There is hereby levied and assessed upon each lot, parcel of land, building, premises, or unit having a connection with the wastewater treatment facility, a sewer service charge, based upon the quantity of wastewater discharged, pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 66.0821. Such sewer service charges shall be billed to the person owning, using, or occupying the property served. The sewer service charges shall consist of a fixed charge and a variable charge as set forth in the following sections.
The Village will use the methodology described in this section to determine the sewer service charge for use of the Village wastewater treatment facility. The Village will review the charges at least annually and revise as necessary to fulfill equitable and sufficiency requirements. The values listed in the schedules on file with the Village Clerk/Treasurer were created using estimates when actual costs were not yet available. The annual review process will include updating the schedules with actual costs from the previous year and any changes in the projection of types and characteristics of users. The schedules are incorporated by reference and may be updated and amended by resolution of the Village Board. Although the debt retirement and replacement fund schedule is expected to remain relatively constant over time, the operation, maintenance, and replacement (O,M&R) costs and number of users may fluctuate over time.
The purpose of establishing and using this methodology is to insure that each user pays its proportional share of operation, maintenance, and replacement (O,M&R) costs, debt retirement costs, and any other costs associated with constructing and operating the treatment facility within the sewer service area. Following the completion of the annual review, the Village shall revise, as necessary, the charges for users to maintain the proportionate distribution costs among users and generate sufficient revenue to pay the total costs necessary for the proper operation of the wastewater treatment facility, including a reasonable reserve. If excess revenues are collected from the users of the system, the Village will apply the excess revenues to the expenses attributable to those users for the next year's expenses and adjust the rates accordingly.
Fixed charge determination. The fixed charge is a minimum charge for each user based on the costs for existing and/or new debt retirement. Fixed charges are allocated according to the number of residential user equivalents. The fixed charge or minimum charge is for expenses that are not directly related to a customer's flow or organic loading. The component to the fixed charge is further defined below:
Debt retirement. The cost for financing to include principal and interest for all capital expenditures existing and proposed to be made by the Village. New debts will be added as incurred.
Variable charge determination. The variable charge is a volume of water per 1,000 gallons of metered water used. The relationship between metered water and sewer usage is not precise, but is sufficient to accurately ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of costs. The Village requires all users to have a metered water supply or to install a sewerage meter if feasible and requested by the user or the Village; if not, a meter equivalent charge shall be used. The costs to be allocated in this manner are related to the cost of operating and maintaining the wastewater treatment facility. These costs have a direct relationship to the amount of flow and are further defined below:
Operation and maintenance costs. The costs to operate and maintain the wastewater treatment and collection facilities to maintain the capacity and performance required. These costs include treatment, labor, supplies, etc.
Replacement costs. A separate fund must be established and contributed to each year to ensure that all equipment, accessories, or appurtenances that are necessary to maintain the wastewater treatment facility are accounted for. These costs are determined by using the installed cost of the equipment (excluding the cost of technical, legal, administrative, and other fees, since such costs generally are not required when materials are replaced) and assigning a service life to such facilities in order to estimate when replacement will be required. A sinking fund factor is then applied to determine the amount of money to be collected per year to ensure that an adequate amount will be available at the time the equipment is likely to need replacement. The Village will invest such funds in an interest-bearing account until required.
Surcharge. Any user discharging wastewater of greater than normal domestic strength must pay a surcharge on the additional loadings. These costs relate to the increased treatment needed to handle these loadings.
Total sewer service charge. The sum of the fixed and variable charges will determine the total sewer service charge. The Village will bill each user monthly for its share of the treatment costs according to this User Charge System.
The fixed charge shall be a minimum charge for all users based upon the number of residential user equivalents connected to the wastewater treatment facility. The size of the equivalent meter will determine the number of residential meter equivalents as shown in the table below. The residential meter equivalent will be evaluated by using the standard residential user equivalent for equivalent numbers of users. This charge includes the debt service retirement costs.
Schedule of Fixed Charges
Meter Size
Residential Meter Equivalents
Residential User Equivalents
5/8 and 3/4
See Schedule 4 - STD Tables
See Schedule 4 - STD Tables
1 1/2
See Schedule 4 - STD Tables
See Schedule 4 - STD Tables
See Schedule 4 - STD Tables
See Schedule 4 - STD Tables
Each user will be billed on the volume and strength of wastewater discharged to the wastewater treatment facility. Normal domestic-strength wastewater, as defined in § 282-3, will be billed upon a volume charge based upon the quantity of flow determined pursuant to this article. Users who discharge wastewater into the wastewater treatment facility shall be subject to surcharges, in addition to the volume charge, if their wastewater has a concentration greater than the domestic concentration specified in the preceding sentence. The amount of such surcharges shall reflect the costs incurred by the Village from the wastewater.
Normal domestic-strength wastewater volume charge (metered user): price per 1,000 gallons as calculated in Schedule 9 on file with the Village Clerk/Treasurer.
Sewage of greater than normal domestic strength. Charges to users discharging wastewater greater than normal domestic strength shall be computed in accordance with the formula presented below:
C = (V x $D) + 0.00834(V)[(B x $B) + (S x $S)]
Charge to sewer user for operation, maintenance, and replacement costs for wastewater treatment facility
Wastewater volume in 1,000 gallons
Price for total variable charge per 1,000 gallons normal domestic-strength wastewater as shown in Schedule 9
Concentration of BOD above the normal domestic strength in mg/l
Price per pound of BOD as shown in Schedule 9
Concentration of suspended solids (SS) above the normal domestic strength in mg/l
Price per pound of SS as shown in Schedule 9
Conversion factor (mg/l to pounds)
Holding tank waste disposal charges. Charges to licensed dischargers shall be computed and assessed on the charge as shown in Schedule 10 for price per 1,000 gallons.
Septage tank waste disposal charges. Charges to licensed dischargers shall be computed and assessed on the charge as shown in Schedule 10 for price per 1,000 gallons.