[Adopted 5-18-1891; amended 11-12-1952 by Ord. No. 496; 7-23-1979 by Ord. No. 1203; 12-12-1988 by Ord. No. 1491 (Ch. 21, Part 6, of the 1997 Code of Ordinances)]
If any private street, lane, alley or drive in the City of Warren shall become noxious, offensive, injurious or filthy, or if the owner or owners of a private street, lane, alley or drive shall fail or neglect to make and maintain a sidewalk where that private street, lane, alley or drive crosses the line of the sidewalk of any street of the material and in the manner required along that street by City ordinance, or shall fail or neglect to keep the street sidewalk where that private street, lane, alley or drive crosses the same free and clear of mud, dirt and other obstructions, that private street, lane, alley or drive shall be deemed a public nuisance and, in addition to other remedies provided by City ordinance, the City Manager shall close that private street, lane, alley or drive, on giving the owner or owners of the same 24 hours' notice of the intention and cause of the closing, and shall keep the same closed until the nuisance is abated.