[Amended 12-10-2019 by Ord. No. 42-19]
For purposes of this article, an "outside area" is the portion of an owner's, keeper's or custodian's real property used by an animal or where an animal is confined. Examples of outside areas include, but are not limited to, fenced areas, animal enclosures, invisible fencing areas, and tethering areas.
[Amended 12-10-2019 by Ord. No. 42-19]
A person shall not:
Confine, tether or otherwise allow an animal to remain in outside areas without access to proper shelter.
Allow an animal to use, or confine an animal in, an outside area that is not clean and safe, maintained to:
Prevent the accumulation of fecal matter;
Prevent standing water;
Be free of sharp objects, trash and debris; and
Minimize health hazards and obnoxious odors.
Confine or tether a dog in an outside area under such conditions, including harsh or extreme weather conditions that endanger its health, safety, or well-being.
Confine or tether a dog in an outside area that is not large enough to allow the dog to defecate or urinate in a separate area from the area where it must eat, drink, or lie down.
Fail to properly maintain all fencing used to confine an animal.
Confine an animal to an outside area without sufficient shade by natural or artificial means at all times to protect the animal from direct sunlight.
It shall be unlawful for a doghouse to be the only source of sufficient shade to protect a dog from direct sunlight.
A violation of this article is a Class B violation.