The purpose of the R-2 Two-Family Residential District, as supported by the vision, goals and objectives of the Village of Liverpool Comprehensive Plan 2025,[1] is to promote and preserve the integrity and character of the R-2 District as a single- and two-family residential neighborhood. The character of the R-2 District is exemplified by its historic homes located under shady groves of mature street trees that offer a parklike neighborhood setting. New infill or rehabilitation of existing homes should be compatible in scale and appearance with and complement existing homes in the same neighborhood. Residential and nonresidential uses should exemplify the peace and quiet of our traditional, walkable, friendly neighborhoods and be interconnected by a well-maintained system of sidewalks that enhance the traditional Village character of this area.
Editor's Note: The Comprehensive Plan is on file in the Village offices.
Uses permitted in R-2 Two-Family Residential Districts shall be as follows:
Single-family dwellings.
Two-family dwellings.
Buildings and structures accessory to Subsections A and B above.
Uses permitted upon issuance of a special permit, subject to Article XIV, shall be as follows:
Home occupations.
Religious facilities.
Utility structures.
Family day-care home, subject to the day-care provider notifying, in writing, the Village of Liverpool Police Department, the Liverpool Fire Department and Onondaga County 911 of the existence of the family day-care home prior to commencing operation of the family day-care home.
Day-care facilities accessory to schools or religious facilities.
Care homes.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection I, Professional residential office, was repealed 7-21-2015 by L.L. No. 4-2015.
Buildings and structures accessory to Subsections A through I above.
An accessory structure to a dwelling unit which exceeds 150 square feet in building area up to a maximum of 600 square feet. Any accessory structure to a dwelling unit which exceeds the maximum of 600 square feet must obtain an area variance.
[Amended 1-22-2024 by L.L. No. 2-2024]
Uses prohibited shall be all other uses not enumerated above.
One-family dwellings shall conform to R-1 District lot and structure requirements.
Residential lot and structure requirements for two-family dwellings shall be as follows:
Area, minimum: 9,000 square feet.
Width, minimum: 80 feet.
Coverage, maximum: 30%.
Principal buildings:
Front yard setback: 30 feet or the requirements of § 380-105C.
Side yard setback, each side: five feet.
Rear yard setback: 30 feet or 15% of lot depth, whichever is greater.
Maximum height: 30 feet.
Accessory structures:
Front yard setback: 40 feet.
Side yard setback, each side: five feet.
Rear yard setback: five feet.
Maximum height: 15 feet.
[Amended 1-22-2024 by L.L. No. 2-2024]
Distance from principal building, minimum: 10 feet.
Maximum size (building area): 150 square feet.
Nonresidential lot and structure requirements shall be the same as for the R-1 District.
Supplemental regulations shall be as follows:
Off-street parking and loading: See Article XV.
Signs: See Article XVI.
Screening: See § 380-107.
Physical buffers: See § 380-108.
Outdoor illumination: See § 380-109.
Site plan review and special permits: See Article XIV and Community Design Handbook.[1]
Editor's Note: The Community Design Handbook is on file in the Village offices.