not in violation of this chapter, and no violations are waived.
[Added 4-19-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-07]
A. Time-share property, as defined herein, shall be subject to all of the following requirements:
(1) The property must be owned in such a way, and must include such uses, so as to subject the property to the regulations of Chapter 707, Wisconsin Statutes; and
(2) The property must fully and strictly comply with the requirements of Chapter 707, Wisconsin Statutes at all times; and
(3) The use shall be subject to a PDO Planned Development Overlay zoning amendment being granted, in accordance with all of the rules and regulations of §
745-21 of this chapter, prior to commencing such use, and must fully and strictly comply with the same at all times.
B. Time-share property that does not satisfy the requirements of Subsection
A of this section, above, is prohibited in the A-1, A-2, A-3, B and C Residence Districts in the Village of Fox Point. These regulations are intended to impose the same requirements upon property that is regulated by Chapter 707, Wisconsin Statutes, that are imposed upon physically identical property in the Village of Fox Point that is not in time share ownership.
[Added 4-19-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-07]
A. Condominiums, as defined in Chapter 703, Wisconsin Statutes, shall be subject to all of the following requirements:
(1) The property must be owned in such a way, and must include such uses, so as to subject the property to the regulations of Chapter 703, Wisconsin Statutes;
(2) The property must fully and strictly comply with the requirements of Chapter 703, Wisconsin Statutes, at all times; and
(3) The use shall be subject to a PDO Planned Development Overly zoning amendment being granted, in accordance with all of the rules and regulations of §
745-21 of this chapter, prior to commencing such use, and must fully and strictly comply with the same at all times.
B. Condominium property that does not satisfy the requirements of Subsection
A, above, is prohibited in the A-1, A-2, A-3, B and C Residence Districts in the Village of Fox Point. These regulations are intended to impose the same requirements upon property that is regulated by Chapter 703, Wisconsin Statutes, that are imposed upon physically identical property in the Village of Fox Point that is not in condominium ownership.
Swimming pools, tennis courts, athletic fields, and other buildings or grounds used for leisure-time activities of a predominantly outdoor nature shall be permitted in those districts and subject to such regulations as are hereinafter designated.
A. General.
(1) No such use shall be permitted in any case where it shall create a nuisance, a hazard, or otherwise result in a substantial adverse effect on the surrounding property values or on the enjoyment of such property, or be in any other way detrimental to the general public welfare. Every reasonable effort shall be made to prevent such effect through control of lighting, attractive design and maintenance of structures, use of planting screens or attractive fences, careful placement on the site, and sensible regulation of use.
(2) Adequate provision shall be made for off-street parking consistent with the need generated by the facility.
B. Classification. For purposes of regulation, such uses shall be classified as follows:
(1) Public. Facilities owned and operated by a governmental agency for limited or general public use.
(2) Private commercial. Facilities owned and operated by an individual or group for profit as a business, whether or not open to general public use.
(3) Private noncommercial group. Facilities owned and operated by a group for exclusive use of the members of such group and their guests and not for profit as a business.
(4) Private residential. Facilities owned by the individual, located on the same or adjoining lot to his residence, and intended solely for the use of his family and guests.
C. Public facilities. Such facilities may be permitted in any district as a principal or accessory use subject to the procedure hereinafter set forth.
D. Private commercial facilities. Such facilities may be permitted in an Institutional District as an accessory use, and in a "D" Business or "E" Semi-Business District as a principal or accessory use subject to the procedure hereinafter set forth.
E. Private noncommercial group facilities. Such facilities may be permitted in any district as a principal or accessory use subject to the procedure hereinafter set forth.
F. Procedure. The following procedure shall be complied with before public facilities, private commercial facilities, or private noncommercial group facilities are permitted.
(1) The request for such use, together with site, building and operational plans, shall be submitted to the Village Board and shall be referred to the Plan Commission for its study and recommendation to the Village Board.
(2) Any active use area or structure shall conform to the appropriate open area, height, and front, side and rear setback requirements of the district in which located, provided, however, that in no case shall a swimming pool, athletic field, or game court be permitted closer than 100 feet to an adjoining property line of a property in a residence district.
(3) As a special exception, open area, height, front, side and rear setback requirements in effect pursuant to Subsection
F(2) above may be reduced.
(4) In acting on a request pursuant to Subsection
F(1) above or on the question of granting a special exception pursuant to Subsection
F(3) above the Plan Commission shall take into consideration the requirements of Subsection
A above and shall also consider whether or not the proposed use is compatible with the area, is in keeping with the unique residential character of the community, and would result in substantial adverse effect upon surrounding properties.
(5) The Plan Commission shall make its recommendation to the Village Board.
(a) The Village Board, taking into consideration the requirements above set forth and the recommendation of the Plan Commission, shall reject, grant, or grant with modification the request; provided that if the request includes a request for a special exception under Subsection
F(3) above, it shall not be granted until after a public hearing has been held by the Village Board. Notice of such hearing shall be given as required for Board meetings, and in addition thereto, written notice shall be given to the owners of property abutting that on which the special exception would exist at least five days before such hearing by delivering such notice to a person of suitable age residing on the premises, or by mailing such notice to the person residing on the premises as appears in the records of the Village for sending water bills, or if vacant property to the person who appears as owner on the records of the Village for real estate taxes. If notice is given by mail, it shall be mailed not less than seven days before the meeting.
(b) The notice shall give the time and place of the hearing and describe the special exception that has been requested.
(c) After such hearing, the Village Board, applying the requirements above set forth, shall reject, grant or grant with modification the special exception requested.
G. Private residential facilities. Such facilities may be permitted as an accessory use in any district permitting residential use, subject to the following:
(1) Backboards shall comply with the setback regulations and shall be in such location or so screened by building or vegetation that it will not substantially adversely affect the value or reasonable enjoyment or use of adjoining property, and will not present an unattractive appearance from the street or adjoining property. The Village Manager shall determine that the provisions of this subsection are complied with before a building permit is issued.
(2) Any active use area or structure shall conform to the open area, height, and front, side and rear setback regulations of the district in which located except as is otherwise provided.
