Res. 3/24/1950
Authorizing the placement of all the Township's funds in the First National Bank of Elysburg.
Res. 1/1/1952
Entering into an agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to provide coverage of public employees under the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance.
Res. 9/1/1954
Authorizing the Township Secretary to make application to the Baltimore Life Insurance Company for a retirement annuity contract or a contract of insurance on the retirement plan on the life of Harold Benning.
Res. 3/5/1957
Authorizing the Township to place on the primary election ballot of May 21, 1957, if the residents of the Township favor Township Police.
Res. 7/11/1961
Authorizing the Township to make application to the Department of Highways, Traffic Division, in order to erect, operate and maintain traffic signals at the intersection of Routes 45 and 242 in Elysburg, Pennsylvania.
Res. 4/9/1962
Authorizing the Township Planning Commission to make application for an Urban Planning Assistance Grant under §701 of the National Housing Act of 1954.
Res. 10/24/1962
Authorizing the Township to enact a deed transfer tax ordinance under the authority of the Act of June 25, 1947, P.L. 1145, as amended.
Res. 10/29/1963
Authorizing that all obligations and responsibilities as well as all benefits related to a grant of federal monies under Project Number 24: APW-PA-168 belong to the Municipal Authority of Ralpho Township beginning on October 29, 1963.
Res. 11/26/1963
Authorizing that the project for erection of a sewerage system, sewage treatment plant and lift station be terminated and the Township hereby refuses to accept the offer of grant of the Housing and Home Finance Agency under Project APW:PA 168 and revokes any agreement to assign the same to the Municipal Authority of Ralpho Township.
Res. 2/9/1965
Authorizing the Township to adopt an ordinance for the levy, assessment and collection of a tax for general revenue purposes on salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation of the residents of the Township beginning July 1, 1965 and ending December 31, 1965.
Res. 12/10/1968
Authorizing that the Northumberland County Planning Commission be designated as the representative agency to continue area wide planning for the Township and adjoining municipalities.
Res. 12/30/1968
Authorizing the Township to apply to the Department of Transportation in order that the Township may erect, operate and maintain flashing beacons at the intersection of LR 182, 283 and 632 (T.R. 54 and 487).
Res. 8/25/1970
Designating that the Municipal Authority of the Township must pay interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the unpaid balance of $14,000 for a period of three years from the date of the promissory note to be signed by said Municipal Authority.
Res. 9/8/1970A
Approving the Defense Emergency Operation Plan as the official Civil Defense Emergency Plan for the Township.
Res. 3/9/1971
Authorizing that Harry W. Slagie as the designated representative of the Northumberland County Planning Advisory Committee.
Res. 9/14/1971
Authorizing the Township to participate in the purchasing of materials and supplies and equipment under the regulations of Act 31.
Res. 12/14/1971
Authorizing the Township to examine the proposal to form a Council of Governments for the LAREDO region and to name a delegate and alternate to a committee to continue discussing the proposal.
Res. 7/11/1972A
Authorizing the Township Secretary to make application to the appropriate State office in order to obtain certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act.
Res. 9/12/1972
Authorizing the Army Corps of Engineers to remove debris from Roaring Creek and its tributaries and to rebuild channels where necessary as a result of damage done by the flood of June 23, 1972.
Res. 3/13/1973
Authorizing the Township to appropriate $2,000 for the protection of persons and property and $10,000 be allocated to capital expenditures for the purchase of equipment.
Authorizing the Municipal Authority to enter in, under and upon any and all public streets or other ways and granting the Authority the right and easement to construct and maintain such sewer facilities under such streets and ways.
Res. 5/1/1973
Authorizing the Township to loan to the Municipal Authority $2,500 to be used for the purchase of easements for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewage disposal system and that said loan should be repaid within 60 days.
Res. 5/2/1973
Authorizing the Township to loan to the Municipal Authority $2,500 to be used for the purchase of easements for the purpose of constructing a sanitary sewage disposal system and that said loan should be repaid within 60 days.
