[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984]
The boundary limits of the Borough of Doylestown are hereby established as a zone in which motor vehicles may remain standing without lights, and all highways within such boundary limits are hereby designated as highways where motor vehicles may remain standing without lights, provided that the motor vehicle or vehicle may be legally left standing in that location.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 2013-6, 7/15/2013; and by Ord. 2014-9, 8/18/2014]
The loading and unloading of goods, wares and merchandise is hereby restricted to such length of time as is absolutely necessary for the purpose of loading or unloading of such goods, wares and merchandise. For the purpose of enforcement of this section, such loading or unloading of any vehicle shall not be considered as parking, provided that, without having first obtained a permit from the Chief of Police to do so, no person shall load or unload a vehicle from any place upon any street or alley in the Borough where parking is prohibited; or shall allow a vehicle to remain, for loading or unloading, in any place upon any street or alley where parking is limited as to time, for longer than the time for which parking is permitted; or shall load or unload upon any street or alley in such a way that one lane for vehicular traffic shall not be kept open at all times. Where such a permit is granted by the Chief of Police, he may, at his discretion, block off the portion of the street or alley affected by such loading or unloading.
The following are hereby established as loading zones, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or tractor or to allow the same to remain parked in any such zone:
East Oakland Avenue
Beginning at a point 100 feet east of South Main Street and continuing 25 feet in an easterly direction
North Main Street
[Added by Ord. 2016-8, 12/19/2016]
Beginning at a point at 29 feet south of its intersection with the west side of North Broad Street and continuing south for 15 feet
North Main Street
Beginning at a point at 62 feet north of West State Street and continuing 35 feet in a northerly direction
South Main Street
Beginning at a point 83 feet south of West Oakland Avenue and continuing 45 feet in a southerly direction
West Oakland Avenue
Beginning at a point 4 feet east of Arabella Alley and continuing 14 feet in an easterly direction
West State Street
Beginning at a point 55 feet east of Clinton Street and continuing 50 feet in an easterly direction
West State Street
Beginning at a point 95 feet west of South Main Street and continuing for 70 feet in a westerly direction
Any such area which has been designated a valet parking area under § 315 of this chapter shall also operate as a loading and unloading zone both during and outside of the valet parking area's hours of operation.
[Added by Ord. 2016-7, 11/21/2016]
[Ord. 2015-9, 7/20/2015]
The following are hereby established as loading and unloading zones between the hours indicated at all times except Saturdays and Sundays, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or tractor or to allow the same to remain parked in any such zone during the hours indicated:
Days and Hours in Effect
Shewell Avenue
Beginning at a point 25 feet north of its intersection with Main Street and continuing 120 feet in a northerly direction
Monday through Friday; 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 2003-9, 12/15/2003, § 1]
Wherever a particular parking space shall be lined or marked off on any street or alley or upon the adjacent curb, every vehicle parked shall be parked within the lines marking such parking space. All vehicles parked on streets or alleys, whether parking spaces are marked or not, shall be parked only in the direction of the permitted traffic flow.
Parking shall be prohibited at all times by any vehicle which in any way will block the intersection of any street or alley or the entrance or exit of any street or alley. Parking shall at all times be prohibited within the painted line area adjacent to any fire hydrant; within the painted line area marking the permissible distance to park from any intersection; in any area where erected signs or painted lines indicate a "No Parking" area; in any manner so as to block any private or public driveway or accessway to a parking lot or parking facility or other facility of the Borough of Doylestown; and in any other location or manner which is prohibited by the provisions of 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3353 relating to prohibitions in specified places and 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 3354 relating to additional parking regulations.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 1984-5, 3/19/1984; by Ord. 1984-8, 4/16/1984; by Ord. 1984-12, 6/18/1984; by Ord. 1984-14, 8/20/1984; by Ord. 1985-3, 2/18/1985; by Ord. 1985-12, 11/18/1985, § 1; by Ord. 1986-1, 1/20/1986, § 2; by Ord. 1986-12, 11/17/1986; by Ord. 1988-2, 1/18/1988, § 3; by Ord. 1988-8, 4/18/1988, § 1; by Ord. 1988-15, 7/18/1988, § 1; by Ord. 1989-5, 4/17/1989, § 2; by Ord. 1989-4, 2/20/1989, § 1; by Ord. 1989-7, 5/15/1989, § 1; by Ord. 1990-4, 4/16/1990, § 2; by Ord. 1990-6, 8/20/1990, § 1; by Ord. 1991-6, 4/15/1991, § 1; by Ord. 1992-3, 1/20/1992, § 1; by Ord. 1993-3, 2/15/1993, § 1; by Ord. 1993-4, 3/15/1993, § 1; by Ord. 1993-6, 5/17/1993, § 1; by Ord. 1994-7, 7/18/1994, § 1; by Ord. 1994-13, 12/19/1994, § 1; by Ord. 1995-2, 3/20/1995, § 1; by Ord. 1995-3, 7/17/1995, § 1; by Ord. 1996-6, 11/18/1996, § 1; by Ord. 1997-5, 8/18/1997, § 1; by Ord. 1998-10, 12/21/1998, § 1; by Ord. 1999-2, 1/25/1999, § 2; by Ord. 1999-7, 6/28/1999, § 1; by Ord. 1999-12, 7/19/1999, § 1; by Ord. 2000-2, 2/28/2000; § 1; by Ord. 2000-3, 2/28/2000, § 1; by Ord. 2000-4, 6/26/2000, § 1; by Ord. 2001-2, 2/26/2001, § 1; by Ord. 2001-7, 6/18/2001, § 1; by Ord. 2001-9, 8/20/2001, § 1; by Ord. 2001-12, 11/19/2001, § 1; by Ord. 2003-4, 3/17/2003, § 2; by Ord. 2005-17, 12/19/2005, § 1; by Ord. 2006-8, 8/21/2006, § 1; by Ord. 2007-1, 1/22/2007, § 1; by Ord. 2007-7, 8/20/2007, § 1; by Ord. 2007-12, 11/19/2007, § 1; by Ord. 2008-4, 4/21/2008, § 1; by Ord. 2008-13, 12/15/2008, § 1; by Ord. 2009-2, 3/16/2009, § 1; by Ord. 2010-4, 5/17/2010; by Ord. 2010-13, 11/15/2010, § 1; by Ord. 2010-14 12/20/2010, § 1; by Ord. 2011-6, 4/25/2011; by Ord. 2011-13, 7/18/2011; by Ord. 2013-13, 12/16/2013; by Ord. 2014-2, 2/24/2014; by Ord. 2014-5, 4/21/2014; by Ord. 2014-10, 10/20/2014; by Ord. 2014-12, 11/17/2014; by Ord. 2015-1, 1/26/2015; and by Ord. 2017-17, 12/18/2017]
Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations:
Ashland Street (East)
For a distance of 21 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Pine Street
Ashland Street (East)
For a distance of 16 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Taylor Street
Ashland Street (East)
For a distance of 26 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Taylor Street
Ashland Street (East)
For a distance of 109 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Green Street
Ashland Street (East)
For a distance of 115 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Pine Street
East Ashland Street
For a distance of 400 feet in an easterly direction beginning at a point 333 feet from the easterly side of South Church Street
East Ashland Street
For a distance of 22 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with the west side of Golf View Road
East Ashland Street
For a distance of 22 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with the east side of Golf View Road
West Ashland Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2021-9, 7/19/2021]
For a distance of 22 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with South Hamilton Street
West Ashland Street
Clinton Street and West Street
West Ashland Street
For a distance of 50 feet in a southwesterly direction from the west side of South Main Street.