(3) In the case of tennis, badminton or other similar areas for court games where size and proper orientation limit suitable locations, the aforesaid regulations may be modified by the Village Manager upon his determination that, as the regulations are modified, the facility will not substantially adversely affect the value or reasonable enjoyment or use of adjoining property and will not present an unattractive appearance from the street or adjoining property. In addition to this general requirement, the following requirements must be met:
(a) The location as proposed is justified in terms of logical utilization of the site.
(b) In no case shall any portion of the court area be closer than five feet to a lot line.
(c) Appropriate landscaping shall be provided.
[1] The plan for such landscaping shall be submitted to and approved by the Village Manager as meeting these requirements. Such landscaping shall thereafter be continuously maintained in good condition, so long as such court continues in existence.
[2] The Village Manager may from time to time instruct the owner to make changes in or additions to the landscaping when the Village Manager determines that because of the use being made of the court or adjoining premises, changes or additions to the landscaping are necessary for continued compliance with these provisions. Such instructions shall be promptly complied with.
(d) In those cases where the Village Manager has modified the height or any setback requirement (front, side or rear), every enclosure around a court for the containment of balls or birds, etc., shall be as open as reasonably possible to permit the passage of light and air, provided that the Village Manager may permit a canvas or plastic windbreak on such court enclosure upon his determination that there will still be compliance with these provisions.
(4) The power here given to the Village Manager to modify regulations does not apply to the above regulations in respect to backboards.
H. Swimming pools. In addition to the foregoing, swimming pools shall be subject to the following:
(1) Pumps, filter, and heating equipment shall in no case be closer than 20 feet to a property line and shall be adequately housed or screened and muffled.
(2) Surfaced terraces, sundecks, and walks may be permitted no closer than five feet to a lot line where accessory to a private residential pool. In the case of public, private commercial or private noncommercial group pools, such accessory uses may be permitted no closer than 10 feet to a lot line.
(3) Reasonable precautions shall be taken to insure the safety of the pool area and to prevent it from becoming an "attractive nuisance." Pools other than those classified as "private residential" shall be completely fenced so as to prevent the unregulated entrance of young children to the pool area.
(4) Pools erected on top of the surface of the ground shall have the pool construction completely and adequately screened from the view of abutting properties by means of combined fence and landscape screen.
(5) Pools other than those classified as "private residential" or "private noncommercial group" shall conform to the following:
(a) Water supplied to the pool shall meet state standards for pure drinking water.
(b) Adequate provision shall be made for separate shower, lavatory, and dressing facilities for men and women which are well lighted, ventilated and properly equipped.
(c) Pool construction shall be of concrete, steel, or other material having an impervious smooth surface and approved by the Director of Public Works/Village Engineer.
(d) Pool shape, design, depth, and slopes shall be such as to promote safe control of the bathers in the pool.
(e) Inlets must be submerged and produce uniform circulation without "dead" spots.
(f) Outlets must be of ample size and located at the pool low points.
(g) Hose connections must be of ample size and pressure to clean all the pool area.
(h) Overflow gutters must surround the pool and have a pitch adequate to carry off all overflow.
(i) Adequate steps or ladders shall be provided to allow safe emergence from the pool and shall be made of impervious material, easily cleaned, and must not collect water or retain water.
(j) A suction cleaner must be used to remove sludge, sediment and other accumulations.
(k) Recirculation systems shall consist of pumping equipment, hair and lint catcher, filters, and all necessary fixtures and connections; must be capable of a six-hour turnover of water; and must include disinfecting equipment.
(l) All equipment must be accessible, satisfactorily located and the equipment room adequately drained.
(m) Each pool shall have available a pH and residual determination outfit.
(n) If used at night, the pool shall be adequately lighted.
For the purpose of this chapter, the Village of Fox Point is hereby divided into the following basic zoning districts: A-1, A-2, A-3, B and C Resident Districts; D Business District; E Semi-Business District, and F Institutional District. In addition to the basic districts, there is hereby created PDO, Planned Development Overlay District, and also Cultural Overlay District. Said districts are as shown and indicated on a map of the Village of Fox Point entitled "Official Zoning Map No. 21 of the Village of Fox Point." Said map is on file in the office of the Village Manager.
The district boundaries are either lot lines, the center line of streets or alleys, or the extension thereof, and where the districts designated on the Official Zoning Map which is a part of this chapter are approximately bounded by lot lines, streets or alleys, the lot lines or center line of such streets or alleys or the extension thereof shall be considered to be the district boundaries. Where the district boundaries are not shown as being either lot lines, streets or alleys or the extension thereof, unless otherwise indicated, they shall be construed to be parallel to and 120 feet from the nearest street, provided that if a lot line or an alley shall hereafter be platted and recorded paralleling within 30 feet of such district boundary, such lot line or center line of such alley shall thereupon be construed as the district boundary. In such cases, where a district boundary line divides a lot in single ownership, and where the majority of such lot is in the district requiring the lesser restrictions, these restrictions shall prevail for the entire lot, provided the area of the land located in the district with the greater restrictions does not exceed the open area requirement of said district for the erection of the proposed building.
[Amended 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-01]
A. Uses. In an A-2 Residence District, no building or premises, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected or used except for dwelling, together with accessory uses incident to the permitted use, provided always accessory use does not constitute or become a public or private nuisance.
B. Areas and yards. In an A-2 Residence District, no building may be erected, enlarged or altered except in conformity with the following:
(1) The open area of a lot on which a dwelling is erected or proposed to be erected, together with the area of abutting land reserved for highway purposes, whether private or public, to the center line thereof, shall not be reduced to less than 30,000 square feet for each family. No building not erected for a dwelling shall occupy more than 10% of the gross area of the lot or exceed a height of 25 feet.
(2) A front yard of not less than 30 feet shall be provided for every building on a lot for which a setback is not hereinafter provided for. Every building shall be set back from the center line of each adjoining street or area reserved for highway purposes, or any extension or separated portion thereof hereafter established, not less than the street setback specified upon the Official Zoning Map, except that the following reductions may be made for corner lots from the setbacks specified on the Official Zoning Map: five feet when width of lot is more than 80 feet but less than 90 feet; 10 feet when width of lot is more than 70 feet but less than 80 feet; and 15 feet when the width of lot is 70 feet or less; provided, however, that no setback will be less than 15 feet plus 1/2 the width of the abutting road or area reserved for highway purposes.
(3) A side yard of not less than 15 feet shall be provided for on each side of every building.
