[Ord. 766, 5/16/1996, § 16.0; as amended by Ord. 882, 2/15/2007; by Ord. 946, 3/21/2013; by Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
Off-street parking facilities shall be provided to lessen congestion in the streets. The facilities required herein shall be available for patrons/employees throughout the hours of operation of the particular business or use for which such facilities are provided for residents and visitors of residential uses. The term "parking space" includes either covered garage space or uncovered parking space located off the public right-of-way (and not a municipally owned parking lot or space). All parking spaces shall be ample in size for the vehicle for which the use is intended. The net parking space per vehicle shall not be less than nine feet wide and 18 feet long. Parking spaces and the approaches thereto shall be paved surfaces or stabilized surface subject to a favorable recommendation for approval by the Borough Engineer. For purposes of this Chapter, a stabilized surface is hereby defined as an approved all-weather, dustless surface.
All parking spaces shall be ample in size for the vehicle for which the use is intended. The net parking space per vehicle shall not be less than nine feet wide and 18 feet long. Parking spaces and the approaches thereto shall be paved surfaces or stabilized surface subject to a favorable recommendation for approval by the Borough Engineer. For purposes of this chapter, stabilized surface is hereby defined as an approved all-weather, dustless surface.
Required Parking Spaces
Automobile body shop; automobile service station
6 per service bay, plus 1 space for every employee (full time and part time).
Automobile wash
2 per washing lane.
Bank/financial institution
1 per 150 square feet, plus 2 convenient spaces for each automatic banking transaction machine.
Bed-and-breakfast establishment, accessory dwelling units, rooming units, and short-term accommodations
1 per bedroom plus 2 for the dwelling unit.
Convenience store
1 per 200 square feet of floor area.
Day-care center (nursery school)
1 per employee (full time or part time), plus 1 safe off-street loading/unloading space per 5 children.
Funeral home/mortuary
1 per 50 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Group home
1 per 4 residents, plus 1 per employee in the maximum working shift and 1 per advisor residing within the home (if any).
Hotel and motel
1 per room plus 1 per employee (full-time or part-time).
Industrial use (manufacturing or assembly plant)
1 per 800 square feet.
1 per 2 washing machines, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Medical center
1 per 250 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Nursing home
1 per 3 beds, plus 1 space per employee (full time or part time).
1 per 300 square feet.
Places of public or private assembly (church, community center, theater or similar meeting and assembly use)
1 per 3 seats or 1 per 100 square feet where no seats are provided, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Professional offices, including medical, dental, and veterinary offices
6 per physician, dentist, etc.
Residential dwellings
Apartment dwellings/apartment houses
The greater of (i) 0.75 per bedroom per dwelling unit or (ii) 1.5 per dwelling unit.
All other dwellings
2 per dwelling unit.
Restaurant, bar and tavern, fast-food establishment
1 per 30 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Retail store and shop
1 per 200 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
1 per 5 students, plus 1 per employee, volunteer, and visitor (full time and part time).
Shopping centers
1 per 250 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Vehicular sales
1 per 15 vehicles on display, inside or outside, plus 1 space for every employee (full time or part time).
Warehouse distribution
1 per 1,000 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Accessible parking spaces and aisles shall be provided for the physically handicapped and shall meet all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)[1] and regulations implementing the ADA. Accessible parking shall be provided for all nonresidential developments, multifamily dwellings and any other instances where ADA-compliant parking is required.
Editor's Note: See 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq.
Parking in the Central Business District must comply with the regulations in § 911.
[Ord. 766, 5/16/1996, § 16.1; as amended by Ord. 882, 2/15/2007; by Ord. 983, 11/16/2017; by Ord. No. 999, 6/18/2020; by Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
Any of the following facilities hereafter erected or enlarged, or any facility hereafter converted into one of the following uses, or any open area hereafter used shall be provided with not less than the minimum parking spaces and loading/unloading areas as set forth below, together with adequate accessways, driveways or other means of circulation and access to and from a street.
Specific Parking Space Requirements.
Required Parking Spaces
Automobile body shop; automobile service station
6 per service bay, plus 1 space for every employee (full time and part time).
Automobile wash
2 per washing lane.
Bank/financial institution
1 per 150 square feet, plus 2 convenient spaces for each automatic banking transaction machine.
Bed-and-breakfast establishment, accessory dwelling units, rooming units, and short-term accommodations
1 per bedroom plus 2 for the dwelling unit.