Atkinson Drive
The intersection of the curb line at Veterans Lane/Way and a point 500 feet west
Atkinson Drive
Veterans Lane/Way and North Broad Street
Atkinson Drive
Broad Street to a point 35 feet east
Beek Street
Franklin Street and Lafayette Street
Belmont Avenue
Church Street and Spruce Street
Belmont Avenue
[Added by Ord. No. 2018-9, 7/16/2018]
East Street and a private alley 206 feet to the east
Bridge Street
South Main Street and South Clinton Street
Bridge Street
South Main Street and South Clinton Street
Broad Street
Main Street, northwesterly to Borough line
Broad Street
For a distance of 19 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Mechanics Street
Broad Street
For a distance of 14 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Mechanics Street
Broad Street
For a distance of 38 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with State Street
Chestnut Lane
Washington Street and the westerly Borough line
Church Street
Court Street and Main Street
Church Street
Oakland Avenue and Court Street
Church Street (North)
For a distance of 34 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with State Street
Church Street (South)
For a distance of 33 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with State Street
Clemens Road
South Main Street and Meadow Lane
South Chubb Drive
For a distance of 330 feet in a southeasterly direction from its point of intersection with the south side of Glen Drive
Clinton Street (South)
For a distance of 66 feet in a northerly direction from the north side of Hart Avenue
Clinton Street (South)
For a distance of 30 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Oakland Avenue
Clinton Street (South)
For a distance of 40 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Oakland Avenue
Clinton Street (South)
For a distance of 10 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with the south side of the private driveway serving the property situate at 25 South Clinton Street
Clinton Street (South)
[Added by Ord. No. 2020-2, 1/27/2020]
For a distance of 63 feet south from the intersection of South Clinton Street and Bridge Street
Clinton Street (South)
For a distance of 47 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Oakland Avenue
Clinton Street (South)
For a distance of 31 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Oakland Avenue
Clinton Street (South)
For a distance of 35 feet in a southerly direction from a point 491 feet south of its intersection with the south side of West Ashland Street
Cottage Street
East Court Street and Linden Avenue
Court Street
Broad Street and Church Street
Court Street
120 feet from Clinton Street
Court Street
Main Street and Hamilton Street For a distance of 20 feet in a westerly direction beginning at a point 91 feet from the westerly side of Broad Street
Court Street
Lafayette Street and the west Borough line
Court Street
Lafayette Street to a point 94 feet northeast of intersection
Court Street
A point 105 feet southwest of intersection with Washington Street to a point 125 feet from said point in a southwesterly direction
Court Street
81 feet from West Street
Court Street
86 feet from West Street
Court Street (East)
Broad Street and North Church Street, for a distance of 45 feet in a westerly direction from a point 100 feet west of its intersection with Broad Street
Court Street (East)
North Pine Street and Broad Street, for a distance of 33 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Broad Street
Court Street (East)
Broad Street and North Church Street, for a distance of 36 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Broad Street
Court Street (East)
[Added by Ord. No. 2020-1, 1/27/2020]
For a distance of 145 feet east from the intersection of East Court Street and Broad Street
Court Street (East)
North Pine Street and Broad Street, for a distance of 30 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Pine Street
Court Street (East)
North Pine Street and Broad Street, for a distance of 46 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Broad Street
Court Street (East)
Printers Alley and Pine Street, for a distance of 22 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Printers Alley
Court Street (West)
West Street and Franklin Street, for a distance of 40 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with West Street
Donaldson Street
State Street and Oakland Avenue
Donaldson Street
For a distance of 34 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Oakland Avenue
Donaldson Street
For a distance of 35 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Taylor Avenue
Donaldson Street
For a distance of 19 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Oakland Avenue
Donaldson Street
For a distance of 22 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Taylor Avenue
Donaldson Street
For a distance of 16 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Taylor Avenue
Doyle Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-6, 5/15/2023]
For a distance of 180 feet west in a westerly direction from its intersection with Main Street
Doyle Street
For a distance of 223 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with the east side of Harvey Avenue
Doyle Street
For a distance of 40 feet in an easterly direction from a point 290 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Broad Street
Doyle Street
For a distance of 46 feet in an easterly direction from a point 414 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Broad Street
Doyle Street
For a distance of 256 feet in a westerly direction from a point 245 feet west of its point of intersection with the west side of North Main Street
East Court Street
For a distance of 17 feet in a westerly direction from the westernmost point of its intersection with the driveway of Doylestown Cemetery
East Court Street
For a distance of 55 feet in a westerly direction from its point of intersection with the west side of Spruce Street
East Court Street
For a distance of 55 feet in an easterly direction from its point of intersection with the east side of Spruce Street
East Court Street
For a distance of 20 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Spruce Street
East Court Street
For a distance of 20 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Spruce Street
East Street
North Main and Maple Avenue
East Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2022-9, 11/21/2022]
For a distance of 77 feet north from the intersection of East Street and Linden Avenue
East Street
Maple Avenue and Linden Avenue
Ely Lane
Entire length
Franklin Street
For a distance of 23 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Wood Street
Franklin Street
For a distance of 23 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Wood Street
Frosterly Drive
Broadale Road and its intersection with Regency Woods cul-de-sac
Garden Alley
Broad Street and Church Street
Golf View Road
For a distance of 227 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with the south side of East Ashland Street
Golf View Road
For a distance of 22 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with the south side of East Ashland Street
Green Street
Scout Way to a point 270 feet north
Green Street
East Ashland Street and South Main Street
Green Street
A point 90 feet north of the intersection of the northerly side of Bridge Street with the westerly side of Green Street and the northerly side of Bridge Street
Green Street
A point 37 feet south of the intersection of the southerly side of Bridge Street with the westerly side of Green Street and the southerly side of Bridge Street
Green Street
A point 50 feet north of the intersection of the northerly side of Hillside Avenue with the westerly side of Green Street and the northerly side of Hillside Avenue
Hamilton Street
Court Street and State Street
Hamilton Street
Wood Street and Court Street
Hamilton Street
Decatur Street and Union Street
Hamilton Street
State Street to Oakland Avenue
Hart Avenue
South Main Street and South Clinton Street
Harvey Avenue
For a distance of 34 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Court Street
Harvey Avenue
For a distance of 20 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Court Street
Jackson Street
Beginning at a point 114 feet north of the intersection of Jackson Street and the north side of West Ashland Street, and extending 28 feet in a northerly direction
Lacey Avenue
Church Street and Spruce Street
Lacey Avenue
Spruce Street and a point 398.9 feet southwest of intersection with Spruce Street
Lafayette Street
Beginning at a point 220 feet north of the northerly side of West Court Street and extending a distance of 54 feet in a northerly direction to a point
Lafayette Street
For a distance of 123 feet in a southerly direction from its point of intersection with the south side of School Lane
Lafayette Street
West State Street and MacFarlane Lane
Lantern Drive
For a distance of 223 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with the north side of Broad Street
Lantern Drive
For a distance of 238 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with the south side of Woodbridge Drive
Lantern Drive
For a distance of 76 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with the south side of Woodbridge Drive
Long Lane
The westerly Borough line and Putnam Street
Main Street
Green Street and Oakland Avenue
Main Street
State Street and the northerly Borough line
Main Street
Chapman Lane and the northerly Borough line
Main Street
Ashland Street and the north property line of 266 South Main Street
Main Street
Hart Avenue and the southerly Borough line
Main Street
For a distance of 1,955 feet and 9 inches in a northerly direction from the southerly Borough line
Main Street
Beginning at a point 2,085 feet and 9 inches north of southerly Borough line and extending a distance of 123 feet and 6 inches in a northerly direction to a point
Main Street (North)
For a distance of 98 feet in a northerly direction from its point of intersection with Shewell Avenue
Main Street (North)
For a distance of 87 feet in a northerly direction from a point 137 feet north of its intersection with Shewell Avenue
South Main Street
For a distance of 65 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Hillside Avenue
South Main Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2019-1, 5/20/2019]
For a distance of 90 feet south from the intersection of South Main Street and Hillside Avenue
South Main Street
For a distance of 89 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Hart Avenue
Maple Avenue
East Street to a point 229 1/2 feet easterly
Mary Street
Hamilton Street and Clinton Street
McKinstry Drive
Entire length
Mechanic Street
For a distance of 14 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Broad Street
Mechanic Street
For a distance of 14 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Broad Street
