[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Mount Union 5-12-1986 by Ord. No. 995 (Ch. I, Part 4B, of the 1980 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
A Recreation Board is established in and for the Borough of Mount Union in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The Recreation Board shall have general supervision of all public places of recreation in the Borough, including the operation and maintenance of said places of recreation and the employment of play leaders, recreation directors, supervisors and such other employees as it may deem proper.
The Recreation Board shall consist of five persons; members of the Board shall be approved by the Borough and shall serve for a term of five years, or until their successors are appointed, except that the members of the Board first appointed shall be appointed for such terms that the term of one member shall expire annually thereafter.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Council to maintain the Recreation Board at full membership by appointment of new members as necessary to fill vacancies caused by the expiration of terms, death, removal from the Borough or other causes.
The members of the Recreation Board shall elect their own Chairman and Secretary and shall select all other necessary officers to serve for a period of one year, and the Board shall have power to adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of all business within its jurisdiction.
Borough Council may annually appropriate such amount as it deems necessary for the purpose of maintaining and operating places of recreation.