All powers of the municipality and the determination of all matters of policy shall be vested in the Township Council, except as otherwise provided by the Charter, general law or the Administrative Code.
Compensation of each member of the Township Council and compensation for the Mayor shall be determined by the Salary Ordinance.
The Mayor shall be elected by a majority vote of all members of the Township Council. The selection of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor shall be made at the annual reorganization meeting of the Township Council.
The Mayor shall have only such powers and duties as Mayor as are expressly vested in the Mayor by this chapter and by general law. The Mayor shall preside at all meetings of the Township Council and shall have a voice and vote in its proceedings. In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall preside. Upon the arrival of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor shall immediately relinquish the chair upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the Council. The Mayor shall fill vacancies occurring in the Board of Trustees of the Public Library for such terms of office as are provided by law. All bonds, notes, deeds, contracts and written obligations of the Township shall be executed on its behalf by the Mayor or, in the event of the Mayor's inability to act, by the Deputy Mayor.
Regular meetings. The Council shall meet annually for organization on a date and hour fixed according to law by the Council. The exact date and hour for the annual reorganization shall be determined and fixed by the Council at a regular or special meeting of the Council during the month of December next preceding the organization meeting. If the Council shall fail to fix a date for the next organization meeting, it shall meet for organization on the first day of January at 10:00 a.m., prevailing time, unless the day is Sunday, in which case it shall meet at the same hour on the succeeding day. At the reorganization meeting, the Council shall fix the date and hour for regular Council meetings to be conducted during the calendar year.
Special meetings. The Mayor may at any time and shall upon written request of any three members of the Council call a special meeting. The call for a special meeting shall specify the purpose of the meeting, and no business shall be transacted at any special meeting other than that specified. The Mayor's call for a special meeting shall be filed with the Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the time for which the meeting is called. The Clerk shall forthwith give notice thereof to each Council member, at such place and in such manner as the member shall have previously designated for that purpose. The Police Department shall cooperate with the Clerk in effectuating service of notice. Upon written waiver of notice executed by all of the members of the Council, a special meeting may be held, without prior notice, notwithstanding the above provisions of this subsection.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Rules of conduct; attendance by officers. All regular and special meetings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6. The Manager, Solicitor, Clerk and Engineer, and such other municipal officers and employees as may be required by general or special order of the Council, shall attend regular and special meetings of the Council.
The Council may convene at any time in informal conference for the study of municipal business or to plan for the agendas of its future meetings. Members of the public shall be permitted to attend these conferences, except where the Council shall determine, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, that the meeting shall be closed to the public for discussion of certain specific matters which, by their nature, are permitted to be discussed in private.
A majority of all the members elected to the Council shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Council, but a lesser number than a quorum may adjourn any meeting. If no member of the Council is present 1/2 hour after the appointed time for any meeting, the Clerk shall adjourn the meeting.
The order of business, agenda, conduct of meetings, procedure, decorum, and any and all matters pertaining to the functions of the Council and the carrying out of Township business at regular and special meetings may be determined and prescribed by resolution of the Council annually at its organization meeting.
Except as may be provided in the Charter and the Administrative Code, questions of order, methods of organization and the conduct of business of the Council shall be governed by the latest revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order.
The agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Council shall be prepared by the Clerk. Except for emergency matters which may be added to the agenda at any time with the approval of the Manager, the agenda for each regular meeting of the Council shall include only such matters of Council business as have been presented or delivered to the Clerk by the Manager or a Council member not later than 24 hours preceding the meeting. As soon as the agenda for each meeting has been prepared, the Clerk shall deliver a copy to each Council member, the Manager, and each department head. The Clerk shall also promptly distribute copies to the press and to interested citizens upon request.
[Added 3-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-5]
All regular and special meetings of the Council shall be limited to and shall not exceed three hours in total time from start to finish, unless said time limit is extended upon motion and an affirmative vote of the majority of a quorum of Council members present at a given meeting. A Council member's initial comments on a given topic shall be limited to not exceed five minutes for rebuttal. Further, public comment on agenda items shall be limited to not exceed two minutes per individual and general public comment shall be limited to not exceed four minutes per individual at a given public meeting.