Memorial Drive
For a distance of 319.5 feet in a southerly direction from its point of intersection with the southerly side of West State Street
Mercer Avenue
For a distance of 349 feet in a southerly direction from its point of intersection with the south side of North Main Street
Mercer Avenue
For a distance of 317 feet in a southerly direction from its point of intersection with the south side of North Main Street
North Street
East Street and a point along the southeast side of North Street being 400 feet from the intersection of the curblines of North Street and East Street
North Clinton Street
Court Street and Wood Street
Oakland Avenue
For a distance of 15 feet in a westerly direction from its point of intersection with the west side of Church Street
Oakland Avenue (East)
For a distance of 70 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Pine Street
Oakland Avenue (East)
For a distance of 39 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Pine Street
Oakland Avenue (East)
For a distance of 79 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Pine Street
Oakland Avenue (West)
For a distance of 32 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Clinton Street
Oakland Avenue (West)
For a distance of 62 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Clinton Street
Oakland Avenue (West)
For a distance of 25 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Hamilton Street
Oakland Avenue (West)
For a distance of 50 feet in an easterly direction from a point 64 feet east of its intersection with Hamilton Street
Oakland Avenue (West)
For a distance of 47 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Hamilton Street
Oakland Avenue (West)
For a distance of 35 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Clinton Street
Oakland Avenue (West)
For a distance of 99 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Main Street
Old Dublin Pike
Broadale Road and North Main Street
Pearl Drive
Exterior radius
Entire length
Pine Street
For a distance of 43 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Court Street
Pine Street
For a distance of 43 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Court Street
Pine Street
For a distance of 59 feet in a southerly direction from a point 122 feet south of its intersection with Court Street
Pine Street
For a distance of 100 feet in a southerly direction from a point 199 feet south of its intersection with Court Street
Pine Street
For a distance of 77 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Oakland Avenue
Pine Street
Oakland Avenue and State Street
Pine Street
Scout Way and East Ashland Street
Pine Street
For a distance of 56 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with State Street
Pine Street
For a distance of 17 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Taylor Avenue
Printers Alley
East State Street and East Court Street
Sandy Ridge Drive
For a distance of 22 feet in a westerly direction from a point 473 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Old Dublin Pike
Sandy Ridge Drive
For a distance of 22 feet in a westerly direction from a point 1049 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Old Dublin Pike
School Lane
For a distance of 103 feet in a southwest direction from a point 1,045 feet southwest of the intersection with the southwest side of Lafayette Street
Selner Lane
For a distance of 342 feet in a northeasterly direction from the northeast curbline of North Church Street
Shady Ridge Drive
Old Dublin Pike and Broad Street
Shewell Avenue
Union Street and a point 188.5 feet north of its intersection with the north side of West Court Street
South Clinton Street
For a distance of 238 feet in a southerly direction from the south side of Bridge Street
South Clinton Street
For a distance of 66 feet in a northerly direction from the north side of Hart Avenue
South Clinton Street
For a distance of 35 feet in a southerly direction from a point 491 feet south of its intersection with the south side of West Ashland Street
Spruce Street
East Court Street and Maple Avenue
Spruce Street
For a distance of 55 feet in a southerly direction from its point of intersection with the south side of Mechanics Street
Spruce Street
For a distance of 45 feet in a northerly direction from its point of intersection with the north side of Spruce Street
Spruce Street
For a distance of 70 feet in a northerly direction from a point 100 feet north from its point of intersection with Mechanics Street
Spruce Street
For a distance of 30 feet in a southerly direction from its point of intersection with the south side of Selner Lane
Stacey Drive
Interior radius
Entire length
Stacey Drive
[Amended by Ord. No. 2018-3, 3/19/2018]
For a distance of 80 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with Sandy Ridge Drive
State Street
Oakland Avenue and Maple Avenue
State Street
Oakland Avenue and East Street
State Street
Beginning at a point of intersection of the extension of the east side of Broad Street with the south side of East State Street and extending in a westerly direction a distance of 65 feet 7 inches to a point
State Street
For a distance of 30 feet in an easterly direction from the east side of Pine Street
State Street
LaFayette Street and Memorial Drive
State Street (East)
For a distance of 16 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Church Street
State Street (East)
For a distance of 78 feet in an easterly direction from a point 132 feet east of its intersection with Church Street
State Street (East)
For a distance of 7 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Printers Alley
State Street (East)
For a distance of 34 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Printers Alley
State Street (East)
For a distance of 40 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Church Street
State Street (East)
For a distance of 19 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Donaldson Street
State Street (East)
For a distance of 29 feet in an easterly direction from a point 119 feet east of its intersection with Donaldson Street
State Street (East)
For a distance of 12 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Donaldson Street
State Street (West)
For a distance of 38 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Broad Street
State Street (West)
For a distance of 17 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Franklin Street
State Street (West)
For a distance of 29 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Franklin Street
State Street (West)
For a distance of 68 feet in an easterly direction from its intersection with Broad Street
State Street (West)
For a distance of 35 feet in a westerly direction from a point 174 feet west of its intersection with Franklin Street
Taylor Avenue
Main Street and Donaldson Street
Taylor Avenue
Main Street and Pine Street
Taylor Avenue
For a distance of 20 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with Pine Street
Taylor Street
Entire length
Taylor Street
Entire length
Union Street
Broad Street and Main Street
Union Street
Shewell Avenue and Broad Street
Veterans Lane/Way
North Main Street and its point of terminus
Washington Street
Putnam Street and Court Street
West Street
State Street and a point 25 feet north of the intersection of the curbline of Avenue A
West Street
West Court Street and a point 25 feet north of its intersection with the northerly curbline of Avenue A
West Street
The northerly side of West State Street and extending a distance of 352 feet in a northerly direction to a point
West Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-3, 1/23/2023]
From the intersection of West Street and Union Street northwest to the Borough boundary
Woodbridge Drive
For a distance of 92 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with the west side of Veterans Lane
Woodbridge Drive
For a distance of 835 feet in a generally northerly direction from its point of intersection with the north side of the loop of Woodbridge Drive, said point of intersection being situate 92 feet in a westerly direction from the intersection of the north side of Woodbridge Drive with the west side of Veterans Lane
Woodbridge Drive
For a distance of 627 feet in a generally northerly direction from its point of intersection with the westerly side of Lantern Drive
Wood Street
Hamilton Street and Holbeins Alley
Wood Street
Hamilton Street and Clinton Street
Wood Street
Clinton Street and Decatur Street
Parking shall be prohibited at all times in the following locations, except for parking by vehicles displaying a currently effective residential parking permit or guest permit within the designated residential permit parking district in which the permit was issued:
Harvey Avenue
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-15, 12/18/2023]
Union Street and a point 160 feet north of its intersection with the north side of West Court Street
North Church Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2018-8, 7/16/2018]
Beginning at a point 167 feet south of the intersection of North Church Street with the south side of East Court Street and extending south 38 feet
North Hamilton Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-15, 12/18/2023]
Wood Street and Decatur Street
Shewell Avenue
For a distance of 32 feet in a northerly direction from its intersection with Main Street
Shewell Avenue
A point 95 feet north of the intersection of the easterly side of Shewell Avenue with the northerly side of North Main Street and the south side of the Third Federal S&L driveway
Shewell Avenue
Union Street and the south side of the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory property
Shewell Avenue
West Court Street and a point 188.5 feet north of the intersection of the westerly side of Shewell Avenue with the northerly side of West Court Street
West Ashland Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 2018-3, 3/19/2018]
A point 90 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Lafayette Street and Washington Street
Wood Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2024-3, 6/17/2024]
A point 214 feet west of its intersection with the west side of North Franklin Street and extending 216 feet in a westerly direction
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 1984-8, 4/16/1984; by Ord. 1985-11, 7/15/1985; by Ord. 1998-10, 12/21/1998, § 2; by Ord. 2006-4, 4/17/2006, § 1; by Ord. 2008-11, 10/20/2008, § 1; and by Ord. 2008-13, 12/15/2008, § 2]
Stopping, standing or parking shall be prohibited in the following locations at the times specified:
Pine Street, east side, no parking between Oakland Avenue and Ashland Street at all times except on Sundays.
Frosterly Drive, east side, no parking between Broadale Road and its intersection with the Regency Woods cul-de-sac, daily between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m.
