[Adopted 10-2-2012 by Ord. No. 342]
Refuse containers.
Refuse containers shall be provided by the owner, tenant, lessee, occupant of the premises or the private trash hauler.
Containers shall be made of non-water-absorbent material and of sufficient strength to prevent breakage of the containers by weather, animals or upset and shall be equipped with lids of nonabsorbent material. Such containers shall be watertight and prevent the entry of flies. Refuse containers shall be maintained in a sanitary condition at all times.
No person shall permit the accumulation of any residue of liquids or solids on the bottom or sides of refuse containers. The interior of such containers shall be kept clean by thoroughly rinsing and draining as often as necessary.
Storing of refuse.
Public places. No persons shall place any refuse in any street, alley or other public place, or upon any private property whether owned by such person or not, within the Township unless it is deposited in proper containers for collection. No person shall throw or deposit any refuse of any kind in any stream or other body of water.
Unauthorized accumulation. Any unauthorized accumulation of refuse on any premises or the failure to remove refuse or rubbish containers once the trash/garbage has been collected is hereby declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited. Failure to remove any existing accumulation of refuse or the said container(s) within 48 hours of the receipt of notice from the Township Manager to remove such refuse or container(s) shall constitute a violation of this article.
Refuse must be wrapped or bagged in a manner to prevent spillage, odors, fire and health hazards (e.g., attraction and breeding of insects, rodents and the like) in addition to being put in containers.
Scattering of refuse. No persons shall case, place, sweep, or deposit anywhere within the Township any refuse in such a manner that it may be carried or deposited by the elements upon any street, sidewalk, alley, sewer, or other public place, or into any occupied premises within the Township.
No person shall accumulate trash or garbage longer than seven days. No person shall place trash or garbage at a curbside or pickup point sooner than 24 hours before the scheduled collection time.
All refuse containers shall be properly stored within the owners' premises until the designated pickup days when the containers must be brought to the curb.
All refuse from a dwelling unit or dwelling unit structure shall be placed for curb collection at the curb of the street closest to the applicable dwelling unit or dwelling unit structure.
Refuse and/or refuse receptacles of whatever nature must not be placed at or along the sidewalk, gutter, curb, or roadway of the Township before sundown of the evening before the day the trash is to be collected.
All empty refuse receptacles of whatever nature shall be removed from the collection site at or along the sidewalk, gutter, curb, or roadway promptly following the collection of refuse.
Donation dropoff bins, used for the receipt of donations, including, but not limited to, clothing and household items, shall not be installed, erected, placed, and/or constructed in any district in Concord Township.
[Added 7-7-2015 by Ord. No. 365]
Any property owner or possessor of a property determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to have violated this article shall be subject to pay a fine of $100 per day that the violation persists, as well as court costs, legal fees, and any other fees incurred by the Township to enforce this article against the party. Each day of a continuing violation shall constitute a separate offense for which a separate fine shall be levied.