[Amended 11-20-2019]
There shall be a Harbor Committee, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, and consisting of a member of the Board of Selectmen, a member of the Planning Board, the Harbor Master, the Deputy Harbor Master and three members who are citizens at large.
Citizen-at-large members shall represent as many diverse interests in Islesboro's shoreland as possible, i.e., commercial boat owners, recreational boat owners, abutting land and business owners, members of Town boards and committees, etc.
Initially one citizen-at-large member is to be appointed for one year and two for two years, and thereafter each term of office shall be for three years. Each year, prior to the Board of Selectmen's annual organizational meeting, the Harbor Committee shall meet for the purpose of making recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for the appointment of new members for a term of three years to fill the vacancies created by the terms expiring on that anniversary. Current members shall be eligible for reappointment.
A member of the Harbor Committee who is absent from three consecutive regular meetings without reasons acceptable to the Chairman of the Committee shall be subject to dismissal from the Committee. A member who develops an inability to serve on the Committee shall be asked to resign. The Committee shall, at its next regular meeting, make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for a replacement for any vacancy resulting from these actions or caused by the death or resignation of a Committee member.
The Purpose of the Harbor Committee shall include harbor planning and recommending operational and regulatory procedures for the navigable waters of the Town of Islesboro, including its channels and anchorages. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen, the Town Manager, the Planning Board, and other state agencies concerning actions it deems advisable to enhance the Town's harbor facilities for the long-range benefit of the users of these facilities and the Town. Such recommendations shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, policy, operational procedures and regulations, fees, public access, long-range planning, proposed dock, pier, incline and float construction permitting, and an operational and capital budget for the waterfront facilities belonging to the Town.
A regularly scheduled meeting shall be held four times a year, December, April, July and October, on the third Thursday of each month. The December meeting of each year will be used for the preparation and approval of the budget recommendations for the coming fiscal year.
Special meetings may be called by the Chair, or requested through the Chair by the Harbor Master, the Board of Selectmen, or the Town Manager, or upon the request of at least three members of the Committee.
The first regular meeting held after the annual organizational meeting of the Board of Selectmen shall be known as the "Harbor Committee organizational meeting." The purpose of this meeting shall be the election and installation of officers for the coming year, the presentation of the annual report of the Committee, and any other business that may come before the meeting.
Four members constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting, provided that at least one of the members present is either the Chair or Vice Chair.
The officers of the Harbor Committee shall be a Chair, a Vice Chair, and a secretary, each of whom shall be elected at the annual organizational meeting of the Harbor Committee (see § 142-7C) for a term of one year. If any officer is unable for any reason to serve the full term of office, the Chair or the Vice Chair shall call a special meeting of the Committee for the purpose of electing a successor for the unexpired portion of the term of that office.
The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Committee; appoint all subcommittees; represent the Committee at public affairs; and shall maintain the dignity and efficiency of the Committee in all possible ways.
The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence.
The secretary shall be responsible for the Committee's compliance with its obligations under this chapter with respect to its official correspondence. The actual preparation of such correspondence, as well as the minutes of the Committee's meetings, shall be done by a paid professional hired by the Town to serve as secretary to the Committee. The secretary to the Committee shall also maintain the Committee's files of correspondence and minutes of its meetings.
Nominations for officers of the Committee shall be made from the floor at either a regular or a special meeting of the Committee. The candidate for each office receiving a majority vote of those present at the meeting shall be elected.
If more than one candidate is nominated for a particular office, voting shall be by written ballot.
Neither the Harbor Master nor the Deputy Harbor Master may serve as Chair or Vice Chair.
[Amended 11-20-2019]
It shall be the duty of each member of the Committee to take an active part in the Committee's deliberations and to act in whatever capacity he or she may be called upon to assist the Committee to achieve its purposes as outlined above in § 142-6.
All members shall serve without remuneration.
Any member may inspect the equipment of the Town's harbor facilities at any time and report his or her findings to the Committee.
Subcommittees may be appointed by the Chair to assist the Harbor Committee in achieving its purpose as outline in § 142-6 of this chapter.
Members of a subcommittee need not be members of the Harbor Committee.
A subcommittee established for the purpose of issuing comments to state and federal agencies for pier, dock, float, and wharf applications shall consist of the Committee Chair, either the Harbor Master or the Deputy Harbor Master, and one other Committee member, both of the Chair's choosing.
Both residents and nonresidents may serve as members of subcommittees, provided that they possess the requisite skills and knowledge to contribute to the subcommittee's assignment.
The Chair of a subcommittee shall be a member of the Harbor Committee.