It shall be the duty of the Police Department to investigate traffic accidents, to arrest and to assist in the prosecution of those persons charged with violations of law causing or contributing to such accidents.
The Police Department shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic accident reports. Such reports shall be available for the use and information of the City Traffic Engineer.
The office of City Traffic Engineer is established. The Chief of Police or other designated City Official shall serve as City Traffic Engineer in addition to his/her other functions and shall exercise the powers and duties with respect to traffic as provided in this Title.
The City Traffic Engineer shall determine the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic control devices, conduct engineering analyses of traffic accidents and devise remedial measures, conduct engineering investigation of traffic conditions, plan the operation of traffic on the streets and highways of the City, and cooperate with other City Officials in the development of ways and means to improve traffic conditions, and carry out the additional powers and duties imposed by ordinances of the City.
The City Traffic Engineer is hereby empowered to make regulations necessary to make effective the provisions of the traffic ordinances of the City and to make and enforce temporary or experimental regulations to cover emergencies or special conditions. No such temporary or experimental regulation shall remain in effect for more than ninety (90) days.
The City Traffic Engineer may test traffic control devices under actual conditions of traffic.
The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to make lanes or center lines for the guidance of traffic on street pavements at such places as he/she may deem advisable, consistent with the provisions of this Title.
Closing Streets. The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to close any street, alley, public place or highway and withdraw the same from public use temporarily and during such period as public work thereon or other public emergency or expediency shall make such action necessary. No person shall use or attempt to use said street, alley, public place or highway so withdrawn from public use or drive or attempt to drive any vehicle or animal thereon. The City Traffic Engineer shall place a sign or placard at each end of the portion withdrawn from public use, such placard or sign to have the following words printed thereon in letters three (3) inches high: "Street Closed".
No Passing Streets.
Vehicles operating upon any street marked with double stripes and designated by ordinance as a no passing street, shall be prohibited from passing other vehicles operating in the same direction on such streets. Such streets shall be designated in Schedule XII hereof.
The City Traffic Engineer is authorized to designate and to mark with double stripes certain streets where in the City Traffic Engineer's opinion vehicles operating on such streets passing other vehicles operating in the same direction on such streets presents a danger to the vehicle operators and others.