It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited, in any unsanitary manner, on public or private property, within the Town of Inlet or in any area under the jurisdiction of the said municipality, any human or animal excrement, garbage, or objectionable waste. Also, no person shall discharge domestic sewage onto the surface of the ground or discharge it in a way that permits it to come to the surface of the ground.
No person shall connect a private sewage system so that sewage flows into a storm sewer or into a drain intended exclusively for stormwater.
No person shall discharge sewage into a well.
It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet, within Town of Inlet, or in any area under the jurisdiction of the said municipality, any wastewater or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this chapter.
The CZEO will not issue a permit for a new or modified use or structure requiring sanitary facilities unless a suitable and approved method of wastewater disposal conforming to the SUL is available. In fulfilling this obligation, the CZEO does not need to receive written confirmation from the Superintendent except in the circumstance set forth in § 131-17C of the SUL.
Whenever a building and zoning permit, certificate of occupancy or certificate of compliance is issued by the CZEO for a use or structure that requires sanitary facilities, a copy of said permit or certificate will be sent promptly to the Superintendent.
Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain any privy, privy vault, cesspool, septic tank, or other facility intended or used for disposal of wastewater.
The owner(s) of all houses, buildings, or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the Town of Inlet, and abutting on any street, alley, or right-of-way in which there is now located or may, in the future, be located a public sewer, is hereby required, at the owner's expense, to install suitable sanitary facilities therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the proper public sewer, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, within 90 days after official notice to do so, provided that said public sewer is within 100 feet (30.5 meters) of the property line.
The use of the Town of Inlet public sewers shall be strictly limited and restricted, except as provided in § 131-14, to receive and accept the discharge of sewage and other wastes, including industrial wastes generated on or discharged from real property within the bounds of the service area of the POTW.
Sewage and other wastes, including industrial wastes, generated by or discharged outside the service area of the POTW shall not be accepted for treatment at the Inlet Wastewater Treatment Plant.
System capacity.
As soon as practicable after the start-up of operations at the POTW, the Superintendent will determine the average daily flow to the WWTP. In addition to actual flows to the WWTP, the Superintendent will include an allowance based on design flows for any approved development that has not yet connected to the sewer system. The Superintendent will also identify any discharges of nondomestic sewage to the POTW and their impact on available treatment capacity at the WWTP. The Superintendent will update this information periodically.
Whenever the Superintendent determines that the available treatment capacity for the WWTP is below 25% of the design capacity for the WWTP, he/she will notify the Town Board and the CZEO.
Planning Board approval. Prior to granting any subdivision or site plan approval, the Planning Board will consult with the Superintendent to determine that the WWTP has adequate excess treatment capacity for the proposed development.
Superintendent approval.
The CZEO will not issue a permit for a use or structure unless he/she receives written confirmation from the Superintendent that there is adequate excess treatment capacity at the WWTP in the following circumstances:
Any use or structure that would contribute more than two EDUs to the WWTP;
Any use or structure that would contribute nondomestic or non-normal sewage to the WWTP; or
Upon a determination by the Superintendent that available treatment capacity is less than 25% of design flow, any use or structure whatsoever.
If the Superintendent advises that there is inadequate treatment capacity at the WWTP, the CZEO may only issue a permit notwithstanding if private wastewater disposal for the use or structure has been approved pursuant to Article IV of the SUL.
Whenever the Superintendent determines that that excess treatment capacity at the WWTP is less than 15% of the Design Capacity or that any other condition exists that would threaten the ability of the WWTP to treat the incoming wastewater in full compliance with its SPDES permit, he/she will notify the Town Board as soon as possible. Along with the notice, the Superintendent will make recommendations for actions to remedy these conditions.
The Town Board may consider imposing a moratorium on new hookups or such other appropriate remedy. Nothing herein is intended to limit the Town Board's authority to take action even in the absence of such notification by the Superintendent.
All requirements, directives, and orders calling for mandatory use of the sewers, within the Service Area of the POTW, for the proper discharge of sewage and other wastes, including industrial wastes, shall be established and given by the Town of Inlet Board, NYSDEC, USEPA, and/or other such state or federal agencies, which have enforcement powers.