Church Street, northeast side, no parking between East Court Street and Mechanics Street at all times except on Sundays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. beginning at a point 57 feet northwest of its intersection with the northwest side of East Court Street and continuing until its intersection with the southeast side of Mechanics Street.
School Lane, both sides, no parking between Lafayette Street and Memorial Drive between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday of each week, except for those locations along School Lane which are otherwise regulated pursuant to § 304 of this chapter.
Lafayette Street, west side, no parking between West Court Street and MacFarlane Lane between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week, except for school buses for the handicapped stopped, standing or parked for the purpose of loading and unloading the handicapped.
Maple Avenue, southeast side, no stopping, standing or parking for a distance of 73 feet in a northeasterly direction from the northeast side of Maple Lane between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week.
Maple Avenue, southeast side, no stopping, standing or parking for a distance of 55 feet in a southwesterly direction from the southwest side of Maple Lane between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week.
Maple Avenue, northwest side, no stopping, standing or parking for a distance of 22 feet in a northeasterly direction from the northeast side of Maple Lane between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week.
Maple Avenue, northwest side, no stopping, standing or parking for a distance of 80 feet in a southwesterly direction from the southwest side of Maple Lane between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week.
Shewell Avenue, south side, no stopping, standing, or parking at all times for a distance of 161 feet in a westerly direction from the west side of North Main Street.
South Chubb Drive, north side, no parking between Glen Drive and Kreutz Avenue from April 1 to July 31 of each year.
South Chubb Drive, south side, no parking from a point 1,031 feet southeast of Glen Drive to a point 1,338 feet southeast of Glen Drive from April 1 to July 31 of each year.
Hamilton Street, east side, no parking between West State Street and West Oakland Avenue from 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays from April 1 to November 30 of each year.
[Added by Ord. 2015-18, 12/21/2015]
Doyle Street, south side, no parking between North Hamilton Street and Harvey Avenue from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week, except by vehicles for which a currently effective residential parking permit or guest permit has been lawfully issued, obtained and affixed to the vehicle as set forth in this Part 3, § 312.1.
[Added by Ord. No. 2021-8, 5/17/2021]
Lacey Avenue, east side, no parking between North Church Street and the intersection with North Street from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., daily, except by vehicles for which a currently effective residential parking permit or guest permit has been lawfully issued, obtained and affixed to the vehicle as set forth in this Part 3, § 312.1.
[Added by Ord. No. 2021-10, 9/20/2021]
Union Street, both sides, no parking between Shewell Avenue and Hamilton Street from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except by vehicles for which a currently effective residential parking permit or guest permit has been lawfully issued, obtained and affixed to the vehicle as set forth in this Part 3, § 312.1.
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-2, 1/23/2023]
Harvey Avenue, both sides, no parking between Union Street and Doyle Street from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except by vehicles for which a currently effective residential parking permit or guest permit has been lawfully issued, obtained and affixed to the vehicle as set forth in this Part 3, § 312.1.
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-5, 5/15/2023]
[Ord. 2009-7, 12/21/2009]
The person or entity which is the record owner of a parcel on which a private parking lot is situate. The owner may also include an appropriate designee, agent or lessee; provided, however, that Borough officials may require written authorization from the record owner before enforcing Subsection 2 of this section at the request of said designee, agent or lessee.
A designated area providing three or more marked parking spaces and posted with signs indicating the permitted users of said spaces.
It is prohibited to park or stop any vehicle in any private parking lot without the permission of the owner of the private parking lot. In the event a vehicle is parked in a private parking lot without the permission of the owner of the private parking lot, the owner may request Borough officials to impose a fine pursuant to § 313 of this chapter.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 2002-9, 9/23/2002, § 1]
Parking shall be prohibited in the following locations between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. on the days designated:
Each Thursday:
Broad Street
State Street and Main Street
East Ashland Street
Church Street and Main Street
East Court Street
Main Street and East Street
Main Street
Shopping center and Post Office
Oakland Avenue
Clinton Street and Catholic Church
Pine Street
Court Street and State Street
South Clinton Street
Mary Street and West Oakland Avenue
State Street
Catholic Church and Clinton Street
West Ashland Street
Main Street and Clinton Street
West Court Street
Clinton Street and Main Streeet
West Court Street
Clinton Street and Memorial Drive
West State Street
Lafayette Street and Clinton Street
Each Friday:
East Ashland Street
Main Street and Church Street
East Court Street
East Street and Main Street
Hamilton Street
Court Street and Oakland Avenue
Harvey Avenue
Meters only
Main Street
Ashland Street and Broad Street
Oakland Avenue
Catholic Church and Clinton Street
Shewell Avenue
Meters only
South Main Street
Ashland Street and Borough line
State Street
Clinton Street and Catholic Church
West Ashland Street
Clinton Street and Main Street
West Court Street
Main Street and Clinton Street
West Court Street
Memorial Drive and Clinton Street
West State Street
Clinton Street and Lafayette Street
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 1986-1, 1/20/1986, § 1; as amended by Ord. 1989-4, 2/20/1989, § 2; by Ord. 1989-7, 5/15/1989, § 2; by Ord. 1992-6, 3/16/1992, § 1; by Ord. 2003-9, 12/15/2003, § 2; by Ord. 2005-8, 6/20/2005, § 1, by Ord. 2005-11, 8/15/2005, § 1; by Ord. 2007-4, 7/16/2007, § 1; by Ord. 2010-18, 12/20/2010; by Ord. 2011-6, 4/25/2011; by Ord. 2011-7, 4/25/2011; by Ord. 2013-6, 7/15/2013; by Ord. 2017-5, 4/17/2017; and by Ord. 2017-16, 11/20/2017]
No person shall park a vehicle, or allow the same to remain parked, for a longer period of time than 15 minutes in any of the following locations:
North Main Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-4, 5/15/2023]
One twenty-foot space situate 280 feet north of its intersection with the west side of Shewell Avenue
South Main Street
One twenty-foot space situate 89 feet north of its intersection with the north side of Hart Avenue
Oakland Avenue
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet east of its intersection with the east side of Main Street
Oakland Avenue
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Pine Street
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Clinton Street
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet east of its intersection with the east side of Hamilton Street
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Hamilton Street
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet east of its intersection with the east side of Printers Alley
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet east of its intersection with the east side of Franklin Street
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Hamilton Street
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet east of its intersection with the east side of Main Street
State Street
One twenty-foot space situate 20 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Main Street
East State Street
One twenty-foot space proceeding east from a point beginning 25 feet east of its intersection with the east side of Main Street
West Court Street
Two twenty-foot spaces situate 20 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Main Street
West Oakland Avenue
One twenty-foot space situate 145 feet west of its intersection with the east side of South Clinton Street
Parking Lots
Kenny's Parking Lot
(15 § 403.5)
Five spaces along Dommel Way
Plaza East Parking Lot
(15 § 403.2)
One space designated by the Borough Manager
[Added by Ord. No. 2022-2, 2/28/2022]
No person shall park a vehicle, or allow the same to remain parked, for a longer period of time than 30 minutes in any of the following locations, except outside of the hours in effect indicated below, during which time no person shall park a vehicle or allow the same to remain parked for a longer period of time than three hours, at the following locations:
Hours in Effect for 30-Minute Limit
Doyle Street
Broad Street, beginning 68 feet east of its intersection with Broad Street, and extending east for 2 spaces, to a point 112 feet east of the intersection
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Doyle Street
Broad Street, beginning 170 feet east its intersection with Broad Street, and extending east for 4 spaces, to a point 258 feet east of the intersection
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Editor's Note: Former § 307.1, Parking Limited to 30 Minutes in Certain Locations, as amended, was repealed by Ord. No. 2005-8, 6/20/2005.
