State law reference: Airport commissions for cities, MGL c. 90, § 51E et seq.
[Ord. of 8-10-2021; Ord. of 10-10-2023]
The Airport Commission is hereby established, and shall consist of five members at least three of whom shall be residents of the City. Up to two members may be appointed from one of the municipalities that border the City (specifically the towns of Adams, Clarksburg, Florida, and Williamstown), provided that no more than one commissioner may reside in any bordering municipality. One member of the commission must have experience in aeronautics.
The Mayor shall, in the month of February, appoint a member or members, of the airport commission to serve for a period of three years, beginning on the first day of March following his or their appointment until his or their successor shall be duly appointed and qualified. When the commission is first established under section 2-108, the members of the commission, under this section, shall be appointed for terms of such length and so arranged that the term of one member will expire in 1964; the terms of two members will expire in 1965; and, the terms of the remaining two members will expire in 1966; and their successor or successors shall be appointed for a term of three years.
State law reference: See G.L. C. 90, § 51E.
The members of the airport commission shall annually choose one of their members as Chairman, vice-Chairman and secretary. A majority of the commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The commission may make rules and regulations for its own government and in relation to its officers as it may deem expedient and proper.
The airport commission shall have under its control and jurisdiction, North Adams Airport also known as Harriman Airport and any land in extension thereof hereafter acquired; and, any other land or lands hereafter acquired for airport purposes.
Leasing property. The airport commission may let or lease any airport or airports under its jurisdiction or any part thereof, for a period not to exceed 20 years. Any lease that exceeds 20 years must have the approval of the Mayor and City Council to be effective.
Acquisition of land. The commission, whenever appropriation has been made therefor, may take property by eminent domain under General Laws, Chapter 79 or 80A, or may acquire property by purchase, lease or otherwise, both within or without the City's territorial limits for airport purposes, or acquire such easements in airport hazards outside the boundaries of an airport or airport site as may be necessary for the removal or the prevention of the establishment of any airport hazard.
Entering private land. For the purpose of making surveys or examinations relating to any proposed taking by eminent domain, such commission or its authorized agent may make reasonable entry upon land.
Rental contracts. The commission shall determine the charges of rentals for the use of any properties, facilities, installations, landing fees, concessions, uses and services and shall determine the terms and conditions under which contracts may be executed by the commission on behalf of the City.
Expenditure of funds. The commission is hereby authorized to expend any funds granted to or received from any source or appropriated by the City for airport purposes.
Contracts for construction, improvement, etc., of airports. The commission may make contracts for the maintenance, operation, construction, enlargement and improvement of the airport or airports under its jurisdiction pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth and the City Charter governing the making of like contracts, excepting that if federal moneys are used in financing any maintenance, operations, construction, enlargements or improvements, the commission may act in the manner prescribed by federal authority acting under the law of the United States and any rules or regulations made thereunder, notwithstanding any other law of the commonwealth or charter to the contrary.
Airport rules and regulations. Subject to approval by the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission, the commission may adopt rules and regulations for the use of municipal airports or for the safety of the public upon or beyond the limits of the airport under its control, whether such airport facilities are within or without territorial limits of the City.
Airport approach regulations. The commission shall serve as administrative agency under section 40E of chapter 90 of the General Laws if the City Council adopt airport approach regulations under section 40A et seq. of chapter 90 of the General Laws.
The airport commission may appoint an airport manager who shall be qualified by general management experience and aeronautical knowledge, and he shall be the executive officer of the commission. The commission may also appoint an assistant airport manager who shall be qualified as aforesaid. Subject to appropriation by the City Council, the commission may appoint such other officers and employees as its work may require and shall fix salaries of all officers and employees appointed or employed by it.
See G.L., C. 90, § 51E.