Res. 10/9/1973A
Establishing the Ralpho Township Public Library as the legal agent of Ralpho Township.
Res. 10/9/1973B
Requiring as of October 9, 1973, that prior to any construction the property owner must obtain a building permit in order to comply with the National Flood Insurance Program regulations.
Res. 8/28/1974
Authorizing the Township to make application for liquid fuel allocations in the amount of $25,000 in order to help defray the cost of construction of a Township road.
Authorizing the Township to enter into a cooperative agreement with other Townships for police protection.
Res. 6/10/1975A
Authorizing the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources to make payment pursuant to §9 of the Act of January 24, 1966 P.L. 535, as amended, known as the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, to L.A.R.E.D.O. Council of Governments.
Res. 6/10/1975B
Authorizing and providing for the creation of an appeal board by the L.A.R.E.D.O. Council of Governments under the provisions found in the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act of January 24, 1966, P.L. 1535, Act No. 537.
Res. 2/8/1977
Designating that the SEDA-Council of Governments be recognized as the areawide multicounty planning organization for the SEDA-COG region.
Res. 3/8/1977
Designating that all Township Police Officers must complete the Municipal Police Officers Education and Training Program pursuant to Act 120.
Res. 7/21/1977
Authorizing the Township to participate in a demonstration program for the purpose of observing how the park should be developed or upgraded to a recreation facility.
Res. 3/14/1978
Authorizing the Northumberland County Board of Elections place the question of whether or not two additional supervisors should be elected to serve Ralpho Township on the ballot at the next general election.
Res. 4/11/1978
Authorizing the Township to make application to participate in the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1976 in order to reduce the number of accidents on municipal streets and the it will be funded 100% by the Federal Government.
Authorizing the Township to enter into a cooperative agreement with certain other Townships to provide police protection.
Res. 10/14/1980
Authorizing the Township to take part in a demonstration program regarding parks and that the Township will keep the park open to general public during the demonstration.
Authorizing the Township to enter into an intermunicipal fire cooperation agreement with certain other municipalities.
Res. 1/11/1983
Authorizing that the contributions to the police pension fund be waived dud to the actuarial soundness of the plan.
Res. 4/17/1984
Requesting that the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development term the agreement evidenced by Public Works Program Advance P-3454 because the design methods of the proposed sewage services are now obsolete.
Res. 9/11/1984A
Authorizing that the contributions to the police pension plan be waived during the period January 1, 1984 to January 1, 1985 because of the actuarial soundness of the plan.
Res. 2/12/1985
Designating the Elysburg Volunteer Fire Company to provide fire protection services to the Township.
Authorizing the Township to enter into an intermunicipal cooperative agreement with other municipalities for police protection services.
Res. 7/8/1986A
Authorizing members of the Township police pension fund to waive their contribution for the years 1984, 1985.
Res. 7/8/1986B
Authorizing the members of the Township police pension fund to waive their contribution for the year 1986 due to the actuarial soundness of the plan.
Res. 2/10/1987A
Authorizing the members of the Township police pension fund to waive their contributions for the year 1986 due to the actuarial soundness of the plan.
Res. 10/13/1987
Expressing the desire of the Township that the Pennsylvania Army National Guard open an Aviation Support Facility, 328th Aviation Company (CH-47) at the Northumberland County Airport.
Res. 10/11/1988
Authorizing the contributions to the police pension fund be waived for the years 1987 and 1988 due to the actuarial soundness of the plan.
Res. 3/6/1989
Authorizing that the question "Do you favor the issuance of licenses to conduct small games of chance in Ralpho Township?" be placed on the ballot for the duly qualified electors of the Township.
Res. 9/11/1990A
Requesting reimbursement of monies paid for the Municipal Police Officer's Education and Training Act, Act 120.
Res. 9/11/1990B
Authorizing the dissolution of the Lower Anthracite Regional Economic Development Organization.
