[Ord. 03-05, 3/13/2003, § 1]
The Recreation Advisory Committee is hereby authorized, created and established in and for the Township of Susquehanna.
[Ord. 03-05, 3/13/2003, § 2]
The Recreation Advisory Committee shall advise the Board of Commissioners concerning the recreation needs, programs and related matters in Susquehanna Township and shall perform all duties and exercise all powers conferred by ordinance of Susquehanna Township.
[Ord. 03-05, 3/13/2003, § 3]
The Recreation Advisory Committee shall consist of 10 members, one from each ward of the Township of Susquehanna and one at large member. The term of membership on the Board shall be for a period of two years, with the initial terms in the odd-numbered wards running from appointment until February 1, 2004, and thereafter on a two-year basis and the initial appointments in the even-numbered wards running from appointment until February 1, 2005, and thereafter, continuing on a two-year basis. The at large member's term shall run for a period of two years, commencing on February 1, of each even numbered year. All members of the Recreation Advisory Committee shall be appointed with the advice and majority consent of the Board of Commissioners of Susquehanna Township. The Board of Commissioners through the Manager of Susquehanna Township shall provide all necessary staff for the Recreation Advisory Committee. The Recreation Advisory Committee shall, initially upon appointments and, thereafter, at the first meeting in February after appointment of new members in each even-numbered year, elect officers as the Committee shall determine. No member of the Committee nor its officers shall receive compensation for services on the Committee.