[HISTORY: Adopted by the Bellevue Board 4-15-1998 as §§ 5.01 to 5.08 of the 1998 Code; amended in its entirety 12-9-2020 by Ord. No. O-2020-20. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
 Emergency management— See Ch. 36.
 Alarm devices— See Ch. 162.
Fires and fire prevention — See Ch. 237.
In accordance with § 61.65(2)(a)(2)., Wis. Stats., the Village of Bellevue hereby elects to contract for fire protection, rescue, emergency medical, natural disaster emerg services, and ancillary incident management services with the Green Bay Metro Fire Department.
The Green Bay Metro Fire Department Fire Chief is hereby authorized and directed to adopt regulations within the chief statutory powers granted by the state or as directed and approved by the Village of Bellevue Board of Trustees, which regulations shall not become effective and operative until presented to and approved by the Village Board. Amendments shall be adopted in the same manner.
The Chief or designee shall have full authority to intercede in emergency situations performing such actions consistent with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the Village of Bellevue NIMS Emergency Operations Plan. He/she along with Bellevue's Emergency Management Coordinator (Village Administrator) shall have the authority to expend funds, use Village resources and equipment, implement action plans using Village and/or contractor staff, and otherwise make decisions necessary to protect human health, environment and property from any emergency (haz mat, fire, natural disaster or other situations as may present themselves).
The Chief and assistants or officers in command at any fire shall have full and complete police authority at fires or other emergencies. Any officer of the Department may cause the arrest of any person failing to give the right-of-way to the Fire Department in responding to a fire. The Chief shall also have such authority in times of declared emergencies within the municipality, and for enforcement of fire prevention ordinances as described herein and Wisconsin Administrative Code and state statute.
The Fire Chief may prescribe certain limits in the vicinity of any fire, hazardous materials, natural disaster, or rescue scene within which no persons, excepting firefighters, designated responders and law enforcement officers and those admitted by order of any officer of the Department, shall be permitted to come. The Chief shall have the power to cause the removal of any property whenever it becomes necessary for the preservation of such property from fire or to prevent the spreading of fire or to protect adjoining property, and during the progress of any fire or other emergency situation he/she shall have the power to order the removal or destruction of any property necessary to prevent the further spread of fire or to secure the safety of any scene, such as removing collapsed dwellings. He/she shall also have the power to cause the removal of all wires or other facilities and the turning off of all electricity or other services where the same impedes the work of the Department during the progress of a fire or other emergency.
Any firefighter, while acting under the direction of the Fire Chief or other officer in command, may enter upon premises adjacent to or in the vicinity of any building or other property on fire for the purpose of extinguishing such fire or to cause rescue, and if any person shall hinder, resist or obstruct any firefighter in the discharge of duties as herein provided, the person so offending shall be deemed guilty of resisting a firefighter in the discharge of his duties.
Every person present at a fire or emergency shall be subject to the orders of the Fire Chief or officer in command and may be required to render assistance in fighting the fire or in removing or guarding property. Such officer may cause the arrest of any person refusing to obey such orders.
Definitions. For purposes of this section, the term "emergency call" is defined as the Green Bay Metro Fire Department responding with Department personnel and apparatus to a reported or suspected fire, vehicle accident, hazardous material incident, or other similar emergency situation.
Schedule of fees. Within 60 days following the adoption of this section, the Fire Chief shall establish a schedule of fees which reflect the Fire Department's operating and maintenance costs for response by its personnel and apparatus to emergency calls. Said schedule of fees shall be subject to review and approval by the Village Board, which shall adopt the same by resolution, and which may be amended from time to time in the same manner.
Applicability. In accordance with the schedule of fees established under Subsection B above, the Village may charge a property owner, company, or responsible individual for the cost to respond to an emergency call under any of the following circumstances:
In the event that the emergency call is for an incident occurring on a state trunk highway or any highway that is part of the national system of interstate highways maintained by the State Department of Transportation.
In the event that the Fire Chief determines that the emergency call was caused by the intentional or negligent act of any person or company. Such intentional or negligent acts may include, but are not limited to, fire setting, causing a false alarm, and failure to comply with burning regulations.
For certain special rescue situations and hazardous material responses where the Chief determines that sufficient Village supplies and materials and/or manpower requires the recovery from the responsible party. All invoices for hazardous materials response will go through the local emergency planning committee (LEPC) per state guidelines.
For auto accidents and rescue extrications where rescue assistance is supplied. This may include ambulance services, transport, and associated costs such as medications and mileage.
For disposal of sorbent and hazardous materials residues.
For production of records and other administrative costs.
Intent. An annual fire prevention inspection fee shall be charged to the business owner for required inspections and any reinspections under the current Wisconsin Statutes and administrative codes and regulations. Typically, inspections are required at least annually, and for most occupancies (inspectable units) twice annually under Wisconsin Statutes, codes and local ordinances. Additional inspections for compliance with federal rules such as special storage provisions under the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives rules may also constitute additional inspections.
Definition. An "inspection," as defined in this section, is considered mandatory for each business on a property which requires an inspection under state statutes, administrative code, or regulations. Individual buildings that have multiple businesses will require multiple inspections. Each business is considered an inspectable unit under State of Wisconsin administrative codes.
Applicability. Fees for required fire inspections and any necessary reinspections shall be annually charged to the property owner on its individual property tax statements. For those nonprofit taxable entities, or for those requiring inspections under state law that do not receive a tax bill, the costs of such inspections shall be charged via standard invoicing from the Village of Bellevue Clerk-Treasurer.
All fees shall be entered on the annual tax roll as a special charge against said lot or parcel of land pursuant to the inspectable units.
The Village shall only bill the building owner(s) or property owner as indicated by the tax roll.
It is the building owner's sole legal and financial responsibility to pay said fees.
For nonprofits or those without tax bills, inspections will be invoiced.
Schedule of fees. Refer to the Village of Bellevue Fee Schedule for associated fees.
Reinspections. Any person who shall fail or neglect to comply with any lawful order of the Fire Chief or deputies issued pursuant to annual fire inspections may be assessed a reinspection fee as noted on the fee schedule per reinspection (each time a reinspection is required) until compliance with the order is obtained. In no way does this subsection relieve or replace any other action for failure to comply that is located anywhere else in the Village of Bellevue ordinances, State of Wisconsin statutes, or other applicable administrative codes.
Exemptions. All buildings owned by the United States, the State of Wisconsin, and the Village of Bellevue shall be exempt from this section as is associated with fees. All buildings, regardless of ownership, require inspection per federal and state laws, statutes, administrative codes and regulations.
Other fees. Separate from annual required inspections described above, the Fire Prevention Bureau is obligated under state rules to inspect initial sprinkler tests, hydraulic flow tests and other fire protection system tests. Fees for this service shall be at the discretion of the inspector.