[Ord. 1999-15, 7/19/1999, § 1; as amended by Ord. 2003-9, 12/15/2003, § 4; by Ord. 2010-18, 12/20/2010; and by Ord. 2017-16, 11/20/2017]
No person shall park a vehicle, or allow the same to remain parked, for a longer period of time than one hour in any of the following locations:
West Ashland Street
West Street and South Clinton Street
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 1986-12, 11/17/1986; by Ord. 1992-5, 3/16/1992, § 1; by Ord. 1994-7, 7/18/1994, § 2; by Ord. 1994-11, 12/19/1994, § 2; by Ord. 1994-12, 12/19/1994, § 1; by Ord. 1995-2, 3/20/1995, §§ 2, 3; by Ord. 1996-6, 11/18/1996, § 2; by Ord. 1997-2, 3/17/1997, § 1; by Ord. 1997-4, 7/21/1997, § 1; by Ord. 1998-10, 12/21/1998, § 3; by Ord. 1999-11, 7/19/1999, § 1; by Ord. 1999-15, 7/19/1999, § 2; by Ord. 2000-2, 2/28/2000, § 2; by Ord. 2003-9, 12/15/2003, § 5; by Ord. 2005-8, 6/20/2005, § 3; by Ord. 2005-10, 7/18/2005, § 1; by Ord. 2006-11, 9/18/2006, § 1; by Ord. 2007-1, 1/22/2007, § 2; by Ord. 2007-12, 11/19/2007, § 2; by Ord. 2008-2, 3/17/2008, § 1; by Ord. 2008-10, 9/15/2008, § 1; by Ord. 2010-4, 5/17/2010; by Ord. 2010-15, 12/20/2010, § 1; by Ord. 2010-18, 12/20/2010, § 3; by Ord. 2011-9, 6/20/2011; by Ord. 2012-2, 2/27/2012; by Ord. 2017-16, 11/20/2017; and by Ord. 2017-17, 12/18/2017]
Parking shall be limited to two hours in the following locations between the hours indicated at all times except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays:
Hours in Effect
Belmount Avenue
Church Street and Spruce Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Bridge Street
Main Street and Green Street
24 hours a day/7 days a week
Bunker Street
West Ashland Street and Mary Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Church Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 2018-8, 7/16/2018]
Court Street and State Street excepting that area beginning at a point 167 feet south of the intersection of North Church Street with the south side of East Court Street and extending south 38 feet
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Doyle Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-6, 5/15/2023]
Beginning at a point 180 feet west of Main Street for 380 feet in a westerly direction to a point 560 feet west of Main Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
East Court Street
Church Street and Spruce Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Franklin Street
West Court Street and West Ashland Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Franklin Street
Beek Street and West Ashland Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Green Street
For a distance of 220 feet in a southerly direction from a point 37 feet south of the intersection of the southerly side of Bridge Street with the westerly side of Green Street
24 hours a day/7 days a week
Harvey Avenue
[Repealed by Ord. No. 2023-15, 12/18/2023]
Hillside Avenue
Main Street and Green Street
24 hours a day/7 days a week
Jackson Street
West Ashland Street and West Oakland Avenue
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jefferson Street
West Court Street and Lincoln Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Layfayette Street
West State Street and West Ashland Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Layfayette Street
West Court Street and West Ashland Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Lincoln Avenue
Washington Street and the westerly Borough line
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Logan Street
Layfayette Street and West Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Magil Lane
Layfayette Street and West Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Main Street
Hart Avenue and the north property line of 266 South Main Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Main Street
Beginning at a point 1,955 feet and 9 inches north of the southerly Borough line and extending a distance of 173 feet 2 inches in a northerly direction to a point
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Main Street
For a distance of 810 feet and 10 inches in a southerly direction from the southerly side of Ashland Street excepting therefrom the area between Bridge Street and the southerly side of Ashland Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mary Street
Lafayette Street and Franklin Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mechanic Street
Church Street and a point 57 feet west and again between a point 72 feet 10 inches west of Church Street and a point 138 feet 10 inches west of Church Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
North Clinton Street
West Court Street and Wood Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
North Franklin Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2019-3, 8/19/2019]
The intersection of North Franklin Street with the south side of Wood Street and extending 90 feet in a southerly direction
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
North Hamilton Street
[Repealed by Ord. No. 2023-15, 12/18/2023]
Paine Street
Lafayette Street and West Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Pine Street
Scout Way and East Ashland Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Putnam Street
West Oakland Avenue and Long Lane
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Shewell Avenue
Union Street and Doyle Street
24 hour a day/7 days a week
South Clinton Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 2020-2, 1/27/2020]
For a distance of 288 feet in a northerly direction from the north side of Hart Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
South Clinton Street
For a distance of 375 feet in a northerly direction from a point situate 66 feet north of its intersection with the north side of Hart Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Squirrel Lane
Lafayette Street and West Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
State Street
West Street and a point situate 868 feet west of West Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
State Street
Lafayette Street and West Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Washington Street
Putnam Street and West Court Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Washington Street
West Ashland Street and Putnam Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
West Street
West Court Street and West State Court
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
West Ashland Street
[Amended by Ord. No. 2018-3, 3/19/2018]
A point 90 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Lafayette Street and West Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
West Court Street
Lafayette Street and Franklin Street except areas designated as parking prohibited at all times pursuant to § 304 of this Part 3
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
West Court Street
Clinton Street and Franklin Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
West Oakland Avenue
Franklin Street and the westerly Borough line
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
West Oakland Avenue
Franklin Street and Clinton Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wood Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2019-3, 8/19/2019]
A point 127 feet west of its intersection with the west side of North Clinton Street and extending 235 feet in a westerly direction
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Wood Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2019-3, 8/19/2019; repealed by Ord. No. 2024-3, 6/17/2024]
Worthington Avenue
Bunker Street and Franklin Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
[Ord. 2008-10, 9/15/2008, § 2; as amended by Ord. 2010-18, 12/20/2010; by Ord. 2013-3, 2/25/2013; and by Ord. 2017-16, 11/20/2017]
Parking shall be limited to three hours in the following locations between the hours indicated at all times except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays:
Hours in Effect
East Oakland Avenue
Church Street and a point 137 feet west of Church Street
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
East Oakland Avenue
Between Church Street and Pine Street
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Main Street
Bridge Street and the southerly side of Ashland Street
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984]
The Borough Council is hereby authorized to establish taxicab stands and loading and unloading zones for commercial buses along the streets and alleys of the Borough, and to cause the same to be designated and set apart by official signs and markings. Every person, partnership, firm or corporation, before occupying any of the streets or alleys of the Borough for the purpose of a taxicab stand or bus loading or unloading zone, shall first make written application to the Borough Council for the establishment thereof, giving such information as the Council may require, and shall not occupy any portion of a street or alley as a taxicab stand or bus loading or unloading zone until the same has been so designated and marked off by authority of the Borough. No vehicle, other than a taxicab or a bus, as the case may be, engaged in loading, unloading or awaiting passengers shall be parked in a taxicab stand or bus loading and unloading zone at any time.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984]
No person shall park or allow to remain parked upon any street in the Borough any vehicle held for storage, for sale or for repairs, advertised for sale, being repaired or awaiting repairs.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/13/1984; as amended by Ord. 1989-10, 9/18/1989, § 2]
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a trailer (which shall mean a vehicle without motive power, designed to carry property and to be drawn by a motor vehicle or tractor, including, but not limited to, boat trailers and rental handling trailers), upon any street or highway in the Borough without having attached to such trailer a means of mechanical traction constructed or designed for the purpose of drawing such trailer.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor home, recreational vehicle or house trailer (which shall mean a vehicle with or without motive power, designed to carry passengers and designed to be used for living quarters wholly within its own structure) upon any street or highway in the Borough.
[Ord. 2002-5, 5/20/2002. § 1; as amended by Ord. 2010-18, 12/20/2010, § 5; and by Ord. 2017-16, 11/20/2017]
It shall be unlawful for any person, without having first obtained a permit as hereinafter provided, to park any large vehicle as defined herein, or cause same to remain parked, upon any of the following streets or portions thereof:
Chestnut Drive
Walnut Drive and Juniper Drive
A "large vehicle" is hereby defined for purposes of this section as any truck, trailer, tractor, tractor-trailer combination, bus, farm vehicle, recreational vehicle, or other vehicle, whether or not motorized, which has a width in excess of 82 inches or a length in excess of 216 inches or a height in excess of 84 inches.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to school buses, emergency vehicles and vehicles making local deliveries or pickups.
