There is hereby established in the Township the Hamilton Township Free Public Library.
[Amended 3-19-2008 by Ord. No. 08-009]
A Board of Trustees consisting of nine members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council as provided by law in N.J.S.A. 40:54-9, which Board shall hold in trust and manage all property of the library as provided for by law.
The members of the Library Board of Trustees shall receive no compensation for their services and shall not incur any expense or enter into any obligations to an amount in excess of the annual appropriation for library purposes and of the funds on hand.
The Library Board of Trustees shall semiannually make a report of its transactions and accounts and the state and condition of the library to the Mayor and Council.
The Library Board of Trustees shall have all the powers conferred by statute and shall comply with applicable statutes.
The Council shall annually appropriate and raise by taxation the money necessary for the support and maintenance of the library as provided for by law.