(4) A rear yard of not less than 20 feet shall be provided for every building.
(5) Every lot on which a building is erected shall have a minimum width of 100 feet.
(6) No single-family residence built or existing in this district shall have a height greater than 40 feet from the grade abutting the structure on the front side of the structure. For purposes of this subsection, the height of the building shall include the highest roof point of any interior portion of the structure which can be occupied, including but not limited to attic and storage structures and observatories which accommodate entry or occupancy by a person, but shall not include roof attachments such as chimneys, antennas or decorative cupolas.
[Amended 2-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-01]
A. Uses. In an A-3 Residence District, no building or premises, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be erected or used except for dwelling, together with accessory uses incident to the permitted use, provided always accessory use does not constitute or become a public or private nuisance.
B. Areas and yards. In an A-3 Residence District, no building may be erected, enlarged or altered except in conformity with the following:
(1) The open area of a lot on which a dwelling is erected or proposed to be erected, together with the area of abutting land reserved for highway purposes, whether private or public, to the center line thereof, shall not be reduced to less than 20,000 square feet for each family. No building not erected for a dwelling shall occupy more than 10% of the gross area of the lot or exceed a height of 25 feet.
(2) A front yard of not less than 30 feet shall be provided for every building on a lot for which a setback is not hereinafter provided for. Every building shall be set back from the center line of each adjoining street or area reserved for highway purposes, or any extension or separated portion thereof hereafter established, not less than the street setback specified upon the Official Zoning Map, except that the following reductions may be made for corner lots from the setbacks specified on the Official Zoning Map: five feet when width of lot is more than 80 feet but less than 90 feet; 10 feet when width of lot is more than 70 feet but less than 80 feet; and 15 feet when the width of lot is 70 feet or less; provided, however, that no setback will be less than 15 feet plus 1/2 the width of the abutting road or area reserved for highway purposes.
(3) A side yard of not less than 12 feet shall be provided for on each side of every building.
(4) A rear yard of not less than 20 feet shall be provided for every building.
(5) Every lot on which a building is erected shall have a minimum width of 90 feet.
(6) No single-family residence built or existing in this district shall have a height greater than 40 feet from the grade abutting the structure on the front side of the structure. For purposes of this subsection, the height of the building shall include the highest roof point of any interior portion of the structure which can be occupied, including, but not limited to, attic and storage structures and observatories which accommodate entry or occupancy by a person, but shall not include roof attachments such as chimneys, antennas or decorative cupolas.
[Amended 3-12-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-01]
In the F Institutional District, no building or premises shall be used, nor shall any building be constructed or enlarged, and no exterior alterations shall be made to an existing building which is arranged, intended, or designed to be used for any purpose except in conformity with the following.
A. Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the F Institutional District, subject to the limitations and conditions of Subsection
B below.
(1) Dwelling and residential uses accessory thereto as and when permitted in a B Residence District.
(2) Buildings and adjoining grounds for:
(a) Schools and municipal purposes, including storage yards;
(b) Church services, exclusive of graveyards;
(c) Social clubs or lodges, except those the chief activity of which is a service customarily carried on as a business;
(d) Community recreational, cultural and social service purposes operated on a not-for-profit basis; and
(e) Including accessory uses incident to and reasonably necessary for the furtherance of any of the above permitted uses.
(3) Convalescent or nursing homes or similar institutions for the accommodation of the aged or infirm.
B. Limitations, conditions and procedure.
[Amended 9-20-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-04]
(1) Written application for the use, construction or enlargement of premises or a building or for exterior alterations to an existing building shall be made to the Plan Commission, accompanied by such building plans, sketches, renderings, and site plans as the Plan Commission determines reasonably necessary to form an opinion. A filing fee as described in Chapter
63 of this Code shall be paid to the Village at the time of filing the application.
(2) The Plan Commission shall study such application and make its report to the Village Board advising the Village Board whether or not the Plan Commission considers that the standards have been met. The standards to be applied are:
(a) Appropriate in the location proposed;
(b) Compatible with the neighborhood;
(c) Not detrimental to the property values of surrounding property; and
(d) In keeping with the residential character and quality of the Village.
(3) If the Plan Commission reports that in its opinion any one or more of the above standards have not been met, and the Village Board on motion duly adopted agrees with this report, then the application shall be considered denied.
(4) If the Plan Commission reports that in its opinion the above standards have been met, or if the Plan Commission has reported that in its opinion any one or more of the above standards have not been met and the Village Board has not agreed with the report of the Plan Commission, then the Village Board shall schedule a public hearing on the application.
(5) Notice of such public hearing shall be given by publication at least once in the official newspaper of the Village and by mailing a copy of such notice to all property owners who own land abutting on the site or across a street from the site, not less than five days' prior to the hearing. Mailing shall be to the last known address of the respective property owners as appears from the records of the Village.
(6) If after such public hearing it shall appear to the Village Board that the standards above set forth have been met, the application shall be approved; otherwise, it shall be denied.
(7) The Plan Commission may recommend and the Village Board (whether or not recommended by the Plan Commission) may condition its approval upon the compliance with such requirements as appear reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with the above standards.
C. Exceptions. No review pursuant to Subsection
B is required in the following limited circumstances:
(1) For an alteration to the interior of an existing building or structure.
(2) For an alteration to an existing building, structure or premises, if all of the following conditions are met:
(a) The use has been approved by prior action of the Village Board;
(b) The approved use will not change as a result of the alteration;
(c) The total cost of the alteration as defined in Chapter
756, Building Construction, of this Code is $5,000 or less; and
(d) No prior alterations have been made since the date of the Village Board's approval of the use.
D. Regulation. In an F Institutional District, no building may be erected or enlarged, and no exterior alterations shall be made to an existing building, except in conformity with the following:
(1) Dwelling and accessory buildings shall conform with the provisions of §
(2) Off-street parking areas shall be provided for nonresidential buildings subject to the following:
(a) At least 117 square feet of parking area shall be provided for each seat on the basis of the posted or (in the case of proposed construction) the proposed seating capacity for a church, club, lodge, or hall for assembly. The parking square footage includes the area used for parking stalls and the driving areas between and at the end of rows of parking areas; it excludes the driveways leading into the parking area from streets, structures, other parking areas, etc. The dimensions for parking spaces and aisles shall be as follows:
[1] Ninety-degree-angle parking, two-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 19 feet; aisles 25 feet wide.
