In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1986 Code have been included in the 2013 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1986 Code
Location in 2013 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Adoption of Code
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 7, Cable TV Authority
Ch. 62, Art. I
Ch. 8, Cable Communications Regulatory Code
Ch. 62, Art. II
Ch. 19, Ethics, Code of
Ch. 86
Ch. 20, Personnel Policies
Ch. 189
Ch. 34, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 8
Ch. 36, Amusements
Ch. 13
Ch. 40, Bicycles and Motorcycles
Ch. 35
Ch. 43, Housing Livability Code
Ch. 50, Art. II
Ch. 44, Building Construction
Ch. 50, Art. I
Ch. 60, Dogs and Other Animals
Ch. 18
Ch. 73, Firearms
Ch. 100
Ch. 75, Fire Prevention
Ch. 105
Ch. 79, Fortune-Telling
Ch. 112
Ch. 82, Gambling
Ch. 120
Ch. 84, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse
Art. I, Litter Control
Ch. 143, Art. II
Art. II, Collection
Ch. 252, Art. I
Ch. 85, Littering
Art. I, Clean Lots
Ch. 143, Art. I
Ch. 86, Dumpsters
Ch. 252, Art. II
Ch. 87, Grass, Weeds and Other Vegetation
Ch. 44, Art. I
Ch. 103, Nuisances
Ch. 170
Ch. 105, Numbering of Buildings
Ch. 55
Ch. 110, Peace and Good Order
Ch. 184
Ch. 114, Public Property, Destruction of
Ch. 200
Ch. 124, Sewers
Ch. 240, Art. I
Ch. 133, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 261
Ch. 140, Trailer Camps
Ch. 240, Art. II
Ch. 141, Trees
Art. I, Urban Forest
Ch. 283
Ch. 144, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 305
Ch. 146, Vehicles, Storage and Removal of
Ch. 301
Ch. 152, Zoning
Ch. 320