[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of East Granby as Ch. XVI, Arts. 1 and 2, of the 1975 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Parks and Recreation Round Fund — See Ch. 29, Art. VIII.
Parks and recreation — See Ch. 55.
Parks and recreation areas — See Ch. 225.
The Town hereby creates a Parks and Recreation Commission.
[Amended 11-28-1990; 9-5-2023]
The Commission shall consist of 11 total members. All will serve without compensation. The 11 members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen. There shall be nine regular members of the Commission, serving for terms of four years; and two student members of the Commission, serving for terms of one year. The student members shall be high-school students.
The Parks and Recreation Commission shall have charge of all parks, recreational areas and facilities, and of all Town sponsored recreational activities except as may be undertaken by the Board of Education. It shall be the duty of the Commission to plan, initiate, coordinate, and supervise all recreational activities at Town parks, recreational areas and facilities of the Town not under the supervision or control of the Board of Education; to be responsible for and to develop general parks and recreation plan for the Town; to develop and promote new and existing parks, recreational areas, recreational facilities, and recreational programs and activities; to evaluate periodically park facilities, activities and programs; to assist various groups in Town to fulfill their recreational and cultural needs; to make rules, regulations, and recommend to the Board of Selectmen fees governing the use of parks, recreational facilities, buildings, and all other properties that come under the jurisdiction of Parks and Recreation Commission which are used for recreation purposes, consistent with the ordinances of the Town and statutes of the state; to prepare annual budget requests, including maintenance, manpower and equipment, for parks and recreational planning, park development, and recreational activities for submission to the Board of Selectmen; to select and engage personnel as necessary for the proper supervision and planning of parks, recreational areas, recreation facilities, and recreation activities; and to coordinate with Town Highway/Maintenance Department to insure proper maintenance of all parks, recreational areas, and recreational facilities.