Res. 9/11/1990C
Supporting the passage of legislation to authorize municipalities to impose fair and equitable impact fees on new development to pay for the costs of the infrastructure improvements needed to serve the development.
Res. 10/9/1990
Authorizing Ralpho Fire Company No. 1 to apply for participation in the Federal Surplus Property Program.
Res. 12/11/1990A
Authorizing the Township to apply to the Department of Community Affairs, Recreational Improvement and Rehabilitation Act, for the amount of $28,091 to rehabilitate the Township Gymnasium.
Res. 12/11/1990B
Authorizing the establishment of a capital reserve fund and authorizing that the maximum percent permitted by law to be allocated for equipment purchases from the State Highway Aid Program for 1990 and each year thereafter.
Res. 12/11/1990C
Authorizing that a road machinery fund is hereby established into which shall be deposited the equivalent of two mills of real estate taxes for 1990 and each year thereafter. Expenditures may be made from this fund for the purchase of road machinery.
Res. 1991-1
Adopting a schedule of changes for review and inspection reviews to be performed by the Township Engineer in connection with land development and subdivision.
Res. 1991-2
Opposing the development of the proposed hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility in Gregg Township, Union County.
Res. 1991-5
Authorizing that the contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township General Fund are waived for the years 1989, 1990 and 1991.
Res. 1991-6
Approving the Northumberland County Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan.
Res. 1992-1
Authorizing that the contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township General Fund are waived for the year 1992.
Res. 1992-2
Adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of Ralpho Township.
Res. 1992-12
Agreeing that in accordance with the R.I.R.A grant contract the Township has complied with all requirements.
Res. 1992-13
Authorizing the Secretary to sign a grant.
Res. 1993-1
Authorizing that the contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township General Fund are waived for the year 1993.
Res. 1993-2
Requesting permission to participate in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Cooperative Purchasing Program.
Res. 1993-6
Requesting that the Northumberland County file the Act 101 grant application on behalf of the Township and that the Township agrees to bear the cost for the grant audit, provide all necessary grant match, both in kind for cost of postage and cash and conduct the bid process for equipment.
Res. 1993-8
Authorizing the Department of Community Affairs to assist in conducting a study of law enforcement services in the Township in conjunction with certain neighboring municipalities for the purpose of determining the feasibility of cooperative police services.
Res. 1993-11
Authorizing the Township to make application to the Recreational Improvement and Rehabilitation Act Program so that the Township can rehabilitate the Township gymnasium.
Res. 1994-1
Authorizing that the contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township General Fund are waived for the year 1994.
Res. 1994-8
Authorizing the Board of Supervisors to join with other local government units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of the trust.
Res. 1994-10
Designating Richard D. Boysel as the Code Enforcement Officer for the Township.
Res. 1994-13
Authorizing that contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township General Fund are waived for the year 1995.
Res. 1995-2
Urging the Pennsylvania General Assembly to save the Township's taxpayers unnecessary costs by repealing the Prevailing Wage Act or by making its provisions optional for local governments.
Res. 1995-6
Adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of Ralpho Township.
Res. 1996-1
Authorizing that contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund are waived for the year 1996.
Res. 1996-3
Authorizing the Township Secretary/Treasurer to execute all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (P.L. 93-288 as amended by P.L. 100-707)
Res. 1996-5
Authorizing the Township Secretary/Treasurer to execute all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (P.L. 93-288 as amended by P.L. 100-707).
Res. 1996-7
Providing that each member of the Zoning Hearing Board be compensated a flat rate of $50 for each hearing in which he or she participates and votes.
Res. 1996-10
Appointing Berkheimer Associates as the earned income tax officer.
Res. 1996-11
Authorizing Joan E. Baskin to be the authorized representative to make requests upon and receive any and all tax information and records from Berkheimer Associations.
Res. 1997-2
Authorizing that member contributions to the police pension fund and appropriations from the Township general fund are waived for the year 1997.
Res. 1997-3
Authorizing the Township sign the reimbursement agreement with the Department of Transportation for construction and maintenance of S.R. 0054.