[2] Sixty-degree-angle parking, one-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 21 feet; aisles 18 feet wide.
[3] Forty-five-degree-angle parking, one-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 20 feet; aisles 14 feet wide.
[4] Ninety-degree-angle parking, one-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 19 feet; aisles 22 feet wide.
(b) In order to eliminate daily on-street parking around areas in which children are present and to eliminate on-street parking and loading of school buses, the following rules are adopted:
[1] One parking space for employees, including teachers (part- and full-time), administrators (part- and full-time), and support staff (part- and full-time);
[2] One and one-half parking spaces shall be provided per classroom to allow for visitor parking;
[3] One space shall be provided for every five students 16 years and older;
[4] Sufficient off-street parking spaces shall be provided for the safe and convenient loading and unloading of students as determined by the Director of Public Works/Village Engineer and Police Department based on the following criteria:
[a] Number of buses normally used;
[b] The time schedule of the buses;
[c] The size of the buses; and
[5] The applicant shall indicate proposed location for future parking if the need arises as determined by the Police Department;
[6] The parking square footage includes the area used for parking stalls and the driving areas between and at the end of rows of parking areas; it excludes the driveways leading into the parking area from streets, structures, and other parking areas, etc.;
[7] The dimensions for parking spaces and aisles shall be as follows:
[a] Ninety-degree-angle parking, two-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 19 feet; aisles 25 feet wide.
[b] Sixty-degree-angle parking, one-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 21 feet; aisles 18 feet wide.
[c] Forty-five-degree-angle parking, one-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 20 feet; aisles 14 feet wide.
[d] Ninety-degree-angle parking, one-way traffic: stalls nine feet by 19 feet; aisles 22 feet wide.
(c) Such off-street parking area shall be surfaced and maintained reasonably dustless in accordance with standards prescribed by the Director of Public Works/Village Engineer and shall be adequately lighted when in use.
(d) No portion of the parking area or of any driveway shall be closer than 15 feet to an adjoining residence district or the lot line of any lot on which there is an existing residence as of May 6, 1958, or closer than five feet to any street, or closer than 10 feet to any lot line, provided that by written mutual consent and agreement of owners of adjoining nonresidential property filed with the Building Inspector, this ten-foot setback may be reduced or eliminated, and no setback is required where a lot line abuts on property on which a railroad track is maintained.
(e) Where offset areas are required by Subsection
D(2)(d) above, such areas shall be landscaped and kept free from refuse and debris, and screening provided in conformity with the following:
[1] Such screening shall be of such nature as to attractively and effectively screen from ordinary view the parking area and shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works/Village Engineer.
[2] If the screening is composed entirely of plant materials, it shall be of sufficient initial depth and height and of such plant varieties as to provide adequate visual screening within no more than two years from the date of its planting and during all seasons of the year.
[3] Where architectural walls or fences are used, sufficient landscaping shall be used in connection with such fence or wall to create an attractive view from the abutting property or street, and any wall or fence shall be not less than four feet nor more than six feet in height.
[4] Such screening shall be sufficiently opaque to prevent the penetration of headlight glare.
[5] Such screening may be eliminated between adjoining parking areas by mutual agreement of the adjoining property owners executed in writing and filed with the Building Inspector.
(3) The location and design of all vehicular access driveways from the public street to the premises shall be approved by the Director of Public Works/Village Engineer on the basis of providing reasonable service to the premises with the minimum interference to the normal, safe and efficient movement of traffic and avoiding possible nuisance or adverse effect on the surrounding residential area.
(4) The provision of any exterior lighting shall be subject to Chapter
670, Article
XI, of this Code regulating exterior lighting and amendments thereto or other ordinance enacted regulating exterior lighting.
(5) Whenever any building is erected or enlarged, or exterior alterations are made to an existing building, the use of the building must be one permitted by Subsection
A, and the lot and said building shall meet the following requirements:
(a) The lot shall have a minimum street frontage of 140 feet measured along the street which said building faces.
(b) The lot shall maintain a side yard on each side of such building with a minimum width of 20 feet in respect to a building 40 feet or less in length, plus the following. The total of the side yards on both sides of said building shall be an additional two feet for every additional four feet of length of the building along the street on which the building faces. This side yard calculation shall exclude any incidental connecting corridors of only one story at the ground level that link together otherwise separate buildings or structures for the convenience of enclosed access and the purpose of which is limited to ingress and egress between the connected buildings.
[Amended 11-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-07]
(c) The building shall be placed and maintained on said lot.
(d) No such building shall cover more than 35% of the area of the lot on which it is erected or located.
(e) Every building shall be set back from the center line of each adjoining street or area reserved for highway purposes, or any extension or separated portion thereof hereafter established, not less than the street setback specified upon the Official Zoning Map; provided, however, that no setbacks will be less than 15 feet plus 1/2 the width of the abutting road or area reserved for highway purposes.
(f) No institutional building built or existing in this district shall have a height greater than 35 feet above the lowest point of the lot grade abutting the structure, excluding, however, from this height limitation religious institutions and spires, towers, chimneys and nonfunctional architectural embellishments.
[1] For institutional uses, a special exception may be sought before the Board of Appeals from any height limitation, and the Board shall consider, without limitation by enumeration herein, the following:
[a] Reasonable compatibility with the character of the immediate neighborhood.
[b] Whether there will be unreasonable interference with the aesthetics and views from residences in the surrounding area.
[c] Compatibility of the overall size of the structure in relation to the size of the lot.
[2] In no event shall the Board of Appeals grant a special exception allowing a height greater than 45 feet.
E. Doctor's Park. Milwaukee County Doctor's Park, which is identified as Parcel Tax Key No. 0579999000, is located in the F Institutional District and is hereby zoned as a park, to the full extent and meaning of the words "zoned as a park" in § 59.17(2)(b)(3), Wis. Stats.
