[Added 5-7-2008 by Ord. No. 08-026]
There is hereby established an Advisory Commission on Public Safety for the Township to be composed of nine regular members and two alternate members appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. The Mayor and Chief of Police shall be ex officio members of this Commission.
The Mayor shall designate at the time of appointment the alternate members as "Alternate No. 1" and "Alternate No. 2."
Alternate members may participate in discussion of the proceedings but may not vote except in the absence or disqualification of a regular member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that an alternate member may vote instead of a regular member. In the event that a choice must be made as to which alternate is to vote, Alternate No. 1 shall vote.
The members of the Advisory Commission on Public Safety shall choose annually from among its members a Chairperson and such other officers as they may deem necessary.
Each regular member shall serve for three years, except that the first members shall be appointed as follows: 1/3 for three years, 1/3 for two years and the remainder for one year. Each alternate member shall serve for three years, except that the terms of the alternate members as first appointed under this article shall be three years for Alternate No. 1 and two years for Alternate No. 2. Any appointment to fill a vacancy shall be for the unexpired term of that member only.
The Advisory Commission on Public Safety shall act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and make recommendations for the development of policies and procedures in general to improve the state of public safety of the community.
The Advisory Commission on Public Safety shall meet monthly at a time and place determined by the membership.
There shall be appropriated in each annual budget of the Township such sum as may be determined by the Mayor and Council to be necessary for the purpose of providing the sole source of funding to administer this article.
The Advisory Commission on Public Safety shall make a semi-annual report of its activities to the Mayor and Council and periodically make such recommendations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes set out in this article.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Ch. 2, Division 25, Sayen Gardens Commission (added 6-4-2008 by Ord. No. 08-029); and former Ch. 2, Division 26, Municipal Board of Ethics (added 5-21-2008 by Ord. No. 08-030), which immediately followed this section, were repealed 3-19-2013 by Ord. No. 13-012.