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to issue temporary permits for the parking of large vehicles, as herein defined, upon the streets or portions thereof identified in Subsection 1 above. The Chief of Police is hereby further authorized to require the holder of any permit issued hereunder to implement reasonable precautions by means of flags, flares, barricades, or guards, as the Chief of Police in his sole discretion shall determine, to ensure that the public or property is not endangered thereby.
[Ord. 1984-6, 3/19/1984; as amended by Ord. 1992-7, 3/16/1992, § 1; Ord. 1994-7, 7/18/1994, § 3; by Ord. 1998-1, 2/23/1998, § 1; and by Ord. 1998-8, 9/21/1998, § 1; by Ord. 2001-2, 2/26/2001, § 1, § 2; by Ord. 2001-4, 4/16/2001, § 1; by Ord. 2001-12, 11/19/2001, § 2; by Ord. 2002-4, 5/20/2002, § 1; by Ord. 2002-7, 7/15/2002, § 1; by Ord. 2005-1, 3/3/2005, § 1, by Ord. 2005-8, 6/20/2005, § 4; by Ord. 2006-9, 8/21/2006, § 1; by Ord. 2009-2, 3/16/2009, § 2; and by Ord. 2010-16, 12/20/2010, § 1]
The following are hereby established as special purpose parking zones, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle or tractor or to allow the same to remain parked, in any such zone, except as specifically provided for such zone:
Bridge Street
South side, between a point 58 feet east of its intersection with the east side of South Clinton Street and extending in an easterly direction a distance of 67 feet
Transportation Center parking
Broad Street
North side, for a distance of 67 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with the west side of East Court Street
Restricted parking — County Offices
Broad Street
South side, between East Court Street and a point 68 feet east of its intersection with the east side of North Main Street
Restricted parking — County Offices
Broad Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2020-4, 12/21/2020]
West side of Broad Street, beginning at the intersection with East Court Street, and extending southward 22 feet on Broad Street
Handicapped parking
Church Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2019-5, 12/16/2019]
East side of Church Street, beginning at a point 175 feet south of its intersection with the south side of East Oakland Avenue extending southward 22 feet
Handicapped parking
Decatur Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2018-2, 1/22/2018]
South side of Decatur Street, beginning at a point 85 feet east of its intersection with the east side of North Clinton Street and extending eastward 22 feet
Handicapped parking
Donaldson Street
West side, a distance of 40 feet in a southerly direction from its intersection with the south side of East Oakland Avenue
Handicapped parking
Doyle Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2022-2, 2/28/2022]
North side, for a distance of 22 feet from a point beginning 170 feet east of its intersection with Broad Street
Handicapped parking
Doyle Street
North side, for a distance of 24 feet from a point situate 446 feet west of its intersection with North Main Street
Handicapped parking
East Court Street
Northwest side, a distance of 64 feet in a southwesterly direction from a point situate 20 feet southwest of its intersection with the southwest side of Broad Street
Handicapped parking
East Court Street
Northwest side, a distance of 64 feet in a southwesterly direction from a point situate 145 feet southwest of its intersection with the southwest side of Broad Street
Handicapped parking
East Oakland Avenue
North side, a distance of 22 feet in an easterly direction from a point 141 feet 8 inches east of its intersection with the east side of Pine Street
Handicapped parking
East Oakland Avenue
South side, a distance of 40 feet in a westerly direction from a point situate 17 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Donaldson Street
Handicapped parking
East Oakland Avenue
North side, a distance of 40 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with the west side of Main Street
Handicapped parking
East Oakland Avenue
South side, a distance of 24 feet in a westerly direction from a point 104 feet 3 inches east of its intersection with the east side of Pine Street
Handicapped parking
East State Street
South side, a distance of 20 feet in an easterly direction from a point situate 41 feet east of its intersection with the east side of South Main Street
Handicapped parking
East State Street
North side, a distance of 40 feet in a westerly direction from its intersection with the west side of Main Street
Handicapped parking
Franklin Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-11, 10/16/2023]
West side of, beginning at a point 32 feet from its intersection with the north side of West Oakland Avenue and extending north 22 feet
Handicapped parking
Harvey Avenue
[Added by Ord. 2015-14, 8/17/2015]
West side of Harvey Avenue, beginning at a point 176 feet south of its intersection with the south side of Union Street and extending south 22 feet
Handicapped parking
Mechanic Street
[Added by Ord. 2012-1, 2/27/2012]
North side, a distance of 22 feet in a westerly direction from a point 37 feet west of its intersection with the west side of Church Street
Handicapped parking
Mechanic Street
[Added by Ord. 2012-1, 2/27/2012]
North side, a distance of 22 feet in a westerly direction from a point 52 feet 10 inches west of its intersection with the west side of Church Street
Handicapped parking
North Hamilton Street
[Added by Ord. 2017-9, 7/17/2017; repealed by Ord. No. 2021-2, 1/25/2021]
North Main Street
[Added by Ord. 2013-1, 1/28/2013; repealed by Ord. 2014-9, 8/18/2014]
North Main Street
West side, a distance of 20 feet in a northerly direction from the north side of the driveway entrance to the Bucks County Courthouse Parking Garage
Handicapped parking
North Main Street
West side, a distance of 20 feet in a southerly direction from the south side of the driveway entrance to the Bucks County Courthouse Parking Garage
Handicapped parking
North Main Street
[Added by Ord. 2016-8, 12/19/2016]
West side, beginning at a point 44 feet south of its intersection with the west side of North Broad Street and continuing south for 22 feet
Handicapped parking
North Main Street
[Added by Ord. 2015-7, 6/15/2015]
West side, beginning at a point 457 feet north of Shewell Avenue and continuing 88 feet in a northerly direction
Transportation Center parking
North Main Street
West side, a distance of 22 feet in a southerly direction from a point 48 feet south of its intersection with the west side of Union Street
Handicapped parking
Pine Street
East side, a distance of 33 feet in a northerly direction from a point situate 207 feet north of its intersection with the north side of Scout Way
Handicapped parking
Pine Street
East side, a distance of 20 feet in a northerly direction from a point situate 125 feet north of its intersection with the south side of Scout Way
Handicapped parking
Sandy Ridge Drive
[Added by Ord. 2014-8, 6/16/2014]
West side of Sandy Ridge Drive, beginning at a point 20 feet south of its intersection with the south side of Stacey Drive and extending south 22 feet
Handicapped parking
South Clinton Street
East side, between a point 24 feet north of its intersection with the north side of Bridge Street and extending in a northerly direction a distance of 80 feet
Transportation Center parking
South Clinton Street
West side, between a point 32 feet south of its intersection with the south side of Bridge Street and extending in a southerly direction a distance of 65 feet
Transportation Center parking
West Ashland Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2022-8, 10/17/2022; repealed by Ord. No. 2023-11, 10/16/2023]
West Oakland Avenue
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-11, 10/16/2023]
North side of, beginning at a point 39 feet from its intersection with the west side of Franklin Street and extending west 20 feet
Handicapped parking
West Oakland Avenue
[Repealed by Ord. 2014-9, 8/18/2014]
Parking Lots
Number of Spaces
Clinton Street Parking Lot
(15 § 403.4)
Handicapped parking
Plaza West Parking Lot
(15 § 403.3)
Handicapped parking
Pine Street Parking Lot
(15 § 403.1)
Handicapped parking
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as added by Ord. 1994-11, 12/19/1994, § 1; as amended by Ord. 1999-15, 7/19/1999, §§ 3 and 4; by Ord. 2000-2, 2/28/2000, § 3; by Ord. 2004-14, 12/20/2004, § 1; by Ord. 2005-8, 6/20/2005, § 5; by Ord. 2005-10, 7/18/2005, § 2, by Ord. No. 2005-12, 9/19/2005, §§ 1 and 2; by Ord. 2006-11, 9/18/2006, § 2; by Ord. No. 2007-1, 1/22/2007, § 3; by Ord. 2007-12, 11/19/2007, § 3; by Ord. 2008-2, 3/17/2008, § 2; by Ord. 2010-4, 5/17/2010; by Ord. 2010-17, 12/20/2010, § 1; by Ord. 2010-18, 12/20/2010, § 6; and by Ord. 2011-8, 6/20/2011]
Findings and Purpose.