[Added 4-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-02; amended 4-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-07]
[Amended 12-10-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-10]
A. Purpose. This section is intended to regulate mobile service facilities to the full extent allowed by Wisconsin Statutes § 66.0404 and other applicable laws. Nothing herein is intended to regulate or to authorize the regulation of mobile service facilities in a manner that is preempted or prohibited by Wisconsin Statutes § 66.0404 or other applicable laws. These regulations apply equally to small wireless facilities, however, nothing herein is intended to regulate or to authorize the regulation of small wireless facilities in a manner that is preempted or prohibited by Subpart U to Part 1 of Title 47 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations or other applicable laws or regulations.
[Amended 4-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-03]
B. Definitions. All terms used herein shall have the meaning described in Wisconsin Statutes § 66.0404(1). Mobile service support structures and mobile service facilities are referred to herein in some cases as "MSSF." "Small wireless facilities" as used herein shall have the meaning described in Part 1 Title 47 CFR Subpart U, § 1.6002(1).
[Amended 4-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-03]
C. New towers and facilities. The siting and construction of new mobile service support structures and facilities whether intended to serve small wireless facilities or any other MSSF, shall be subject to the following requirements:
[Amended 4-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-03]
(1) Application process. The applicant shall submit a written application which shall include all of the following information:
(a) The name and business address of, and the contact individual for, the applicant.
(b) The location of the proposed tower.
(c) The location of the mobile service facility.
(d) A construction plan which describes the tower, equipment, network components, antennas, transmitters, receivers, base stations, power supplies, cabling, and related equipment to be placed on or around the new tower.
(e) An explanation as to why the applicant chose the proposed location, and why the applicant did not choose co-location, including a sworn statement from the responsible party attesting that co-location within the applicant's service area would not result in the same mobile service functionality, coverage, and capacity; is technically infeasible; or is economically burdensome.
(2) Determination of completeness within 10 days of submittal. The Village Building Inspector shall review the application and determine whether the application is complete. If the application includes all of the foregoing information, the application shall be found to be complete. The Village Building Inspector shall notify the applicant in writing within 10 days of receiving the application if it is found not to be complete, and such notice shall specify in detail the required information that was incomplete. Applicants are allowed to resubmit their applications as often as necessary until it is complete.
(3) Conditional use review procedure. The MSSF shall be a conditional use, and shall be reviewed pursuant to the following procedures:
(a) Plan Commission review. After an application and all required information has been filed, the Plan Commission shall review the matter and shall make a recommendation to the Village Board.
(b) Fee. Any petition shall be accompanied by a fee as set from time to time by the Village Board to defray the cost of notification and holding of public hearing. Costs incurred by the Village in obtaining legal, planning, engineering and other technical and professional advice in connection with the review of the conditional use and preparation of the conditions to be improved shall be charged to the petitioner. Such fee shall not exceed the limits established by Wisconsin Statutes § 66.0404(4)(d).
(c) Determination. The Village Board shall hold a public hearing, upon Class 2 notice as described in Chapter 985, Wisconsin Statutes. The Village Board shall make a decision on the application within a reasonable time after receipt of the Plan Commission recommendations, provided further that final action shall be taken within 90 days of receipt of a complete application unless the time extended by the petitioner. Said decision shall be stated in writing and a copy made a permanent part of the Village records. If conditional use status is not granted, the reasons therefor will be included in such record. A grant of conditional use status, subsequent changes or additions thereto and terminations thereof shall be recorded as follows:
[1] An official record of such conditional grant shall be prepared by the Village Clerk/Treasurer on a form prescribed therefor which shall include the description of the use for which the grant is given and all conditions attached thereto. A copy of the completed form shall be recorded at the Milwaukee County Register of Deeds as a covenant on the title for the premises for which the conditional use was granted.
[2] The occupancy permit shall be appropriately noted as to the conditional status granted.
[3] Indication shall also be made on the Zoning Map by appropriate code number or symbol.
(4) Requirements.
(a) Siting standards.
[1] AMSSF shall:
[a] Be substantially screened from public view and rights-of-way by trees, mature vegetation, natural features or structures on the subject property;
[b] Be completely camouflaged in a manner that is architecturally compatible with the structure on which it is mounted and integrated as an integral architectural element of the structure; or
[c] Not contain guyed towers or lattice towers.
[2] The screening required in this section may exist on the subject property or be installed as part of the proposed MSSF or a combination of both.
[3] No MSSF shall be located on a site containing a dwelling, nor be closer than 500 feet from a property line of an existing dwelling. No MSSF shall be closer than 500 feet from the property line of a vacant lot or vacant parcel in a residentially zoned district or a school, except as follows: The minimum setback from dwellings and schools may be reduced to no less than 100 feet for communications facilities that are up to 100 feet in height that are located on lots that have existing public utility, state, federal, Milwaukee County, or Village government structure(s) at the time of the application, and provided further that the Board finds in its consideration of the conditional use order that this reduction is appropriate and consistent with the intent of the Code under all of the facts and circumstances presented.
[Amended 10-13-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-03]
[4] A MSSF shall be set back from all property lines a distance equal to the height of the MSSF and comply with any other zoning setback requirements, subject to the following. If an applicant provides the Village with engineering certification showing that the tower is designed to collapse within a smaller area than the radius equal to the height of the tower, the smaller area shall be used unless the Village has and provides to the applicant substantial evidence that the engineering certification is flawed. The front, side, or rear setbacks, building size, open space requirements, and use limitations of Chapter
745, may be modified by the Village Board in its consideration of the application and the standards of §
745-23, and shall be determined by the grant or denial of the conditional use permit. Due to the constraints of § 66.0404, Wis. Stats., and other laws, the conditional use approval procedures of this §
745-23 shall be the exclusive zoning approval procedure for a new or substantially modified MSSF, eliminating the need for any other procedural reviews or approvals described in Chapter
745, including but not limited to the review and approval procedures described §§
745-19 and
745-20; although the intent of such sections may be considered to the extent that they are relevant to the standards of this §
[Amended 10-13-2015 by Ord. No. 2015-03]
[5] A side-mounted MSSF shall not project more than 42 inches from the side of a non-dwelling unit facade, shall not extend above the highest point of the roof of the structure and shall be screened and camouflaged as required herein. The MSSF shall not project into an easement, driveway or setback unless otherwise specified in the conditional use permit.
