[Adopted 9-17-1990]
[Amended 8-16-1994; 10-1-2012 by Ord. No. 10-2012]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park, or to be allowed to remain parked, any vehicle as follows:
Name of Street
High School Road
SR 1026
Between the intersection of State Route 706 and the Montrose High School, except the standing or parking for the purpose of loading or unloading persons shall be permitted
Post Pond Road
SR 2030
Beginning 700 feet from the intersection of T583 and SR 2030 and continuing in an easterly direction for a distance of 1,437 feet along the southerly side of SR 2030
State Route 29
[Added 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014[1]]
Between Segment 220 Offsets 14+15 to Segment 220 Offsets 15+25 as indicated on attached map identified as Exhibit A.[2]
State Route 29
[Added 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
Between Segment 220 Offsets 13+73 to Segment 220 Offsets 16+30 for a distance of 255.52 feet as indicated on attached map identified as Exhibit B.[3]
State Route 29
[Added 3-2-2015 by Ord. No. 18-2015]
From the intersection of State Route 29 and State Route 3029 extending 200 feet south along State Route 29 as indicated on attached map identified as Exhibit A.[4]
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also provided an effective date of 6-2-2014.
Editor’s Note: Said exhibit is on file in the Township offices.
Editor’s Note: Said exhibit is on file in the Township offices.
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is on file in the Township offices.
[Amended 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014[1]]
Words and phrases, when used in this article, except for sections of parts to which different or additional definitions apply, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Vehicle Code (the Act of June 17, 1976, P.L. 162, No. 81), as amended,[2] except that, in this article, the word "street" may be used interchangeably with the word "highway" and shall have the same meaning as the word "highway" as defined in the Vehicle Code.
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also provided an effective date of 6-2-2014.
Editor's Note: See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
[Amended 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
All traffic and parking regulations of a permanent nature shall be enacted as ordinances, as parts of ordinances, as amendments to ordinances, or as amendments to this article, except where the law specifically authorizes less formal action.
[Amended 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
The provisions of this article, so far as they are the same as those of ordinances and regulations in force immediately before the enactment of this article, are intended as a continuation of those earlier ordinances and regulations and not as new enactments. Nothing in this article shall affect any act done or liability incurred or any suit or prosecution pending or to be instituted under any of those repealed or superseded ordinances or regulations.
[Amended 10-1-2012 by Ord. No. 10-2012; 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
The appropriate police official shall have the following powers to regulate traffic and parking temporarily and in time of emergency:
In the case of fire, flood, storm or other emergency, to establish temporary traffic and/or parking regulations; and
In the case of emergency or to facilitate public works, or in the conduct of parades, processions or public events, to restrict or prohibit traffic and/or parking in limited areas for periods of not more than 72 hours.
Such temporary and emergency regulations shall be enforced by the Police Department in the same manner as permanent regulations. Any person who shall operate or park a vehicle or tractor in violation of any such regulations, or who shall move, remove, destroy, injure or deface any sign or marking erected, posted or made to give notice of any such regulation, shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to the penalty set forth in the law or elsewhere in this article for a violation of such nature, and, in case of a violation for which no specific penalty is set forth in the law or elsewhere in this article, to a fine of not more than $300 together with costs of prosecution.
Violations of this article shall be punishable as set forth in the appropriate sections of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code (75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.).
[Amended 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
This article is enacted under authority of § 6109(a)(22) of the Vehicle Code[1] and gives authority to the Township of Bridgewater to remove and impound those vehicles which are parked in a tow-away zone and in violation of parking regulations of this article. Vehicles which have been abandoned (as defined by the Vehicle Code) or which are parked in such a manner as to interfere with traffic or pose a hazard to others may be towed under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code.
Editor's Note: See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 6109(a)(22).
[Amended 6-2-2014 by Ord. No. 14-2014]
The Township of Bridgewater shall have authority to remove and impound, or to order the removal and impounding of, any vehicle parked illegally, provided that the circumstances of its parking were within the conditions stated in § 290-6 of this article. Provided no such vehicle shall be removed or impounded except in strict adherence to the provisions of this article or the provisions of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code.