The Borough Council of the Borough of Doylestown finds that the use of roads, streets and highways within certain residential areas of the Borough of Doylestown by nonresident persons using adjacent governmental, commercial, industrial, educational and transit facilities results in hazardous traffic conditions, the overburdening of existing streets, roads and highways, a reduction in the quality of the ambient air level and the inability of residents to obtain adequate parking adjacent to or close by their places of residence.
The Borough Council of the Borough of Doylestown believes and further finds that the creation of residential permit parking districts within such residential areas will reduce such undesirable conditions and will generally promote the public health, safety and welfare.
Authority to Designate. Borough Council may, in accordance with the provisions of this section, designate, revise or eliminate residential permit parking districts within residential areas of the Borough of Doylestown. The process of designating, revising or eliminating any residential permit parking district shall begin either by initiative of Borough Council or upon petition of 51% of the residents of any residential area proposed for such designation, revision or elimination.
Any person, firm or corporation.
Any person who:
Owns or leases real estate within a residential area of the Borough of Doylestown and who maintains either a voting residence or other bona fide occupancy, or both, at that address; or
Owns or leases nonresidential real estate within a residential area of the Borough of Doylestown for the purpose of operating a business or professional office enterprise at that address, together with any employees thereof.
An area:
[Amended by Ord. 2017-10, 7/17/2017]
Which is contiguous and possesses a predominantly residential zoning classification pursuant to the Doylestown Borough Zoning Ordinance of 1985 [Chapter 27] and which contains streets, roads or highways which are primarily abutted by properties used and occupied for residential purposes; or
Which possesses predominantly nonconforming residential uses regardless of zoning classification, and which contains streets, roads or highways which are primarily abutted by properties used and occupied for residential purposes. Such areas may be noncontiguous, provided the areas share at least one street in common.
Designation Criteria. A residential area shall be deemed impacted and thereby eligible for residential permit parking district designation provided the following criteria are satisfied:
During any two-hour period between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., prevailing time, Monday through Saturday, except legal holidays, the number of vehicles parked (or standing), legally or illegally, on the streets in the proposed district is equal to 65% or more of the legal, on-street parking capacity of the proposed district. For purposes of this subsection, a legal parking space shall be 22 linear feet.
During the same period utilized pursuant to Subsection A above, 30% or more of the vehicles parked (or standing) on the streets in the same proposed district are not registered in the name of a person residing in the proposed district. For purposes of this criterion, the latest available information from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation regarding registration of motor vehicles shall be used.
The percentages referred to in Subsections A and B above shall be determined by averaging the results of two surveys conducted on different days.
Public Hearings. Borough Council shall hold a public hearing pursuant to public notice prior to enacting any ordinance which designates, revises or eliminates any residential permit parking district.
Designation of Residential Permit Parking Districts. The following are hereby designated as residential permit parking districts within the Borough of Doylestown, said districts being bounded by and/or comprised of the streets, or portions thereof, situate therein:
Bridge-Hillside Area
Bridge Street
Main Street and Green Street
Green Street
All properties abutting Bridge Street or Hillside Avenue
Hillside Avenue
Main Street and Green Street
Main Street
All properties abutting Hillside Avenue or the south side of Bridge Street
C.B. West Area
Beek Street
Lafayette Street and Franklin Street
Bunker Street
West Ashland Street and Mary Street
Chestnut Lane
The westerly Borough line and Washington Street
Franklin Street Street
W§ Ashland Street and West State Street
Jackson Street
West Ashland Street and West Oakland Avenue
Jefferson Street
Lincoln Avenue and W. Court Street
Lafayette Street
West Ashland Street and West Court Street
West Court Street and West State Street
Lincoln Avenue
The westerly Borough line and Washington Street
Logan Street
Lafayette Street and West Street
Long Lane
The westerly Borough line and Putnam Street
Magill Lane
Lafayette Street and West Street
Mary Street
Lafayette Street and Franklin Street
Paine Street
Lafayette Street and West Street
Putnam Street
West Oakland Avenue and Long Line
Squirrel Lane
Lafayette Street and West Street
Washington Street
West Ashland Street and West Court Street
West Ashland Street
Washington Street and South Clinton Street
West Court Street
The westerly Borough line and Lafayette Street
Lafayette Street and Franklin Street
West Street
West Ashland Street and West State Street
West Oakland Avenue
The westerly Borough line and Franklin Street
Franklin Street and Clinton Street
Worthington Avenue
Bunker Street and Franklin Street
Church Street Area
[Amended by Ord. 2013-2, 2/25/2013]
Church Street
Court Street and a point 239.85 feet north of its intersection with the center line of State Street
Court Street and a point 214.97 feet north of its intersection with the center line of State Street
East Court Street
Church Street and Spruce Street
East Oakland Avenue
102 feet east of Pine Street to Church Street
East Oakland Avenue
270 feet east of Pine Street to Church Street
Courthouse West Area
[Amended by Ord. 2015-8, 6/15/2015]
Harvey Avenue
Union Street and a point 160 feet north of its intersection with the north side or West Court Street
Shewell Avenue
Union Street and the north side of the Pennsylvania National Guard Armory property
Union Street and a point 188.5 feet north of its intersection with the north side of West Court Street
Union Street
Beginning at its intersection of Shewell Avenue and extending in a northerly direction to the Bucks County Parking Garage
Doyle Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2021-8, 5/17/2021]
Beginning at the intersection with the west side of Harvey Avenue and in a westerly direction until the intersection with the east side of North Hamilton Street
Green Street Area
Green Street
For a distance of 220 feet in a southerly direction from a point 37 feet south of the intersection of the southerly side of Bridge Street with the westerly side of Green Street
Harvey Avenue
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-5, 5/15/2023]
Harvey Avenue
Beginning at the intersection with Union Street and extending in a northwesterly direction until the intersection Doyle Street
Lacey Avenue
[Added by Ord. No. 2021-10, 9/20/2021]
Beginning at the intersection with the east side of North Church Street and extending 253 feet in a northerly direction until the "no parking" zone before the "Y" intersection of Lacey Avenue with North Street
North Hamilton Area
North Hamilton Street
Wood Street and Decatur Street
Shewell, Union & Doyle Area
Shewell Avenue
Union Street and Doyle Street
Union Street
[Added by Ord. No. 2023-1, 1/23/2023]
Beginning at the intersection with Shewell Avenue and extending in a southwesterly direction until the intersection of Union Street with Hamilton Street
Wood/Franklin Area
[Added by Ord. 2017-10, 7/17/2017; amended by Ord. No. 2019-3, 8/19/2019]
North Franklin Street
Beginning at its intersection with the south side of Wood Street and extending 90 feet in a southerly direction
Wood Street
Beginning at a point 127 feet west of its intersection with the west side of North Clinton Street and extending 235 feet in a westerly direction
Wood Street
Beginning at a point 214 feet west of its intersection with the west side of North Franklin Street and extending 216 feet in a westerly direction
Application for a Residential Parking Permit. Any resident who resides within a designated residential permit parking district, who is the registered owner of a motor vehicle or vehicles, may make application for a permit or permits to park (or stand) such motor vehicle or vehicles within such designated residential permit parking district pursuant to the provisions of this Section. A separate application shall be required for each motor vehicle and each application shall be accompanied by such permit fee as Borough Council may, from time to time, determine by separate resolution. Any permit fee imposed under Subsection 7 or 8 of this section shall be for the use of the Borough, to be applied to the cost of administering the residential permit parking program. Each application shall contain the following information:
The name of the resident owner of the motor vehicle.
The address of the resident owner of the motor vehicle.
The make, model and registration number of the motor vehicle owned by the applicant.
The operator's number as set forth on the applicant's current driver's license.
Such other information as may be reasonably required by the Chief of Police to verify that the applicant is a bona fide resident of the residential permit parking district for which application has been made and that the applicant is the owner of the vehicle to be permitted.