[6] An equipment cabinet shall be located within or adjacent to the structure on which a MSSF is placed, or located below natural grade underground, if site conditions permit and if technically feasible. An equipment cabinet shall be completely screened from view by compatible wall, fence or landscaping consistent with Village landscaping guidelines, except that an equipment cabinet larger than 144 cubic feet may not be required to be totally screened from view if the Village Board finds, at its discretion, that the cabinet has been designed with a structure or facade, materials, colors or detailing that effect a structure which emulates the residential character of the area.
[7] A security barrier shall be screened from view through the use of appropriate landscaping materials consistent with Village landscaping guidelines.
(b) Design standards. The following design criteria apply to consideration of a conditional use permit for a MSSF, in addition to others which may be identified and utilized by the Village Board in its consideration of the conditional use permit or amendment thereto:
[1] Appearance. The degree to which the MSSF "blends with" or "disturbs" the setting, the subject property and its character and use, or neighboring properties and their character and use; and to the extent allowed by law, the Village shall consider the cumulative visual effects of MSSFs and any mount, specifically their appearance or domination of the skyline, natural and structural features or terrain, in determining whether to approve a conditional use permit;
[2] Form. The degree to which the shape of the MSSF and any equipment cabinet relates to its surroundings;
[3] Color. A MSSF shall be in natural tones and a nonreflective color or color scheme appropriate to the background against which the MSSF would be viewed from a majority of points within its viewshed. "Natural" tones are those reflected in the natural features and structural background against which the MSSF is viewed from a majority of points within its viewshed. Final colors and color scheme must be approved by the Village Board;
[4] Size. The silhouette of the MSSF shall be reduced to minimize visual impact.
[5] Materials. Materials will be durable and maintain their aesthetic appearance.
(c) Noise and environmental standards.
[1] To the extent allowed by law, the following noise and environmental standards apply to consideration of a conditional use permit for a MSSF in addition to the monitoring requirements of this section:
[a] MSSF shall not generate noise in excess of 50 decibels (dba).
[b] An environmental assessment is required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for any MSSF prior to commencing operations where any of the following exist: wilderness area; wildlife preserve; endangered species; historical site; Indian religious site; floodplain; high intensity white lights in residential neighborhoods. An environmental assessment which, at a minimum, conforms with FCC requirements shall be submitted to the Village for each MSSF where any of the above exists, and when the FCC requires such an environmental assessment to be submitted to the FCC. If the applicant has determined that an environmental assessment is not required pursuant to FCC rules, this article and applicable state law and Village Code, a written certification to that effect must be submitted to the Village. If an application has not included an environmental assessment that the Village finds to be necessary under the National Environmental Policy Act, the Village may prepare, or cause to be prepared, such an environmental assessment at the applicant's expense. The environmental assessment shall be amended or revised by the applicant within 30 days after notice to do so from the Village when modifications are made or occur on the MSSF. Failure to amend or revise shall constitute grounds for revocation of the conditional use permit or amendment.
[2] Within 90 days after the approval of the conditional use permit, and annually from the date of approval of the permit or amendment, the permittee shall submit existing and maximum future projected measurements of noise from the MSSF for the following:
[a] Existing MSSF: maximum noise from the MSSF.
[b] Existing MSSF plus cumulative: maximum estimate of noise from the existing MSSF plus the maximum estimate of noise from the total addition of co-located MSSFs.
[c] Certification, signed by an acoustical engineer, stating that noise measurements are accurate and meet Subsection C(4)(c)[2](a) above.
(d) Co-location and limitations.
[1] A permittee shall cooperate with other personal wireless service carriers in co-locating antennas and mounts, provided the proposed co-locators have received a conditional use permit for the use at such site from the Village. A permittee shall exercise good faith in co-locating other personal wireless service carriers and sharing the permitted site, provided such shared use does not give rise to a substantial technical level impairment of the ability to provide the permitted use (i.e., a significant interference in broadcast or reception capabilities).
[2] All applicants shall demonstrate reasonable efforts in developing a co-location alternative for their proposal. Applicants choosing to construct a new mobile service support structure must provide an explanation as to why the applicant chose the proposed location and why the applicant did not choose co-location. Such explanation shall include a sworn statement from an individual who has responsibility over the placement of the mobile service support structure attesting that co-location within the applicant's search ring would not result in the same mobile service functionality, coverage, and capacity; is technically infeasible ; or is economically burdensome to the mobile service provider.
[3] Failure to comply with the co-location requirements of this section may result in the denial of a permit request or revocation of an existing permit.
(e) Aesthetic requirements. The following aesthetic standards apply:
[1] In areas where facilities are currently nonexistent or underground, undergrounding is required.
[2] No new aboveground structures, including colocations on existing structures, shall be placed within 500 feet of an historic structure recognized as a historic landmark by the U.S. Department of the Interior, or the State of Wisconsin Historical Society. The 500-foot separation is waived for installations that are completely concealed from view, or are not visible from locations where the historic structure can be observed.
[3] Attachments to existing structures shall be designed to be flush with the existing structure as much as can reasonably be done, shall be a color that matches the existing structure and shall be the smallest size possible to reasonably accommodate the intended purpose. If the structure to which the attachment is made changes color due to repainting, resurfacing or other means, the attachment shall be modified to match the new color.
[4] Any party objecting to the requirements of this Subsection
C(4)(e) shall have an opportunity to demonstrate that the requirement constitutes an effective prohibition in violation of state or federal law, upon application to the Village Board, and the Village Board shall waive the requirement if it finds the standard to effectively prohibit the expansion of wireless technology in the Village or otherwise violate state or federal law.
(5) Permit limitations and general conditions.
(a) In addition to the general authority of the Village to review a conditional use permit, the conditional use shall be reviewed in each of every fifth year after the date of permit approval. Continuation of the use after each such review shall be specifically conditioned upon continued compliance with all existing regulations affecting the MSSF.
(b) The conditional use permit shall become null, void and nonrenewable if the permitted facility is not constructed and placed into use within one year of the date of Village Board permit approval, provided that the conditional use permit may be extended one time for six months if construction has commenced before expiration of the initial year.
(c) The permit shall expire and the permittee must remove the MSSF if the use is discontinued for a period in excess of 90 days in any three-hundred-sixty-five-day period. A permittee shall notify the Village in writing at least 30 days prior to abandonment or discontinuance of the conditional use permit.
