Appointments and promotions to all positions in the service of the city shall be made solely on the basis of merit and only after examination of the applicant's fitness so far as practicable examination shall be competitive.
[Amended 3-8-1977]
The first manager under this charter shall draft and submit to the council within three months after assuming office a set of rules and regulations, which shall become effective one month after its submission unless vetoed by the council within that period, providing for the establishment of a merit system personnel administration and for the implementation of such portions of that system as are prescribed by this charter. The rules and regulations shall include provisions with regard to classification, compensation, selection, training, promotion, discipline, vacations and any other matters necessary to the maintenance of efficient service and the improvement of working conditions. The rules and regulations shall continue in force subject to amendments submitted from time to time by the manager which shall become effective one month after their submission unless vetoed by the council within that period.
The compensation of all officers and employees not fixed by this charter shall be fixed in the rules and regulations of the merit plan by a schedule of pay which include a minimum and maximum and such intermediate rates as may be deemed desirable for each class of position provided for in said rules and regulations and which shall be enacted in the form of an ordinance as provided for in said rules and regulations and which shall be enacted in the form of an ordinance as provided in Sections 24 and 25. In increasing or decreasing items in the city budget, the council shall not increase or decrease any individual salary item but shall act solely with respect to total salaries in the various departments of the city.
Editor's Note: Former Section 53, Personnel Advisory Board, as amended 3-8-1977, was repealed 3-12-2024.
Editor's Note: Former Section 53a, The Grievance Board, as amended 3-8-1977, was repealed 3-12-2024.
[Amended 11-16-2022]
No compensation shall be paid without Certification by the manager, or such officer as the manager may direct, that the recipients are employed by the city and that their rates of compensation comply with the pay schedule provided for in Section 52. If such officer approves payments not in conformity therewith, the officer and the officer's surety shall be liable for the amount of such payments.
A taxpayer may maintain a civil action to restrain payment of compensation to persons unlawfully appointed or employed or to recover for the city any sums paid contrary to the provisions of this charter.