Res. 1997-7
Designating the chairperson of the Municipal Authority of Ralpho Township to be the representative authorized to sign all requests for planning exemption.
Res. 1998-1
Waiving contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township General Fund for the year 1998.
Res. 1998-6
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and The Township Secretary to execute such documents as may be necessary to submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for a State Planning Assistance Grant in the amount of $9,417 which must be matched with Township funds in like amount.
Res. 1998-9
Appointing Berkheimer Associates as Ralpho Township's Tax Hearing Officer and incorporation Berkheimer Associate's regulations promulgated pursuant to Act 50.
Res. 1998-13
Entering into an agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting through the Department of Transportation whereby the Township of Ralpho and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania agree to act as partners in an Agile Maintenance Enterprise.
Res. 1999-1
Waiving contributions to the police pension fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 1999.
Adopting a drug task force agreement with the Northumberland County District Attorney's Office and to Montour County District Attorney's Office of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to enforce a narcotics and illegal drug law to preserve the safety and welfare of the community.
Agr. 1/9/1999
Providing for mutual police aid across jurisdictional lines to increase and aid in the enforcement of the provisions of narcotic and dangerous drug law resulting in the increased safety and welfare of the citizens in Northumberland and Montour Counties.
Res. 1999-5
Requesting authorization to participate in DGS’s contract for the procurement of supplies, services or construction.
Res. 1999-6
Creating a Census 2000 Complete Count Committee to partner with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors and the U.S. Census Bureau to ensure that every resident in the Township is counted in the Year 2000 Census.
Res. 2000-1
Waiving the contributions of the members of the Police Pension Fund for the year 2000.
Res. 2000-3
Providing for a form of notice to be provided to property owners by the roadmaster or his designee prior to any tree having a diameter in excess of 6 inches being removed by the Township.
Res. 2000-4
Authorizing the giving of property to Ralpho Township All Home Days Association for $10.00 and authorizing the appropriate officers of the Township to sign all documents necessary.
Imposing a 1 year moratorium on the permitting of intensive agriculture in the Township and resolving to actively pursue and implement thoughtful, meaningful, substantive and legal ways to regulate intensive agriculture.
Authorizing the recovery of costs for services made by the fire, ambulance and rescue services located in the Township.
Res. 2000-5
Applying to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for a grant for the purpose of completion of Phase II of the Township Recreation Complex Renovations.
Res. 2001-1
Waiving the contributions to the Police Pension Fund by the members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the Year 2001.
Res. 2001-3
Establishing the position of real estate tax certifier who is the municipal officer authorized to provide tax certification.
Res. 2001-4
Requesting permission to participate in the Pennsylvania Department of General Services Cooperative Purchasing Program.
Res. 2002-1
Waiving contributions to the police pension fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2002.
Res. 2002-3
Approving the transfer of restaurant liquor license no. R-16457 to Gallina, Inc., at the site of the restaurant on Lots 7 and 8 in Nottingham Village, Ralpho Township.
Res. 2002-5
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Protection for its approval, as a revision to the “Official Plan” of the municipality, the referenced Facilities Plan, which provides for sewage facilities in a portion of Ralpho Township known as Sunnyside/Overlook.
Res. 2002-6
Adopting and submitting to the Department of Environmental Protection for its approval, as a revision to the “Official Plan” of the municipality, the referenced Facilities Plan, which provides for Route 487 Sewer Extension Project.
Res. 2002-7
Appointing Blaine P. Madara chief administrative officer (CAO) of the Police Pension Plan and Non-Uniformed Pension Plan.
Res. 2003-1
Waiving contributions to the police pension fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2003.
Authorizing an agreement between the Township and the Municipal Authority of Sunnyside/Overlook to construct and acquire a complete sanitary sewage collection and treatment system.
Res. 2003-4
Adopting and placing into immediate effect the Emergency Operations Plan of the Township.
