[Adopted as Ch. 14, Art. I, of the 1994 Code of Ordinances]
No person shall consume or possess in any opened container any alcoholic beverage in or upon any public or quasi-public place, including but not limited to any public street, alley, sidewalk, mall, park, playground, school building, schoolyard, public conveyance or parking facility, or in any public building.
No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage in or upon any private vehicle while the vehicle is in motion or parked upon any such public or quasi-public place.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to prohibit the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages within or upon premises duly licensed for the consumption of alcoholic beverages, or the possession of beer in pitchers or other unsealed containers as may be lawfully sold by licensed premises while in transit to a lawful place for consumption, or to prohibit the possession, distribution or consumption of alcoholic beverages in any public park, recreation area or public building in connection with any organized function or social affair for which express prior authorization or required permits have been secured from the Council, the Alcoholic Beverage Commission and the Superintendent of the Division of Recreation and upon proper notice and subject to any terms and restrictions imposed upon such authorizations or permits by the Council, Alcoholic Beverage Commission and Superintendent of the Division of Recreation.
Any person who violates any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be punished in accordance with Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-2, Violations; penalties, of the Code of the Township of Hamilton.