[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen 6-7-1982 (Ch. 304, Art. II, of the 1995 Code); amended in its entirety by the Board of Selectmen 11-2-2015]
An administrative fee will be assessed to each account each time the meter is read. This fee includes the cost of reading meters, billing, collection and administrative expenses.
The administrative fee is the distribution of administrative costs divided equally over the number of water customers/service units served by the system.
The administrative fee will be charged per customer/service unit per the Department of Public Works Fee Schedule. This cost will be divided evenly between the water and sewer fund if both are charged to an account. Otherwise, the fee will be charged fully to the water fund.
Adjustments will be made periodically employing the following formula: total administrative costs divided by the number of customer/service units.
Any rate changes approved by the Town Council will be in the form of a legal notice and will be posted 90 days prior to implementation.
[Amended by the Town Council 11-20-2023]
Operation and maintenance costs are those associated with maintaining the Salem Public Works Department, Water Division.
Operation and maintenance costs are considered to be the operating budget of the Salem Public Works Department, Water Division, and the cost of the number of cubic feet of water consumed.
The operating and maintenance costs will be charged on the following formula:
Expenditures, based on appropriations approved at the Annual Town Meeting, minus non-water-consumption-related revenue divided by the total billable consumption.
Adjustments will be made periodically employing the formula listed above in Subsection B(1).
Any rate changes approved by the Town Council will be in the form of a legal notice and will be posted 90 days prior to implementation.
[Amended by the Town Council 11-20-2023]
Unmetered utility accounts will be billed as follows:
Unmetered water accounts: based on rates in the Department of Public Works Fee Schedule.
Unmetered sewer accounts: based on rates in the Department of Public Works Fee Schedule.
No administrative fee will be charged to these unmetered accounts.