[Code 1975, § 2-158]
When it shall become the duty of the Treasurer to sign any note by the passage of any order or ordinance authorizing him to do so, such note shall be countersigned by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.
The Treasurer shall keep a record of all notes countersigned by him in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. He shall record the amount of each note so signed, the date, name of payee, for what object, when payable, the rate of interest and the fact and date of payment.
[Code 1975, § 2-159]
All notes given by the City in accordance with this article shall be substantially in the following form:
Treasurer's Office
City of Biddeford 20_____
Be it known that for value received, the City of Biddeford will pay at the office of the Treasurer, to ____________________, or order, the sum of __________ in _____________________ from the date hereof, with interest annually at the rate of __________ percent.
In testimony whereof, I, the Treasurer, in the name and behalf of said City, by virtue of authority in me vested for this purpose, by an order of the City Council of said City, passed on the day of __________ have hereunto set my hand at said Biddeford, this day of __________.
This note is also countersigned by the Mayor of said City.
City Clerk
City of Biddeford promises to pay to the order of ____________________ Dollars with interest at __________ percent, per annum, at the ____________________ of __________ of __________, or at the office of the City Treasurer in Biddeford, Maine.
Value Received.
Authorized by the order of the City Council.
Approved __________ 20_____ whole amount borrowed thus far under the authority of this order including this note.
No. _____ Due __________, 20_____
City of Biddeford
, Treasurer
, Mayor
, City Clerk