[Adopted by the Board of Selectmen 6-21-1982 (Ch. 304, Art. I, of the 1995 Code); amended 5-7-2001]
The following rules and regulations are adopted to regulate use of the public water supply and distribution system in the Town of Salem, New Hampshire. These rules and regulations shall replace and supersede all previous rules, regulations and ordinances relating to the control of the water system in Salem.
All water services not in compliance with these rules and regulations at the time of adoption shall be brought into compliance as soon as possible, but not later than the first repair or replacement of that water service.
[Amended by the Board of Selectmen 1-6-2014]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes a meter to register the amounts of water consumed and the bracket to hold the meter, including a shutoff and check valve.
The owner of record, according to the Town of Salem Tax Assessor's office, of a parcel of land serviced by the Salem water system.
The shutoff valve located in a waterline at the point the water connection becomes a water service. Generally located one to three feet on the public side of the right of way line, but may be located otherwise in cases of tap sleeve valves, widening or relocated rights-of-way.
That part of the water distribution system, between the water main and the service shutoff, installed specifically to provide water to one adjacent water service.
Any part of the water distribution system which lies in a public right-of-way or easement installed to provide water to one or more service connections, public fire hydrants or connections to other parts of the water distribution system.
The water pipe from the service shutoff into the property up to the connection to the meter assembly, excluding the meter and meterhorn assembly.
[Amended by the Board of Selectmen 11-2-2015; 5-15-2017; 4-18-2022]
All property owners wanting to tie into the water distribution system shall file an application for service with the Municipal Services Department — Engineering Division.
At the time of filing the application for water, an application fee shall be paid in accordance with the current water rate and fee schedule.
For each property applying for a new water connection, the owner shall comply with the following conditions:
Each property is allowed only one water service and one water meter for domestic service.
Separate water meters for outside water use (i.e., lawns, swimming pools, gardens, etc.) are required for residential properties.
For commercial properties, all irrigation systems shall be connected to and serviced by a private well(s) or private water system. Those commercial properties in the Windham franchise area and receiving water from the regional water line per the Town of Windham's purchased allotment shall be exempt.
Approved fire service connections for a building sprinkler system are permitted and do not count as a second connection/meter.
All water services and connections shall be made directly to the water main.
Permanent connections to neighboring water services or connections shall not be allowed.
The water service connection shall enter the owner's building at a location which is and shall remain easily accessible for the installation and future maintenance of the meter and meter assembly. The location of the water service connection in the owner's building shall be approved by the Municipal Services Department.
A commercial property owner may submit a request for a waiver regarding Subsection C(3) above, provided they demonstrate a significant hardship such as insufficient water yield less than 7.5 gallons per minute (gpm), excessive depths greater than 1,000 feet, contamination, the need for additional storage and pumping, and requiring additional permitting. Any request for a waiver will be reviewed by the Municipal Services Department prior to presentation to the Town Council for consideration or service connection for irrigation purposes. Further, the Town Council may request a formal engineering analysis to be provided that validates the request, with the cost thereof borne by the petitioner. Alternative methods shall be investigated, and a report of such investigation shall be submitted as part of the request. It shall be the sole discretion of the Town Council to grant or deny the request. The Town Council shall not be obligated to grant a waiver if in their opinion a waiver is not warranted.
[Amended by the Town Council 11-20-2023]
A residential property owner may submit a request for a waiver regarding Subsection C(2) above provided they demonstrate a significant hardship such as the existing water meter configuration is installed in an area that is not located on, or by, an exterior wall and/or is internally located in the interior of the house including underneath a concrete slab, and because of the physical barriers, a dedicated line and new meter to the exterior, or direct point of exit, on an exterior wall of the house is not possible. At no time will a waiver be granted if the service entrance has been altered and does not meet water department requirements or because of substantial costs including major alteration or reconfiguration of plumbing to get through the exterior wall and to the irrigation system tie in. Alternative methods, if requested and as applicable, shall be investigated, and a report of such an investigation shall be submitted as part of the request. It shall be the sole discretion of the Town Council to grant or deny the request. The Town Council shall not be obligated to grant a waiver if in their opinion a waiver is not warranted.
[Added by the Town Council 11-20-2023]
[Amended by the Board of Selectmen 1-6-2014]
It shall be the responsibility of the owner to install and maintain the water service from the service shutoff to the inside plumbing, excluding the meter and meter assembly.
The meter assembly shall be owned and maintained by the Town of Salem. The owner shall report any damage or malfunction of the meter to the Town of Salem. The owner shall not in any way tamper with the meter. The owner shall be subject to the fines outlined below if any seals on the meter or meter assembly are broken.
There shall be no cross-connections to any other water supply. If an alternative supply exists, a physical air gap shall be required between the two supplies so that only the Town water or the alternative supply may be used at any one time for domestic use.
The owner shall be responsible for the payment of the water bill and other legitimate charges. All bills rendered by the Town of Salem are due within 25 days of the billing date. For all accounts that are delinquent by 50 days or more, the Town may take action to terminate the water service.
Those owners of facilities with water meters of four-inch or greater sizes shall test such water meters in accordance with § 477-39.
The owner shall allow the Town of Salem and its agents entry to the premises at all reasonable and/or necessary times for the purpose of reading, repairing, testing, replacing, and/or disconnecting water meter(s) on the premises.
All work done on extension to, connection to or extensions of the water distribution system shall be done in accordance with the most current construction specifications in the Department of Public Works, Town Engineer's office.
Tapping the water main and construction of the water connection shall be done by the Department of Public Works, Water Division. Any variance allowing the owner to do this work will be at the discretion of the Director of Public Works.
Whenever work is being done on the water distribution system, the Department of Public Works, Town Engineer's office, shall be notified 24 hours in advance. The Town Engineer's office shall again be notified at least one hour prior to backfilling of underground waterworks.
Whenever the installation of utilities includes excavation within the Town's right-of-way, a road opening permit will be required. Such applications shall be filed with the Department of Public Works.
The Town Council, acting through the Town Manager, may impose fines and/or terminate service for violations of these rules and regulations.
[Amended by the Town Council 11-20-2023]
Fines as specified in Subsection C of this section may be imposed for any of the following violations of these rules and regulations:
Meter tampering. If the meter is tampered with or if in any way the seal placed on the meter and meter assembly becomes broken.
Unauthorized entry to the water system. Operation (opening, closing) of any main line, branch line, service line or other buried shutoff valve located before (upstream of) an approved meter assembly, as well as direct taps to the main or any other unmetered line supplied water by the Salem municipal water system, without the express written consent of the Water Division.
[Amended by the Board of Selectmen 1-6-2014]
Unauthorized use of hydrants.
Use of an alternative water supply cross-connection with the Town of Salem water supply.
Violation of a written order from the Utilities Manager, Public Works Department, to repair a water service leak or to take corrective action to protect a water service from recurring freezing problems.
[Amended the Board of Selectmen 11-2-2015]
Fines for violation of the provisions of this article, as adopted by the Town Council, are on file with the Department of Public Works and on the Town of Salem website. Fines shall not exceed the maximum penalty established pursuant to RSA 31:39, III.
[Amended by the Board of Selectmen 1-6-2014; 11-2-2015; by the Town Council 11-20-2023]
Any water service may be immediately terminated after a twenty-five-day written notification for any of the following violations of this article:
An account for water services rendered which is 50 days delinquent.
A fine that has not been paid within 25 days of issuance.
Denial of access to a representative of the Salem Public Works Department, Water Division, for the purpose of inspecting the water service and/or repairing the meter and meterhorn assembly and/or reading the meter.