[Ord. 61-7, 8/10/1961, § 401]
The responsibility for compliance with the applicable requirements of this Part 2D shall be upon the person who occupies as owner-occupant or lets to another for occupancy any dwelling, dwelling unit or rooming unit.
[Ord. 61-7, 8/10/1961, § 402]
Every exterior foundation, wall or roof shall be weathertight or watertight. Every floor and ceiling shall be sound and tight. All members of the structure shall be kept in good repair and in safe condition.
[Ord. 61-7, 8/10/1961, § 403]
Every window, exterior door, and basement hatchway shall be weathertight, watertight, rodent-proof, and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair.
[Ord. 61-7, 8/10/1961, § 404; as amended by Ord. 74-35, 5/29/1974, § 2]
Every inside and outside stair, every porch, and every appurtenance thereto shall be so constructed as to be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon; and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair by the person responsible under this Part 2D.
Where the Code Enforcement Officer deems it necessary for safety, every flight of stairs, which is more than two risers high, shall have handrails which shall be located as required by the Building Code; and every porch which is more than two risers high shall have handrails so located and of such design as required by the Building Code. Every handrail and balustrade shall be firmly fastened and shall be maintained in good condition.
[Ord. 61-7, 8/10/1961, § 405]
Every dwelling unit and rooming unit shall have safe and unobstructed means of egress leading to safe and open space at ground level, as required by the laws of the Commonwealth and ordinances of the Township.
[Ord. 61-7, 8/10/1961, § 406; as added by Ord. 74-35, 5/29/1974, § 2]
Every chimney shall be maintained as to be safe to use and capable of venting the required exhausts from all heating appliances; and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair by the person responsible under this code.
[Ord. 61-7, 8/10/1961, § 407; as added by Ord. 74-35, 5/29/1974, § 2]
All exterior surfaces, both wood and metal, of a dwelling shall be kept in sound condition and good repair by the person responsible under this Part 2.