[Adopted 2-8-1989 (Ch. 15, Art. II, of the 1990 Code)]
[Amended 11-8-1989; 11-14-2013]
It shall be unlawful for any emergency medical service organization to respond to nonemergency calls. Emergency medical service agencies from outside the territorial boundaries of Carroll County may transport non-Carroll-County residents into or through Carroll County and will not be in violation of this article. Rescue squads may respond in situations of emergency in the territorial boundaries of Carroll County, Virginia. An "emergency" shall be defined as a sudden or unexpected occurrence causing great harm which is potentially life threatening or requiring immediate medical attention (i.e., reported heart attack, patient unresponsiveness, accident with injury, drowning or other undefined calls).
When an emergency medical service organization (rescue squad) responds to an emergency and transportation is warranted, then the patient shall be taken to the nearest appropriate hospital (i.e., Pulaski, Radford, Stuart, Mt. Airy, Galax, Wytheville), and the emergency medical service organization shall return to the station. Transport from hospital to hospital, from a patient's home to a doctor's appointment or from a medical care facility to a patient's home is prohibited, unless granted a franchise for that purpose.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of any emergency medical service company granted a franchise to provide nonemergency transportation. Emergency transportation shall be provided only when requested by the Carroll County Board of Supervisors, Sheriff's Department, rescue squad or a patient.
It is understood that any controversy arising between the rescue squads providing emergency transportation and the paid service providing nonemergency transportation as to the manner or method of operation shall be submitted to the arbitration board, comprised of one person appointed by the Board of Supervisors, one person appointed by the rescue squad Board of Directors and one person appointed by the paid service. It is understood that the majority decision of such arbitration board shall be final.
[Amended 11-14-2013]
Violation of this article by emergency medical service organization individuals, and any other subsequent amendments that may be adopted from time to time by Carroll County, shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor, as provided for in the Code of Virginia, § 15.2-1429. Each occurrence shall constitute a separate offense, and such violation shall additionally be subject to injunctive relief in a state court of competent jurisdiction.