The tenure of every employee shall be conditioned on good behavior and satisfactory performance of duties. Any employee may be temporarily separated by layoff or suspension or permanently separated by resignation or dismissal. An employee may be separated from the service by resignation, abandonment of position, layoff, disability, dismissal, retirement and death.
To resign in good standing, an employee must give his department head at least 14 calendar days' advance notice. Failure to comply with this rule shall be entered on the service record of the employee and shall result in denial of reemployment rights for a period of one year.
An employee who fails to report to work for three consecutive workdays without authorized leave shall be separated from the payroll, shall be reported as having abandoned his position, and shall be denied reemployment rights for a period of one year.
Layoffs shall be made by the Manager when he deems the action to be necessary by reason of shortage of funds or work, the abolition of the position, or other material changes in the duties or organization, or for other reasons which are outside the employee's control and which do not reflect discredit upon the service of the employee.
The duties performed by any laid-off employee may be reassigned to other employees already working who hold positions in appropriate classes.
Employees separated from the service through no fault of their own shall be placed on a reemployment list in the order of seniority in their classification. The eligibility of an individual on a reemployment list will expire two years from the date of separation.
An employee may be separated for disability as provided in his pension plan. A disabled employee who has exhausted all his accumulated leave shall be given a leave of absence without pay, not to exceed six months.
Dismissals are discharges or separations made for misconduct and/or incompetence or failure to perform the work of the position satisfactorily. All dismissals shall be made by the Manager. No dismissal of a classified service employee shall take effect until the Manager gives to that employee a written statement setting forth the reasons for dismissal and has followed the procedures set forth in Article XII of this chapter.
Any employee who resigns from his employment with the municipality shall relinquish all accrued rights, privileges and benefits, except as provided by law, by the Charter or by ordinance. Any employee who is reinstated shall be considered a new employee with no accrued rights, privileges or benefits except as provided by law, by the Charter or by ordinance.
In the case of an extended period of disability necessitating absence from work, it shall be the policy, insofar as reasonably possible, to reinstate the employee in his former position or in a comparable one.