The Township may include all costs incurred in the fees charged to an applicant. The fee for plan reviews, permit issuance and inspections shall be established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors. The fees may include, but not be limited to, costs for the following:
[Amended 7-17-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-02]
Administrative/clerical processing.
Review of the SWM site plan and erosion and sedimentation control plan by the Hellam Township Engineer.
Attendance at meetings.
Waiver or modification requests.
The inspections of stormwater management facilities and drainage improvements during construction. Additional fees may be billed to the property owner if the number of inspections exceeds the fees paid.
The final inspection upon completion of the stormwater management facilities and drainage improvements presented in the SWM site plan.
Any additional work required to enforce any permit provisions regulated by this chapter, correct violations, and assure proper completion of stipulated remedial actions.
SWM site plans requiring multiple reviews due to incomplete or inaccurate information are subject to a resubmission fee after two reviews.
For plans involving subdivision or land development, all fees shall be paid by the applicant at the time of application and shall be included in the required deposit for review of subdivision or land development plans. The developer shall be required to have an approved subdivision or land development plan prior to any stormwater management facilities construction.
For plans not involving subdivision or land development, the applicant shall be required to pay all fees at the time of application. An approved permit is required prior to any construction.
Any additional costs incurred by Hellam Township in the administration of this chapter shall be charged to the applicant and shall be paid promptly by the applicant.
Upon completion of the construction of the stormwater management facilities and upon final approval thereof by the Township or municipal assignees, any monies in excess of Township costs or expenses deposited by the applicant shall be refunded to the applicant within 90 days.
[Amended 7-17-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-02]