Convenience store
1 per 200 square feet of floor area.
Day-care center (nursery school)
1 per employee (full time or part time), plus 1 safe off-street loading/unloading space per 5 children.
Funeral home/mortuary
1 per 50 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Group home
1 per 4 residents, plus 1 per employee in the maximum working shift and 1 per advisor residing within the home (if any).
Hotel and motel
1 per room plus 1 per employee (full-time or part-time).
Industrial use (manufacturing or assembly plant)
1 per 800 square feet.
1 per 2 washing machines, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Medical center
1 per 250 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Nursing home
1 per 3 beds, plus 1 space per employee (full time or part time).
1 per 300 square feet.
Places of public or private assembly (church, community center, theater or similar meeting and assembly use)
1 per 3 seats or 1 per 100 square feet where no seats are provided, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Professional offices, including medical, dental, and veterinary offices
6 per physician, dentist, etc.
Residential dwellings
Apartment dwellings/apartment houses
The greater of (i) 0.75 per bedroom per dwelling unit or (ii) 1.5 per dwelling unit.
All other dwellings
2 per dwelling unit.
Restaurant, bar and tavern, fast-food establishment
1 per 30 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Retail store and shop
1 per 200 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
1 per 5 students, plus 1 per employee, volunteer, and visitor (full time and part time).
Shopping centers
1 per 250 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
Vehicular sales
1 per 15 vehicles on display, inside or outside, plus 1 space for every employee (full time or part time).
Warehouse distribution
1 per 1,000 square feet, plus 1 per employee (full time or part time).
All Other Uses Not Provided for Herein. For all other uses not provided for herein, required parking spaces shall be determined by a study to be prepared by the developer and approved by the Borough Engineer. The study shall include the following:
Type of use and estimated number of total trips generated during peak conditions (inbound and outbound).
Estimated parking duration per vehicle trip (turnover rate).
Based on estimated number of trips generated and average parking duration per trip, calculate number of spaces required.
Estimated number of employees; one space to be provided for every employee working on any given shift.
Additional parking in certain situations. As part of any required review, the Planning Commission or Zoning Officer or Zoning Hearing Board may require a use to provide off-street parking beyond what is required by this Part where such Commission/Zoning Officer/Board clearly demonstrates that such parking is needed because of the particular circumstances of the use.
[Ord. 766, 5/16/1996, § 16.2]
Existing Parking. Structures and uses existing on the effective date of this chapter shall not be subject to the requirements of this Part so long as the type or extent of use is not changed, provided that any parking facility now serving such structures or uses shall not in the future be reduced below such requirements.
Changes in Requirements. Whenever there is an alteration of a structure or a change or extension of a use or a change in the floor area, number of employees, number of units or seating capacity which increases the parking requirements according to the standards, the total additional parking required for the alteration, change or extension shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of that section.
Conflict with Other Uses. No parking area shall be used for any use that interferes with its availability for the parking need it is required to serve.
Continuing Obligation. All required parking facilities shall be provided and maintained so long as the use exists which the facilities were designed to serve. Off-street parking facilities shall not be reduced in total extent after their provision. Reasonable precautions are to be taken by the owner of particular uses to assure the availability of required facilities for the employees or other persons whom the facilities are designed to serve. They shall at no time constitute a nuisance, hazard or unreasonable impediment to traffic.
Drainage, Surfacing and Maintenance. Drainage, surfacing and maintenance of off-street parking areas, including driveways and access drives, shall be completed in accordance with the Elizabethtown Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].
Computation of Spaces. Where the computation of required parking space results in a fractional number, any fraction shall be counted as one.
Location of Spaces.
Single- and two-family residential off-street parking spaces shall be provided on the same lot or premises with the use served.
Parking spaces for multiple-dwelling buildings, commercial and industrial uses shall be readily accessible to the buildings served thereby. Such spaces shall be in the same zoning district as the principal building or open area and conform to the following regulations:
The required parking spaces shall be located within 600 feet of the principal building or open space in question measured from the edge of structure to edge of parking lot closest to structure.
The applicant for a use or building permit shall submit, with his application, a document duly executed and acknowledged which subjects such parcels of land to parking uses in connection with the principal use to which it is accessory. Upon issuance of a permit, the Zoning Officer shall cause such document to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.
