An animal that has bitten, been bitten by, or has otherwise been exposed to another animal, or who has bitten, scratched or otherwise exposed a human, if not euthanized and tested for rabies, shall be quarantined.
In addition to the requirements of § 18-320 of the Health-General Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended from time to time, the following shall apply to an animal quarantined pursuant to that section.
A quarantined animal shall not be removed from the quarantine premise or permitted to come into contact with other animals or persons other than the owner(s) or primary caretaker(s);
If the animal becomes ill or begins to show behavioral changes, the owner shall immediately notify the public health veterinarian or local health officer.
If the animal dies, the owner shall immediately notify the public health veterinarian or local health officer and make the animal available for rabies testing.
If the animal escapes, the owner shall immediately notify the Animal Control Division, law enforcement agencies and the public health veterinarian or local health officer.
The animal shall not be killed, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of without written permission from the public health veterinarian or local health officer.
The owner shall report the status of the animal to the public health veterinarian or local health officer at such times and frequency as the public health veterinarian or local health officer requires.
The owner shall contact the public health veterinarian or local health officer at the end of the quarantine and, if required, have the animal examined by a veterinarian.
If the animal was not vaccinated against rabies prior to exposure, the animal shall not be vaccinated until released from quarantine, unless the quarantining agency is advised to vaccinate by order of the public health veterinarian or the local health officer under the rabies compendium.
An unvaccinated animal shall be taken to a licensed veterinarian for a physical, rabies exam and vaccination within five days of being released from quarantine.
The owner(s) of an animal that has bitten or scratched a person or animal shall be responsible for all expenses incurred for the quarantine, examination, treatment, or destruction of an animal pursuant to this section.
An Animal Control Officer is authorized to seize and impound any animal requiring quarantine that is not properly quarantined.
A person that fails to properly quarantine his/her animal shall be responsible for all expenses associated with the quarantine.
A violation of this article is a Class B violation.