The Harford County Healthy Community Planning Board is hereby created.
The Board shall consist of 11 members, a member of the County Council, or their designee, who is an ex officio, non voting member, and the County Executive, or his designee, who is also an ex officio, non voting member.
The County Executive shall appoint the following members, subject to confirmation by the County Council pursuant to Section 223 of the Harford County Charter:
1 representative nominated by the Harford County Board of Education;
1 representative nominated by the Harford Community College Board of Trustees;
1 representative nominated by the Healthy Harford Board of Directors;
1 representative nominated by the local hospital's Board of Directors;
1 representative from the local food and beverage industry;
1 representative from the local athletic or sports industry;
1 representative from a local active recreation club;
1 representative from the local food producers; and
1 representative from a disease prevention advocacy group;
The Board members shall:
Be residents of the County; and
Insofar as possible, be representative of the County's population with respect to race, gender, political affiliation and geography.
Each Board member shall serve for a term of 3 years and, at the end of the member's term, shall either be reappointed or shall serve until a successor is confirmed by the County Council.
The County Executive possesses authority to appoint a member to fill the remainder of a term when a mid-term vacancy occurs in an unexpired member's term, and that appointment shall be done in the same manner as the member vacating the unexpired term.
The Board shall meet at least quarterly.
5 members shall constitute a quorum.
Any member missing 3 or more consecutive meetings without cause shall be deemed to have terminated his or her membership on the Board unless the Board shall, by majority vote, excuse one or more of the absences.
The County Council shall select a Chairperson, and provide support staff for the Board.
The Chairperson shall only be permitted to vote when the Chair's vote will break a tie vote.
The Board may elect any other officers it deems necessary.
The Board exists to advance the welfare of the Harford County community by promoting healthy lifestyles, including but not limited to access to healthy foods, school wellness, active living, education and expanded recreational activities.
Each member of the Board shall serve without compensation and may only receive reimbursement from the Board for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
To make recommendations for policy change with the purpose of advancing health;
To provide input to the Development Advisory Committee on any development plans they review;
To provide input to the County's annual budget;
To collaborate with other government and non-government agencies;
To be an advocate for healthy living; and
To provide a report to the County Executive and County Council of its activities by December 1 of each year.
The Board may:
Seek out additional non-voting advisors who are experts in relevant fields to advise and assist in carrying out the duties of the Board;
Adopt bylaws and operating procedures governing the conduct of its business.
The Board may not adopt any rule or regulation that conflicts with the provisions of this article.