(d) If the conditional use permit expires, terminates, is abandoned or revoked for any reason pursuant to this section, if removal of the MSSF is required in this article, or if the use is discontinued pursuant to this section, the MSSF shall be removed as required herein. If the MSSF is not so removed, the Village may cause the facility to be removed and all expenses of removal shall be paid by the owner of the land where the facility is located. If not paid by the owner within 30 days of notice by the Village, the Village's costs shall be charged against the property pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0627, and shall constitute a lien against the subject property. The term "remove" shall include but not be limited to the following:
[1] Removal of antenna, equipment cabinet, security barrier from the site;
[2] Transportation of the antenna, mount, equipment, equipment cabinet or security barrier to a location off-site; if the location is within the Village limits, it is subject to approval by the Village.
[3] Restoration of the site of the MSSF to its natural condition, except that any landscaping and grading shall remain in finished condition.
(e) The permittee(s) and the personal wireless service carrier shall jointly and severally warrant and represent to the Village and its residents the safety of the MSSF. The personal wireless service carrier and the permittee(s), upon granting of a conditional use permit or amendment for a MSSF use, shall indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Village, its officers and agents and residents, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney fees (collectively "liabilities") incurred by the Village arising directly or indirectly from: the MSSF use as contemplated herein and within the conditional use permit; and the installation and operation of the MSSF. The personal wireless service carriers' compliance with this section is an express condition of the conditional use permit and is binding on any and all of personal wireless service carriers or permittee(s) successors and assigns. The requirements of this section shall survive the termination of any such permit or amendment.
(f) The permittee shall carry a commercial general liability insurance policy with limits of liability not less than $1,000,000 general aggregate, $1,000,000 personal injury and $1,000,000 each occurrence. Permittee shall also carry umbrella liability insurance with limits of liability not less than $10,000,000 each occurrence, $10,000,000 aggregate. Coverage under either policy shall not contain a standard form pollution exclusion, nor shall it exclude claims or suits that arise from the effects of electromagnetic fields or radiation, if such coverage is available. The maximum deductible shall be $5,000 per occurrence.
(g) The permittee shall maintain the MSSF to standards that are imposed by the Village at the time of granting of a permit or amendment thereto. Such maintenance shall include, but shall not be limited to, maintenance of the paint, structural integrity and landscaping. If the permittee fails to maintain the facility, the Village may undertake the maintenance at the expense of the permittee or terminate or revoke the permit, at its sole option. If such maintenance expense is not paid by the owner within 30 days of notice by the Village, the permittee agrees that the Village's costs shall constitute a lien upon the subject property upon its execution and filing with the county recorder's office.
(h) A conditional use permit or amendment granted to a permittee is specific to the owner and personal wireless service carrier and may not be assigned; provided, however, that the personal wireless service carrier may assign its interest in the permit to any subsidiary or other affiliate of the personal wireless service carrier. In the event of such assignment, the assignee shall re-execute the conditional use permit or amendment thereto within 30 days of the effective date of the assignment or the permit shall automatically expire. Permittee shall notify the Village of any change in ownership or operations of the MSSF at least 90 days prior to such change taking place for approval by the Village, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
(i) Where the Village Board finds that strict compliance with the requirements of this section may result in extraordinary hardship or are needed to ensure the Village's compliance with federal or state law, the Village Board may modify such requirements only upon a written showing by the permittee(s) of noncompliance with applicable law or extraordinary hardship so that substantial justice may be done and the public interest secured. "Hardship," as used herein, shall include, but not be limited to, a finding that special circumstances applicable to the property, including its size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, will deprive such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the same classification in the same zoning district through the strict application of this chapter. In granting such modifications, the Village Board may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objective of the standards or requirements so varied and modified.
(j) Any violation of the terms of this section or the conditional use permit may result in revocation by the Village of the conditional use permit. The Village may revoke the conditional use permit upon 60 days' prior notice, if, in its sole judgment, it determines the MSSF poses a safety risk. If such safety risk(s) are not cured by the permittee within 60 days after notice from the Village, the Village may revoke or modify the conditional use permit. Acceptance of any portion of the conditional use permit is acceptance of the entire conditional use permit and the terms of this section.
(k) Within 90 days after issuance of the FCC operational permit, the personal wireless service carrier shall provide a copy of such permit to the Village and register the MSSF, providing information and data as may be requested by the Village. Any change in the permit or registration data shall be filed with the Village within 30 days after the change is made. The personal wireless service carrier shall submit to the Village a copy of its FCC Form 600 prior to the Village's approval of final inspection of a building permit for the MSSF or portion thereof.
(l) The Village and its agents are authorized to enter on the subject property and MSSF site for the purpose of inspection and determining compliance with this section and the provisions of the conditional use permit.
(6) Limitations upon authority. The Village review and action in the matter shall be subject to the limitations imposed by Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.0404(4). In the event the applicant believes the Village has exceeded its authority in this regard, the applicant shall notify the Village Board in writing and the Village Board reserves the right to reconsider the matter, to ensure that applicable laws are followed.
D. Modifications. The construction of modifications to an existing mobile service support structure or mobile service facility, and any installation of a small wireless facility on an existing structure, shall be subject to the following requirements:
[Amended 4-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-03]
(1) Substantial modification.
(a) Application and review process. A substantial modification is regulated the same as a new structure or facility, as described in Subsection
C above, except that the required plans should describe the proposed modifications, rather than describe the new structure or facility.
(2) Not substantial modifications.
(a) Application information. The applicant shall submit a written application that describes the applicant's basis for concluding that the modification is not substantial, and all of the following information:
[1] The name and business address of, and the contact individual for, the applicant.
[2] The location of the affected support structure.
[3] The location of the proposed facility.
(b) Completeness determination within five days. The Village Building Inspector will determine whether the application is complete. If the application includes all of the foregoing information, the application shall be found to be complete. The Village Building Inspector must notify the applicant in writing within five days of receiving the application if it is found not to be complete, specifying in detail the required information that was incomplete. The applicant may resubmit as often as necessary until it is complete.
(c) Fee. Any petition shall be accompanied by a fee as set from time to time by the Village Board to defray the cost of review. Costs incurred by the Village in obtaining legal, planning, engineering and other technical and professional advice in connection with the review of the conditional use and preparation of the conditions to be improved shall be charged to the petitioner. Such fee shall not exceed the limits established by Wisconsin Statutes § 66.0404(4)(d).
