Garage Name
Lot 1
Cannon/Church Street, bordered by Cannon Street on the north
and Church Street on the south, mid-block between South Hamilton on
the west and Reservoir Square on the east
Cannon Deck
Bordered by Cannon Street on the north and Church Street on
the south, mid-block between Academy Street on the west and S. Hamilton
Street on the east
Bordered by Cannon Street on the north, Church Street on the
south and Academy Street on the east
Bordered by Liberty Street access drive to the Main Mall on
the north and Cannon Street on the south, mid-block between Market
Street to the west and Academy Street to the east
Corner of Mill Street on the north and Garden Street on the
Bordered by Mill Street on the south, mid-block between Garden
Street on the west and Conklin Street on the east
Bordered by Mill Street on the north, Catharine Street on the
west and North Hamilton Street on the east
Financial Plaza Deck
Bordered by Civic Center Plaza on the west and Garden Street
on the east mid-block between Mill Street on the north and Main Mall
on the south; covered parking deck
Bordered by Civic Center Plaza on the west and Main Mall on
the south; open parking lot
City Hall Garage
Located beneath the Municipal building and bordered by Mansion
Street on the north, Mill Street on the south, Washington Street on
the west, and Market Street on the east
Civic Center Garage
Bordered by Civic Center Plaza on the east and Washington Street
on the north and west
Bordered by Main Street on the south, mid-block between Vassar
Street on the west and Washington Street on the east
Clinton Square
Bordered by the west-bound Arterial Highway on the north and
North Clinton Street on the east [L.L. No. 6-1992, § 2]