Any person engaged in the process of body piercing, as described and restricted in this chapter, shall meet the operating room facilities requirements of Article IV as they apply to body piercing.
All piercing needles, stainless steel expanders, jewelry, and other equipment used in the piercing process shall be sterilized as described in § 433-11 as it applies to body piercing.
The jewelry inserted should be composed of gold, surgical stainless steel or niobium, a composite metal formed from oxides of the stainless steel production process.
When it is necessary to shave the area to be pierced, a new disposable razor for each patron shall be used. The common use of shaving mugs and shaving brushes is prohibited.
After shaving the area to be pierced, or if the area does not need to be shaved, the site of the piercing shall be washed with soap and water, rinsed with clean water and a germicidal solution applied in a sanitary manner. Only sterile, individual towels and applicators shall be used to prepare and cleanse the site.
Only instruments and equipment that have been properly cleaned and sterilized prior to use shall be used during the piercing process.
The person doing the piercing shall wear clean clothes or lab coat. Surgical gloves shall be worn during the piercing and shall be changed for each patron.
There shall be no smoking, eating, or drinking in the operating room during the piercing process.
Written instructions, approved by the Health Officer, shall be given to each patron on the care of the piercing site to prevent infection after the piercing. A copy of these instructions shall also be posted in a conspicuous place in the piercing establishment, clearly visible to the person being pierced.
All infections resulting from the practice of body piercing which become known to the operator(s), owner(s) and/or artist(s) shall be reported to the Health Officer by the owner of the piercing establishment.
All persons engaged in body piercing are strongly advised to receive the Hepatitis B vaccine which would provide them with immunity from contracting the disease from a patron and protect patrons from contracting the disease from a nonsymptomatic person engaged in body piercing.
No body piercing shall be done on any person who is under the obvious influence of alcohol or other drugs.
No body piercing except ears shall be done on any person under the age of 18 without parents/guardians on site to sign a permission form. These forms shall be generated by the piercing establishment and approved by the Health Officer.
No body piercing shall be done below the waist in the Town of Salem unless performed by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of New Hampshire.
No piercing shall be done on skin surfaces that have a rash, pimples, boils, infections, or other unhealthy skin conditions.
Medical history records obtained earlier shall be checked and updated and anyone giving a history of jaundice, hepatitis, HIV infection or other infectious or communicable diseases shall not be pierced.