[Ord. 3, 6/3/1953, § 1]
From and after the passage of this Part the Township Supervisors shall appoint a Chief of Police and as many other paid policemen as they may deem necessary for the general order and government and for the preservation of the peace of the Township.
[Ord. 3, 6/3/1953, § 2; as amended by Ord. 119, 4/14/1998]
The Chief of Police and any other appointed policemen shall be qualified persons who are registered electors and residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 3, 6/3/1953, § 3; as amended by Ord. 119, 4/14/1998]
The Chief of Police shall be the chief executive officer of the Police Department, subject to the orders of the Township Supervisors, and explicit obedience must be given to him by all employees of the Police Department.
[Ord. 3, 6/3/1953, § 4]
The Chief of Police shall maintain a constant supervision of the general conduct and efficiency of the police, and from time to time make such suggestions and directions as he may deem advisable for promoting the health, comfort and discipline of the force.
[Ord. 3, 6/3/1953, § 5]
The Chief of Police and each policeman appointed as aforesaid shall be an ex officio constable of the Township and shall and may, without warrant and upon view, arrest and commit for hearing any and all persons guilty of breach of the peace, vagrancy, riotous and disorderly conduct, or drunkenness, or who may be engaged in the commission of any unlawful act tending to imperil the personal security or endanger the property of the citizens, or in violating any of the ordinances of said Township for which a fine or penalty is imposed. The keepers or persons in charge of jails, lockups or station houses shall receive all persons arrested by such policemen for the commission of any offense against the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania within said Township.
[Ord. 3, 6/3/1953, § 6; as amended by Ord. 119, 4/14/1998]
The policemen shall be compensated in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement in effect from time to time.
[Res. 1996-4, 3/12/1996; as amended by Ord. 119, 4/14/1998]
Purpose. Police officers, as a result of performing official duties, may be summoned to appear for testimony in civil matters. A clearly defined procedure is needed in order to maintain the integrity of all departmental records and provide guidance for officers to respond to summons for civil proceedings.
Policy. Officers of the Ralpho Township Police Department will participate in civil proceedings only after having received a valid subpoena from the proper court of jurisdiction.
Officer's Responsibilities.
Inform the Chief of Police as soon as possible of the receipt of a subpoena.
Review the case subject of the subpoena and prepare for the court appearance or other proceeding.
Upon the direction of the Police Chief, appear before the court or other proceeding on the date and time requested with any and all other materials specified within the subpoena and provide the necessary testimony.
Responsibilities of the Chief of Police.
Contact the person requesting the officer(s) participation and inform him/her of the following:
The subpoena will be honored by the officer(s) listed.
Before any conversation with the officer(s) subpoenaed takes place, the estimated costs incurred by this Department for said participation must be remitted to Ralpho Township 10 days in advance of the proceeding.
The nature of the costs that will be estimated.
The total estimated cost to be invoiced by the Township.
At the conclusion of the proceedings, the actual cost will be calculated. Any overpayment will be refunded and a request for additional payment will be submitted if the estimate was insufficient.
Provide the Township Secretary with the estimated costs including, but not limited to:
Officer's salary, including travel time, rounded to the nearest half hour, based upon the current employment contract.
Mileage allowance, based upon the current I.R.S. guidelines.
Report reproduction at a rate of $0.50 per sheet.
Photo reproduction at the actual cost of negative duplication plus officer's time and mileage.
Postage, at the actual rate.
Any other expense incurred by the Township to fulfill the requirements of the subpoena.
Notify the District Attorney of any subpoenas received that request information and/or evidence regarding a current criminal investigation.
Notify the Township Solicitor of any failure on the part of the requester to comply with any of the above conditions, to petition the court of jurisdiction for a stay of the subpoena(s).
Cause any records or evidence requested to be duplicated and prepared for the proceeding listed.
Direct the officer(s) subpoenaed to appear, testify and produce the information requested.