Res. 2003-5
Authorizing the Township Secretary/Treasurer to execute all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
Res. 2003-6
Authorizing the Township’s participation in PACC Automotive and Equipment Contract.
Res. 2004-1
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2004.
Res. 2004-5
Exempting real property tax, mercantile and business privilege tax within a specific geographic area in Ralpho Township.
Res. 2004-6
Appointing Howard P. Howal as Ralpho Township’s Building Code Officer; appointing the Central Keystone Council of Governments as the alternate Building Code Officer; establishing a Board of Appeals; appointing John Boback, Patrick Burke and Ralph Renn as the Board’s three members.
Res. 2004-7
Publishing a notice to connect regarding the sewer main line extension constructed recently by the Municipal Authority of Ralpho Township.
Res. 2005-1
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2005.
Res. 2005-2
Adopt cost of collection schedule and authorizing the Tax Collector, Berkheimer, to impose and retain costs of collection on delinquent taxes.
Res. 2005-4
Appointing Berkheimer as collector of Emergency and Municipal Services Tax and adopting rules and regulations to administer and enforce the tax.
Res. 2005-5
Appointing Berkheimer as Tax Hearing Officer and adopting Act 50 regulations for Taxpayers Bill of Rights.
Res. 2005-6
Appointing Township Secretary as liaison between Township and Berkheimer for sharing confidential tax information.
Res. 2005-7
Adopt cost of collection schedule and authorizing the Tax Collector, Berkheimer, to impose and retain costs of collection on delinquent taxes.
Res. 2005-8
Designation of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as the basis of all incident management in Ralpho Township.
Res. 2006-2
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2006.
Res. 2006-3
Joining in the development of a regional comprehensive plan.
Res. 2006-7
Authorizing the Vice Chairman to execute all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
Res. 2006-8
Establishing specific powers and duties of the Township Manager, subject to subsequent modification by resolution.
Res. 2007-1
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2007.
Res. 2008-1
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2008.
Res. 2008-3
Authorizing the Township Manager to sign grant application.
Res. 2008-04
Encouraging the United States Department of the Treasury to stake a strong position on behalf of fair trade.
Res. 2008-05
Approving banners and providing information for banner permits for banners to be erected by Ralpho Township.
Res. 2009-02
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2009.
Res. 2009-04
Agreeing to the requirements and obligations of the dotGrants program on-line reporting system to file the required liquid fuels forms.
Res. 2009-05
Extending the term of certain tax exemptions within a designated Keystone Opportunity Zone, Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone or Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone.
Res. 2009-06
Supporting the filing with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Bard of a petition for exemption regarding amplified music.
Res. 2009-07
Formalizing the streetlighting assessment method.
Res. 2010-01
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2010.
Res. 2010-03
Expressing opposition to forced local government mergers and consolidations.
Res. 2010-05
Supporting the filing with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board of a petition for exemption regarding amplified music.
Res. 2011-01
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2011.
Res. 2011-03
Recognizing April 11-15, 2011, as Local Government Week in Pennsylvania.
Res. 2011-04
Authorizing the members of the volunteer fire departments to perform extended duties.
Res. 2011-05
Declaring the Township's intent to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records set forth in the Municipal Records Manual.
Res. 2011-10
Authorizing the Township Manager to execute all required forms and documents for the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.
Res. 2011-14
Allocating costs and expenses of administering the Pennsylvania Construction Code Act.
Res. 2012-02
Waiving contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force and appropriations from the Township general fund for the year 2012.
Res. 2012-04
Urging the Pennsylvania General Assembly to eliminate or amend the Prevailing Wage Act.
Res. 2012-05
Authorizing the Township to join the Tri-County Council of Governments.
Res. 2012-06
Adopting the Northumberland County Hazard Mitigation Plan as the official hazard mitigation plan of the Township.
Res. 2012-07
Adopting the cost of collection schedule and authorizing the Tax Collector, Berkheimer, to impose and retain costs of collection on delinquent taxes.