All public parking areas shall be adequately lighted during after-dark operating hours. All light standards shall be located on raised parking islands and not on the parking surface.
Any lighting used to illuminate off-street parking or loading areas shall be shielded from any street or residential use.
Lighting used for normal hours of operation shall not be used after the close of business. Only low-level security lighting may be used after the close of business.
[Ord. 766, 5/16/1996, § 16.3; as amended by Ord. 975, 6/16/2016; by Ord. No. 1009, 4/6/2023]
The Borough requires the following for commercial uses:
The interior parking area shall be landscaped with sufficient shade trees to provide fifty-percent shade within 15 years of installation.
All landscaping and screening shall be maintained by the property owner.
Parking for commercial uses, as defined in this chapter, shall be screened from adjacent residential uses, streets and walkways using trees and shrubs.
Completion of landscaping requirements may be postponed due to seasonal weather conditions, for a period not to exceed six months from the time of project completion. Screening shall comply with the requirements of § 27-1321, Subsection 5B.
Off-street parking facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Elizabethtown Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (Chapter 22) in addition to complying with the provisions of this Part.
Where the required amount of parking spaces conflicts with the requirements listed in § 1604, the applicant, upon approval from the Zoning Officer, may substitute parking spaces with approved bike racks.[1]
Editor's Note: For specific requirements for parking spaces, see § 1602.
[Ord. 766, 5/16/1996, § 16.4]
Motor vehicle access to lots shall be provided in accordance with the Elizabethtown Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance [Chapter 22].
[Ord. 766, 5/16/1996, § 16.5; as amended by Ord. 882, 2/15/2007]
The Borough recognizes:
The importance of providing adequate, well-designed off-street parking areas.
The need to limit the amount of paved parking areas to preserve open space and limit stormwater runoff.
That unique circumstances associated with a land use may justify a reduction in the parking requirements of § 1602.
Reduction of parking requirements may be permitted as a conditional use by the Borough Council upon recommendation by the Elizabethtown Borough Planning Commission if the following conditions are met:
The design of the parking lot on the subdivision or land development plan identifies the ability to provide the required number of spaces. The plan identifies actual spaces provided and with justifying documentation.
A conditional reduction to 80% of the required number of parking spaces.
The balance of the area is conditionally reserved as open space for the intent of this section. The reserved area may not be buffer area and must be suitable to provide parking space.
A reduction of spaces may be approved where there are multiple uses of parking spaces (shared parking) and because of the nature of business have different peak uses and/or the additional use is supplemental to the primary use.
Area reserved for parking must remain as open space and cannot be used for additional use parking.
A written agreement between the Borough and the developer will identify the various conditions of parking reduction requirements, provide for a review one year after last occupancy certificate is issued of parking needs and identify if additional parking is required.
As part of the agreement, the Borough may require the developer to:
Require a study of traffic flow, parking, parking requirements and recommendations performed by a registered professional engineer agreeable to both parties.
Post a bond, escrow account or other assurance to cover the cost of a traffic study.
Provide that additional spaces, if needed, will be supplied at the owner's expense.
[Ord. 766, 5/16/1996, § 16.6]
General Requirements.
Each use shall provide off-street loading facilities, which meet the requirements of this Part, sufficient to accommodate the maximum demand generated by the use.
At the time of site plan review, the applicant shall prove that the use will have sufficient numbers and sizes of loading facilities and that no conflicts will be created. For the purposes of this Part, loading shall include unloading.
Design and Layout of Off-Street Loading Facilities. Off-street loading facilities shall be designed to conform to the following specifications:
Each off-street loading space shall be of sufficient size to provide for the largest vehicle that will load or unload to serve the use. This size shall be at least 14 feet in width by 60 feet in depth for a tractor-trailer, and 12 feet in width and 35 feet in depth for smaller trucks.
Each space shall have sufficient maneuvering room separate from other parking and loading areas to avoid traffic conflicts within and outside of the lot.
Each space and the needed maneuvering room shall be located entirely on the lot being served and be located outside of required buffer areas, off-street parking setbacks and street rights-of-way.
An appropriate means of access to a street or alley shall be provided.
No such facilities shall be designed or used in any manner so as to constitute a significant nuisance, public safety hazard or an unreasonable impediment to traffic.
Fire Lanes. Fire lanes shall be provided where required by State or Federal regulations or other local ordinances. The specific locations of these lanes are subject to review by the Borough.