[Ord. 193, 3/10/1958]
The Borough of East Lansdowne [shall] become a participant in the Social Security Program and the benefits of Social Security shall be extended to its employees and officers.
[Ord. 193, 3/10/1958]
The President and the Secretary are authorized to execute and deliver to the State Agency the Plan and Agreement required under the provisions of the Social Security Act and said Enabling Act to extend coverage to the employees and officers of this Borough.
[Ord. 193, 3/10/1958]
The Treasurer of the Borough is authorized to make all required payments into the Contribution Fund established by said enabling act and to establish such system of payroll deductions from salaries of officers and employees as may be necessary to their coverage under the Social Security Program.
[Ord. 193, 3/10/1958]
The Borough Council shall appropriate from the proper fund or funds of the Borough of East Lansdowne the amounts necessary to pay into the Contribution Fund as provided in the Enabling Act and in accordance with the Plan and Agreement.
[Ord. 193, 3/10/1958]
The proper officials of this Borough shall do all things necessary to the continued implementation of said Social Security Program in accordance with the provisions contained in the Plan and Agreement and the said Laws.
[Ord. 193, 3/10/1958]
Participation in the Social Security Program by this Borough shall commence as of the first day of January 1957.