Res. 2012-08
Appointing the Township Secretary or Township Manager as a liaison between the Township and Berkheimer for sharing confidential tax information.
Res. 2012-09
Supporting the filing with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board of a petition for exemption regarding amplified music.
Res. 2012-13
Adopting written procedures for compliance with the professional services contract provisions of Act 44.
Res. 2013-03
Amending Tax Collector commissions.
Res. 2014-03
Filling a vacancy in the position of Tax Collector.
Res. 2014-04
Reducing contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force from 5% to 0.4% for 2013 and 2014.
Res. 2014-05
Approving an amended and restated declaration of trust.
Res. 2014-09
Setting contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force at 2% for 2015.
Res. 2014-10
Setting contributions to the Nonuniformed Employees Pension Fund by nonuniformed employee members at 1.25% for 2015.
Ord. 183
Authorizing participation of the Township in the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust.
Ord. 184
Authorizing participation of the Township in the Pennsylvania Townships Health Insurance Cooperative Trust.
Res. 2015-03
Authorizing execution of an agreement to authorize electronic access to PennDOT systems.
Res. 2015-04
Authorizing the signing of an agreement.
Res. 2015-05
Authorizing execution of a contract for the improvement and extension of Progress Road.
Res. 2015-06
Supporting the filing with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board of a petition for exemption regarding amplified music.
Res. 2016-03
Setting contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force at 2% for 2016.
Res. 2016-04
Setting contributions to the Nonuniformed Employees Pension Fund by nonuniformed employee members at 1.25% for 2016.
Res. 2016-06
Providing for the updating of electric streetlighting service by PPL Electric Utilities Corporation.
Res. 2016-07
Setting rates of compensation and providing for reimbursement of expenses for the Planning Commission and Zoning Hearing Board.
Res. 2016-08
Providing for the destruction of certain municipal records.
Res. 2016-09
Authorizing placement of a sign.
Res. 2017-02
Setting contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force at 2% for 2017.
Res. 2017-03
Setting contributions to the Nonuniformed Employees Pension Fund by nonuniformed employee members at 1.25% for 2017.
Res. 2017-07
Authorizing placement of a sign.
Res. 2017-08
Adoption of Northumberland County Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Res. 2017-12
Prohibiting a Category 4 casino.
Res. 2018-01
Filling the vacancy of Tax Collector and setting compensation for the Township Manager.
Res. 2018-02
Setting contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force at 2% for 2018.
Res. 2018-03
Setting contributions to the Nonuniformed Employees Pension Plan by nonuniformed employee members at 1.25% for 2018.
Res. 2018-05
Authorizing Township Manager to submit application for traffic signal approval to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Res. 2018-06
Approving the transfer of restaurant liquor license No. R-17627 into Ralpho Township.
Res. 2018-07
Authorizing placement of a sign.
Res. 2018-08
Authorizing execution of an agreement with Officer Christian Dailey to honorably discharge Officer Dailey from service with Ralpho Township and approve disability retirement in accord with the Ralpho Township police pension ordinance.
Res. 2018-09
Authorizing the execution of the Green-Light-Go agreement and all future grant-related documents.
Res. 2018-13
Setting contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force at 5% for 2019.
Res. 2018-14
Setting contributions to the Nonuniformed Employees Pension Plan by nonuniformed employee members at 1.25% for 2019.
Res. 2019-01
Setting compensation for the Township Manager.
Res. 2019-04
Authorizing issuance of individual procurement cards.
Res. 2019-08
Setting contributions to the Police Pension Fund by members of the police force at 5% for 2020.
Res. 2019-09
Setting contributions to the Nonuniformed Employees Pension Plan by nonuniformed employee members at 1.25% for 2020.
Res. 2020-03
Extending the face value period for payment of real property taxes consistent with Northumberland County.
Res. 2020-07
Accepting a deed of dedication from Danson Enterprises, LLC, for an extension of Pearle Street.
Res. 2020-08
Authorization to purchase 1.953 acres of land from Central PA Petroleum, LLC.