The Town of Holland Board shall not recognize any division of land in the Town of Holland that does not comply with the requirements of Article IV of this chapter, and no permits shall be authorized by the Town of Holland for any division of land not in compliance with this chapter.
Any division of land, respective to both proposed use and building placement, shall be in conformance with the Town of Holland Comprehensive Plan.
[Amended 4-12-2021 by Ord. No. 3-2021]
Lots resulting from a division of land shall be in conformance with the Chapter 330, Zoning, Town of Holland.
Environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) located within the boundaries of a division of land shall be located and mapped on the dividing instrument (i.e., plat or certified survey map).
Development shall not be located within designated ESAs which are defined as:
Navigable waterways.
Any and all resultant parcels or lots, inclusive of the original remnant parcel or lot, from a minor or major land division, shall be prohibited from future divisions for a period of 10 years from the Town approval date of such division of land, except as permitted under the regulations of Article IX of this chapter or if the primary intent of the land division is to enable a public right-of-way procurement by the State of Wisconsin, Sheboygan County, or the Town of Holland. This regulation prohibiting further divisions of land shall be incorporated into all documents conveying the division of land (i.e., CSM and plat) and recorded with the Sheboygan County Register of Deeds.
[Amended 6-8-2020 by Ord. No. 7-2020; 5-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-04]
The length, width, and shape of blocks shall be suited to the planned use of the land, zoning requirements, needs for convenient access, control, and safety of street traffic, and the limitations and opportunities of topography.
Blocks for residential development shall not be more than 1,500 feet in length unless otherwise dictated by exceptional topography or other limiting factors of good design as expressly approved by the Town Board upon the recommendation of the Town Plan Commission.
Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth except where otherwise required to separate residential development from public rights-of-way, navigable waterways, public parks, corporate boundaries, or except as may be necessary due to extreme topography.
The size, shape, and orientation of lots shall be appropriate for the location of the land division and for the type of development and use contemplated.
Lots shall abut a public street.
Lot lines shall be perpendicular to the street line and to the tangent at the lot corner of curved streets unless otherwise dictated by natural or physical features or other limiting factors of good design as expressly approved by the Town Board upon the recommendation of the Town Plan Commission.
[Amended 11-29-2010 by Ord. No. 4-2010]
Lots shall maintain a minimum road frontage of:
Sixty-six feet for lots accessed from a public road.
Forty feet for lots accessed from a cul-de-sac.
Lots shall maintain a minimum width of:
Sixty-six feet for lots served by municipal sanitary sewers or other county- and state-approved off-site cluster or common sewage disposal systems.
One hundred feet for lots served by on-site sewage disposal systems.
Lots shall maintain a minimum area of:
Ten thousand square feet for lots served by municipal sanitary sewers or other county- and state-approved off-site cluster or common sewage disposal systems.
Twenty thousand square feet for lots served by on-site sewage disposal systems.
Double frontage lots are prohibited except where necessary to provide separation of residential development from public rights-of-way or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation.
Flag lots.
Flag lots may be permitted when the Town Board, upon recommendation from the Town Plan Commission, makes all of the following findings:
The flag lot, if granted, would be consistent with the general intent of this chapter.
The flag lot, if granted, would be in conformance with the Town of Holland Zoning Ordinance, including but not limited to proposed use, minimum lot size and building placement.
The flag lot, if granted, would be consistent with the general intent of the Town of Holland Comprehensive Plan.
[Amended 4-12-2021 by Ord. No. 3-2021]
The flag lot, if granted, would be consistent with the general intent of the Sheboygan County Farmland Preservation Plan, if applicable.
Area and yard requirements for flag lots.
The pole area of the lot shall maintain a minimum road frontage and width of 66 feet.
The flag area of the lot shall maintain width and yard requirements as identified in the applicable zoning district. The required minimum width shall be measured along the front lot line (as defined in § 220-9) of the subject lot.
The flag lot (pole plus flag) shall maintain a minimum area as identified in the applicable zoning district.
Approval procedures for flag lots: the subdivider shall follow the procedures for a minor land division under Article VII of Chapter 220, Land Division, for the approval of a flag lot and, if applicable, Article XVI of Chapter 330, Zoning, or Article IX of Chapter 220, Land Division, for any required variances.
Street arrangement.
Arterial streets shall be arranged so as to provide ready access to centers of employment, governmental activity, commerce and recreation, and shall be properly integrated with the existing and proposed system of major streets and highway.
Collector streets shall be arranged so as to provide ready collection of traffic from residential areas and conveyance of this traffic to the arterial street and highway system, and shall be properly related to mass transportation systems, to special traffic generators such as schools, churches, and shopping centers, to other concentrations of population, and to the arterial streets into which they feed.
Local streets shall be arranged to conform as much as possible to topography, to discourage use by through traffic, to permit the design of efficient storm drainage and sanitary sewer systems, and to require the minimum amount of street area necessary to provide safe and convenient access to property.
Proposed streets shall extend to the boundary lines of the land division, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions, or unless the Town Board, upon the recommendation of the Town Plan Commission, finds that such extension is not necessary or desirable for the coordination of the land division or development of the adjacent property.
Design of streets.
The minimum design standards of all streets within the Town of Holland shall be in conformance with Chapter 298, Streets and Sidewalks, Town of Holland, and Sheboygan County Code of Ordinances Chapter 71.
Utility easement.
Perpetual, unobstructed easements centered on side or rear lot lines shall be provided for private and municipal utilities, and such easements shall be at least 12 feet wide and shall be designated as "Utility Easements" on the plat or certified survey map.
Drainage easement.
Where a division of land traverses a stream, channel, watercourse, or drainageway, a drainage easement shall be provided conforming to the lines of such stream, channel, watercourse, or drainageway, and of such width and/or construction as will be adequate for the purpose. The location, width, alignment, and improvement of such drainage easement shall be consistent with the stormwater management and erosion control plans required in § 220-19 of this chapter. Such drainage easement shall be designated on the plat or certified survey map.
The Town Board, upon recommendation of the Town Plan Commission, shall require the subdivider to provide stormwater management and erosion control plans whenever it determines from the initial review of the preliminary plat or certified survey map that the soil, slope, vegetation, easements and/or other characteristics of the site are such as to require significant cutting, clearing, grading, shoreline stabilization, or other land-disturbing activities in the development of the land division. Specifications and guidelines contained in "Sheboygan County Erosion Control and Storm Water Management Guidelines," "Sheboygan County Erosion Control and Storm Water Management Guidelines: Technical Reference," and all applicable state and federal regulations shall provide the primary framework for any design plans required under this chapter.
Regardless of whether a stormwater management and erosion control plan is required, all land-disturbing activity shall be conducted so as to prevent erosion and sedimentation. All areas in which the surface of the land is disturbed by construction shall be promptly seeded and mulched, sodded, or otherwise suitably protected against erosion and sedimentation in a manner satisfactory to the Town Board and the subdivider.