At the discretion of the Chief of Police, the applicant shall be required, at the time of application, to present a valid driver's license and vehicle registration card.
For purposes of this Section an owner or registered owner of a motor vehicle shall be deemed to include a lessee of a motor vehicle under a valid lease agreement.
Application for Guest Permits. Any resident who resides within a designated residential permit parking district may make application to the Chief of Police for a guest permit or permits, for the exclusive use of bona fide nonresident visitors, guests or business invitees of such resident, to enable them to temporarily park (or stand) motor vehicles operated by them within such residential permit parking district pursuant to the provisions of this Section. Guest permits shall not be used by residents of a designated residential permit parking district. The application shall be accompanied by such permit fee as Borough Council may, from time to time, establish by separate resolution, for each guest permit requested and shall contain the following information:
The name and address of the resident applicant.
The number of guest permits requested and a statement as to why the requested amount is necessary.
Such other than information as may be reasonably required by the Chief of Police to verify that the applicant is a bona fide resident of the residential permit parking for which application has been made.
The Chief of Police shall have the authority to reasonably limit the number of guests permits to be issued to any one resident.
Issuance of Permits; Terms. Upon receipt of the application and the required permit fee, and upon a determination by the Chief of Police that the information upon the application demonstrates that the applicant is entitled to a permit, the Chief of Police shall issue a residential parking permit or a guest permit or permits, as the case may be, to the applicant. Any permit so issued shall be effective upon issuance and shall automatically terminate and be null and void on December 31 next following the date of issuance. Permits shall be renewable annually before the termination date aforesaid upon making application for renewal and payment of a new permit fee as provided for in Subsections 7 and 8 above.
Residential parking permits shall display the assigned residential parking permit number, the residential permit parking district designation number and/or color (as determined by the Chief of Police and the expiration.
Guest parking permits shall display the assigned guest parking permit number, the residential permit parking district designation number and/or color (as determined by the Chief of Police and the expiration date).
Residential parking permits issued pursuant to this section shall be nontransferable.
All fees paid pursuant to this section shall be nonrefundable upon the issuance of a permit.
Each residential parking permit or guest permit issued pursuant to this section shall be affixed to the motor vehicle which is the subject of the permit or operated by a guest, visitor or business invitee of a resident, as the case may be, in such manner and at such location as shall be determined by the Chief of Police.
It shall be unlawful and a violation of this subsection for any person to display other than a lawfully obtained current and valid residential parking permit or guest permit while parking (or standing) in the residential permit parking district for which such permit was issued or to so display any permit in a residential permit parking district for which such permit was not issued.
Each application shall be solely responsible for each permit issued to such applicant hereunder and each applicant shall, upon any such permit being lost, mislaid or stolen, report such fact and the number of such permit to the Chief of Police.
Applicability of Parking Restrictions.
The provisions of §§ 304, Subsection 1, 307.2 and 308 of this Part 3, relating to parking one and two hours, respectively, in certain locations, shall not apply to any vehicle for which a currently effective residential parking permit or guest permit has been lawfully issued, obtained and affixed to such vehicle where such vehicle is parked (or standing) within the designated residential permit parking district for which such permit was issued.
[Amended by Ord. 2017-17, 12/18/2017]
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve any person from full compliance with all other applicable provisions of this Part 3.
General Provisions Relating to Permits.
Any permit which has been issued hereunder and which has been lost, mislaid or stolen shall not be replaced by a duplicate permit or a substitute permit; provided, however, that should the applicant find, locate and retrieve any such permit which had been lost, mislaid or stolen, such permit shall be and remain valid and effective for the remainder of the term for which it was originally issued; and, provided further, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any applicant from applying for a new permit or permits provided the required fee is paid and there is compliance with all other provisions of this section.
The issuance or possession of a permit hereunder shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof any parking space within a designated residential permit parking district or at any other location within the Borough of Doylestown.
The Chief of Police shall have the power to revoke the residential parking permit or guest permit of any permit holder found to be in violation of any provision of this section. Upon written notification to a permit holder of such revocation, the permit holder shall surrender the permit to the Chief of Police. Any permit holder who is subject to revocation of a permit as provided for herein may, within 10 days after the date of the date of the notice of revocation, appeal from the decision of the Chief of Police to Borough Council which shall hold a hearing on such appeal and render a decision, which decision shall be final.
It shall constitute a violation of this section for any person to furnish false information in an application to the Chief of Police in order to obtain a permit hereunder.[1]
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection 12, Penalties, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed by Ord. 2017-16, 11/20/2017.
[Ord. 1984-1, 2/23/1984; as amended by Ord. 1992-6, 3/16/1992, § 2; by Ord. 1994-11, 12/19/1994, § 3; by Ord. 1999-15, 7/19/1999, § 5; by Ord. 2004-14, 12/20/2004, § 2; by Ord. 2010-18, 12/20/2010, §§ 7, 8 and 9; and by Ord. 2017-16, 11/20/2017]
Any person, firm, corporation or owner of any vehicle parking in violation of any section or any provision of this Part 3, or the procedures adopted pursuant thereto, or aiding, abetting or assisting the violation thereof, shall be assessed fines and penalties in accordance with the following schedule:
Except as provided in Subsection 1B below, $10 for each separate parking violation under this Part, if paid within 10 days of the date that the notice of violation was issued. The owner or driver may discharge the fine by paying $10 within the time limit indicated on the ticket by the following means: a) in person at Borough Hall between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.; b) via telephone as indicated on the ticket; c) by mail, with a check or money order mailed to Borough Hall; or d) online, through the Borough website. If the fine is not paid within 10 days, the fine increases to $50, again payable within 10 days.
Fifty dollars for the following violations:
Any violation of § 311.1.
Any violation of § 312.1.
Any ongoing violation of § 307.2, 308 or 308.1, that persists beyond an hour, by a person who has been cited for a violation of one of the aforementioned sections and who continues to park unlawfully in the same location for a period of one hour or more from the time of the initial violation, with each additional hour an additional violation.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2018-10, 8/20/2018]
Any violation of § 304.
[Added by Ord. No. 2018-10, 8/20/2018]
Any violation of § 305.
[Added by Ord. No. 2018-10, 8/20/2018]
Any violation of § 305.1.
[Added by Ord. No. 2018-10, 8/20/2018]
Any violation of § 306.
[Added by Ord. No. 2018-10, 8/20/2018]
Any fines under this Part not paid within 10 days shall be referred for institution of a criminal proceeding, by either a law enforcement officer or by means of electronic transmission of the information to the Magisterial District Court. Any person who violates any provision of this section, or the procedures adopted pursuant thereto, shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a penalty of $50 for each violation, together with costs of prosecution.
[Ord. 2014-1, 1/27/2014]
Parking Enforcement Officers are expressly empowered to take all actions necessary to enforce the provisions of this Chapter 15, Part 3.
[Added by Ord. 2016-7, 11/21/2016]
Establishment of Valet Parking Areas. The Borough Council is hereby authorized to establish valet parking areas along the streets and alleys of the Borough and to cause the same to be designated and set apart by official signs and markings.
Every person, partnership, firm or corporation, before occupying any of the streets or alleys of the Borough for the purpose of operating a valet parking service in a designated valet parking area, shall first make written application to the Borough Council for a valet parking license in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Borough's Code of Ordinances.
No vehicle, other than a vehicle engaged in valet parking dropoff or pickup, shall be parked in a valet parking area except during times when a valet parking service is not in operation.
All valet parking areas shall be also operate as loading and unloading zones in accordance with § 302 of this chapter. No valet parking operator shall prevent such loading and unloading zones from being used by members of the public who are not utilizing valet parking services.
Designation of Valet Parking Areas. The following are established as valet parking areas within the Borough of Doylestown:
East State Street
Beginning at a point 75 feet west of Donaldson Street and continuing 52 feet in a westerly direction
West State Street
Beginning at a point 55 feet east of Clinton Street and continuing 50 feet in an easterly direction
West State Street
Beginning at a point 95 feet west of South Main Street and continuing for 70 feet in a westerly direction