(d) Determination. The Village Board shall make a decision on the application within a reasonable time after receipt of the Plan Commission recommendations, provided further that final action shall be taken within 45 days of receipt of a complete application unless the time is extended by the petitioner. Said decision shall be stated in writing and a copy made a permanent part of the Village records. If approval is not granted, the reasons therefor will be included in such record.
(e) Limitations upon authority. The Village review and action in the matter shall be subject to the limitations imposed by Wisconsin Statutes § 66.0404(4), and such other laws as may apply which may include 47 U.S.C.A. § 1455. In the event the applicant believes the Village has exceeded its authority in this regard, the applicant shall notify the Village Board in writing and the Village Board reserves the right to reconsider the matter, to ensure that applicable laws are followed.
Any building any portion of which will be above the grade of the lot on which it is erected which will be used by a public utility may be erected in any district in the Village, provided the provisions of this chapter, except the purpose for which the building is to be used, are complied with, and provided further the application for the building permit is referred by the Building Inspector to the Plan Commission and the Plan Commission determines that the building, when erected, is reasonably necessary for the public convenience and welfare and in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter, and the Plan Commission may authorize the issuance of a permit subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards to accomplish such purpose.
In the event that there is any land in the Village of Fox Point which, as shown by the Official Zoning Map or amendments thereto, is not included in a zoning district, or if the provisions of the ordinance placing any land in a zoning district are held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, either in its entirety or as to a specific lot, piece or parcel of land, then each such lot, piece or parcel of land shall be considered as in a C Residence District.
It shall be among the duties of the Building Inspector of the Village of Fox Point to see that the requirements of this chapter are met and the provisions thereof enforced insofar as lies within his power under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and the ordinances of the Village of Fox Point. Appeals from the decisions of the Building Inspector involving this chapter shall be taken to the Board of Appeals as provided for in § 62.23(7)(e), Wis. Stats., and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto.
A copy of the complete plans and specifications for the erection or alteration of any permanent structure within the Village of Fox Point, including sewage disposal and water system, with all information necessary for the completion of the work, together with a statement of ownership and a survey of the property showing thereon the exact location of all existing and proposed buildings and systems, shall be filed with the Building Inspector, but no such work shall be commenced by any person without first receiving a permit from the Building Inspector, who shall issue or refuse such permit in writing within 20 days after proper application therefor.
No premises shall be occupied or used and no buildings now or hereafter erected or altered shall be occupied, used or changed until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector of the Village of Fox Point stating that the building or proposed use of the building or premises complies with the provisions of the laws of the State of Wisconsin and the ordinances of the Village of Fox Point with respect to the health, building and zoning regulations.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit any officer of the Village of Fox Point with the powers of a peace officer from instituting proper proceedings for the restraint of violation of this chapter or the apprehension and punishment of a person violating any of the provisions of this chapter in the manner provided by law. Furthermore, the proper authorities or any adjacent or neighboring property owner who shall be specially damaged by violation of this chapter may, in addition to other remedies, institute an action or other proceeding pursuant to the provisions of § 62.23(7)(f), Wis. Stats., and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto.
Each day during which a violation of this chapter exists, regardless of whether the violation occurred by reason of an act of commission or a mere failure to act or an act of omission, shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
This chapter may be amended from time to time following the procedure as provided by Wisconsin Statutes then in effect for amendment of zoning ordinances.
[Amended 8-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-12]
A. The Village President, pursuant to the Wisconsin Statutes, shall, subject to the confirmation by the Board of Trustees, appoint members and alternate members of a Board of Appeals with terms of office commencing April 1 and shall designate one of the members as Chairperson.
B. The Board of Appeals shall have all the powers and authority vested in such a board by § 62.23(7)(e), Wis. Stats., and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto.
C. In addition to the authority granted under § 62.23(7)(e), Wis. Stats., the Board of Appeals shall have the power and authority to grant a special exception from the dimensional requirements of this chapter where the Board of Appeals finds it necessary, based upon the facts of an individual case, to provide a reasonable accommodation to a disabled person, subject to the following. A special exception under this section may waive or modify the dimensional requirements of applicable zoning regulation(s) only to the extent reasonably required to provide a reasonable accommodation for the disability. A special exception shall not fundamentally alter the nature of a program (e.g., altering the fundamental purpose of the zoning regulation) or impose undue financial or administrative burdens on the Village of Fox Point. Dimensional requirements for which a special exception may be granted under this section are limited to open area, front yard, rear yard and side yard requirements of applicable zoning district regulations. A special exception granted under this section should generally expire upon the termination of the occupancy of the property by the disabled person, and the Board of Appeals may so condition the grant of the special exception and require the recording of a deed restriction setting forth the terms of the special exception and the termination thereof. For purposes of this section, "disability" shall be construed to have the meaning set forth in 42 U.S.C. § 12102, Title II of the Americans With Disabilities Act, and regulations pertaining thereto, as amended from time to time.
D. The Board of Appeals may adopt such rules or regulations with respect to the time of its meetings and the procedure at its meetings as it may deem appropriate and shall, subject to the Wisconsin Statutes applicable thereto, specify the procedure pursuant to which appeals shall be taken to it, be heard and disposed of by it. All rules or regulations adopted by the Board of Appeals shall be reduced to written form, and the original thereof, identified by signature of the Chairperson of the Board, shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk/Treasurer.
E. Wherever in the ordinances of the Village of Fox Point reference is made to a Board of Appeals, it shall be deemed to refer to the Board appointed pursuant to this section of this chapter.
F. In Board of Appeals actions involving special exceptions and variances, in addition to any notice requirements under any applicable state or federal law, or as otherwise provided in the Village of Fox Point Code, the Village Clerk/Treasurer, or his or her designee, shall provide notice by first class mailing to the owners or occupants of all properties within 500 feet of the subject property at least 21 days prior to any hearing or proceeding.
G. A filing fee as described in Chapter
63 of this Code shall be paid to the Village at the time of filing any application with the Board of Appeals.
As a special exception, where there is a violation of this chapter and no order or decision of the Building Inspector has been made in respect to such violation, application may be made to the Board of Appeals for variance, and the Board shall hear and decide such application as though it was an appeal from an order of the Building Inspector requiring compliance with this chapter.