[Added 10-13-2011 by L.L. No. 1-2011]
The provisions of this article shall be referred to as the "Residential Wind Energy Facilities Regulations of the Town of Eaton."
The purpose of this article is to provide standards for residential wind energy conversion systems with maximum generating capacity of 100 kilowatts or less designed for on-site home and/or farm use and that are primarily used to reduce on-site consumption of utility power (hereinafter "RWECS"). The intent of this article is to encourage the development of RWECS and to protect the public health, safety, and community welfare.
No person, firm, or corporation being the owner or occupant of any land or premises within the Town of Eaton shall use or permit the use of said land or premises for the construction of a RWECS without obtaining a special permit and site plan approval therefor as hereinafter provided.
All applications for a special permit and site plan approval for the construction of a RWECS to be used to generate electrical energy shall be determined by the Planning Board. Each application for a special permit and site plan approval shall be accompanied by:
A complete plan, drawn to scale, showing the design and location of the facility on the site;
The location of all structures, power lines or other utility lines within a radius equal to 150% of the proposed structure height from ground to tip of any rotating blades;
Dimensions and sizes of the various structural components of the support tower's construction;
Manufacturer's data sheets and such other information as may be necessary to fully describe the make, model, features, generating capacity of the proposed facilities and the manufacturer's installation specifications and recommendations.
Certification by a registered professional engineer or manufacturer's certification that the tower was designed to withstand wind load requirements for structures as set forth in the New York State Building Code.
No experimental, home-built, or prototype wind turbines shall be allowed without documentation by the applicant of their maximum probable blade throw distance in the event of failure, and a determination by the Planning Board of appropriate setback distances on the basis of that documentation.
The following restrictions and standards apply to all residential wind energy facilities:
Placement of facilities on site.
Maximum height shall be determined on a case-by-case basis as hereafter specified.
Facilities may be placed in rear or side yards but shall not be placed in front yards.
Property line setback requirements include guy wires or cables.
No individual tower facility shall be installed in any location that would substantially detract from or block the view of a portion of a recognized scenic viewshed, as viewed from any public road right-of-way, publicly owned land within the Town of Eaton, privately owned land within the Town of Eaton or that extends beyond the border of the Town of Eaton.
Setbacks. All portions of the facility, including support and accessory facilities, shall be set back a distance from all residential structures and property lines equal to 150% of the maximum height of the proposed facilities, including the maximum height of any rotating blades.
A maximum of one RWECS facility shall be permitted per parcel, except wind energy conversion systems for farms. Each parcel upon which a RWECS is located must include a principal used residential structure. A maximum of three RWECS facilities shall be allowed to support the agricultural purposes on any farm actively used for agricultural production.
Access control to facilities.
Windmills may be designed as either a monopole or lattice structure.
A monopole shall have a lockable door.
Windmills will have an anti-climbing device within a minimum height of 12 feet from the ground surface.
Signage. The type and placement of warning signs shall be determined on an individual basis as safety needs dictate. No advertising signs will be permitted.
All power lines connecting the RWECS facilities to public utility interconnection equipment shall be located underground and installed by certified professionals and must meet all applicable national, state and local electrical codes.
All turbines shall have an overspeed control device built in by the manufacturer.
All turbines shall be shielded at the alternator and the cables shall be armored to prevent any electromagnetic interference with radio, cell phone, and other electromagnetic signal transmissions.
All guy wires and cables shall be marked with high-visibility orange or yellow sleeves from the ground to a point 10 feet above the ground.
Color. Towers and rotating blades shall be painted white or gray or another nonreflective, unobtrusive color. No advertising or commercial logos or insignias may be visible on the structure(s).
Height. The RWECS shall not exceed the total minimum height established by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority ("NYSERDA") for grant funding at a wind speed of 10 miles per hour.
Noise. The level of noise produced during operation of a windmill shall not exceed 50 dba, as measured at the property lines owned by anyone other than the site owner, as those boundaries exist at the time of the special permit application. The applicant will be required to submit technical data proving such performance standard to the satisfaction of the Planning Board as to this requirement.
Lighting. No RWECS shall be artificially lighted, unless so required by the FAA.
Removal of vegetation. The construction of a RWECS shall only remove the natural vegetation necessary for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the system.
Abandonment. A RWECS, or any portion thereof, that is not used for 12 successive months shall be deemed abandoned and shall be dismantled and removed from the property at the expense of the property owner. Failure to abide by and faithfully comply with this section or with any and all conditions that may be attached to the granting of any permit for the facility shall constitute grounds for the revocation of all permit approvals by the Town. In addition, failure to remove an obsolete or unused facility in accordance with this section shall be a violation of this section. If said abandoned facility is not dismantled and removed within six months of abandonment, the Town may dismantle and remove said facility, and the cost of removing the facility shall be a lien of the property, and, if unpaid by the owner, said expense shall be added to the property owner's tax bill. Any and all structures, guy wires, cables and/or enclosures accessory to such facility shall also be removed. The site shall be restored to as natural a condition as possible.
In granting approval, the Planning Board may impose other conditions and restrictions deemed necessary for the maintenance and safety of such towers and/or necessary to minimize any adverse effect or impact of the proposed use on neighboring properties.