[CC 1989 §7-51]
For the purposes of this Article, the word "pave" shall mean to improve with all kinds of street paving materials, including macadamizing.
[CC 1989 §7-52]
The City Council shall have full power and authority to order and require the improvement of streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks under the following conditions and in the manner herein provided: to grade, pave, gutter, curb and otherwise improve streets and parts thereof; and to reconstruct and repair any paving, grading, guttering and curbing; and to make and repair sidewalks, bridges, culverts and crosswalks; and to condemn and destroy any sidewalk deemed unfit for use and replace it with a new one of the same or different material; and to exercise exclusive control over streets and establish and re-establish grades thereon.
[CC 1989 §7-53]
Whenever the City Council shall order the improvement of any street by grading, paving or otherwise, or the construction of curb and gutter, or sidewalks, the City Engineer shall submit plans and specifications by which such work shall be done; and these plans shall show the manner of construction, and the specifications shall set forth the kind of materials to be used and the manner of combining and laying or placing such materials on the street. Specifications for street paving shall be prepared for each separate piece of work and specify the kind of material to be used on that particular street.
[CC 1989 §7-54]
The cost of bridges, culverts and footwalks across streets and alleys shall be paid for out of the general revenue funds of the City.
The cost of grading streets and alleys shall be charged against the lots and tracts of land fronting or abutting on the street or alley, or part thereof, so improved and on the improvement in proportion to the number of fronting or abutting feet. The City shall have the power to grade all or any part of any street or alley but when the sidewalk part of any street, that is, the part between the curb line and street line, is graded exclusive of the other parts thereof, the cost of the grading shall be charged against the lots and tracts of land fronting or abutting on the side of the street so improved and on the improvement in proportion to the number of fronting or abutting feet.
The cost of making combined curb and gutter and sidewalks shall be charged against the lots and tract of land fronting or abutting on the improvements in proportion to the fronting or abutting feet, except that in making sidewalks, corner lots shall be charged with the cost of extending the sidewalk to the curb lines of intersecting streets, and in making combined curb and gutter, corner lots shall be charged with the cost of extending the same to the curb lines of intersecting streets and curving and extending the curb and gutter back to the street line of intersecting streets and alleys.
The cost of repairing sidewalks and curbing shall be charged against the particular lot or tract of land fronting or abutting on the part repaired.
The cost of paving, guttering and otherwise improving any alley and the roadway of any street, that is, the part between curb lines, including street intersections, shall be charged against the lots and tracts of land fronting or abutting on the street or alley so improved along the distances improved in proportion to the number of fronting or abutting feet. When the paving or guttering on any street or alley is only repaired (repaired, as herein used, shall not include an improvement where the entire surface of a paving is renewed, but such renewal shall be considered as paving), the cost of such repairing shall be charged in the following manner: the street or alley shall be divided into sections, a section being the distance from the centerline of one cross or intersecting street to the centerline of the next cross or intersecting street, and the cost of repairing each section shall be charged against the lots and tracts of land fronting or abutting on that section in proportion to the number of fronting or abutting feet.
[CC 1989 §7-55]
Any street improvement may be paid for by the City out of the General Revenue Fund if the City Council so provides; but all such improvements shall be paid for with special tax bills unless the proceedings of the City Council by which such improvements are ordered shall specify that payment will be made out of the General Revenue Fund. The charges made against lands for all such improvements shall be known as special assessments or taxes for improvements and shall be charged and assessed by issuing special tax bills against the lands chargeable with the cost of the improvements; each special tax bill so issued shall be a special lien on the land against which it is issued.
[CC 1989 §7-56]
On the completion of any improvement, in accordance with the contract therefor, the City Engineer or other official in charge of the improvement shall compute the cost thereof, and charging each tract of land with its proportionate part of the cost, as herein required, and shall make a written report to the City Council that the improvement has been completed in accordance with the contract therefor, which report shall also contain a description of each tract of land chargeable with a part of the cost of the improvement and the amount with which it is chargeable. If the City Council accepts the work and approves said report, which acceptance and approval may be made by a motion duly adopted, then the City Clerk shall immediately thereafter issue and deliver to the contractor who did the work special tax bills in payment for the work in accordance with the engineer's report, which tax bills shall be signed by the City Clerk and under the corporate Seal of the City. Each tax bill shall in substance contain a brief general statement of the facts authorizing its issue, the amount for which it is issued, a description of the land against which it is issued, the name of the contractor to whom it is issued, the rate of interest which it bears and when it begins to bear interest, and shall state that it is a special lien against the land therein described, and give the time that the lien continues. It need not give the name of the owner of the land against which it is issued.
[CC 1989 §7-57]
Special tax bills issued pursuant to the preceding Section shall bear no interest for thirty (30) days after date of issuance, but after the expiration of thirty (30) days they shall bear interest at the rate on a ten (10) year U.S. treasury note, unless the City Council shall by ordinance fix a different rate of interest at less than the rate on a ten (10) year U.S. treasury note, and every special tax bill shall be a lien against the land described therein for ten (10) years after its date unless sooner paid, excepting tax bills payable in installments as herein specified, the lien of which shall not expire until one (1) year after the date of the maturity of the last installment. The cost of grading, paving, curbing, guttering and making sidewalks may be paid for in ten (10) annual installments payable respectively in one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), and ten (10) years after the date of the special tax bill, each installment to be one-tenth (1/10) of the original amount of the tax bill together with all of the then accrued interest, provided that the owner of any tract of land chargeable with part of the cost of any improvement shall, prior to the acceptance of the work by the City, notify the City Clerk in writing that he/she so desires to pay the tax bill to be issued against his/her property. In such case the special tax bill shall be so payable and shall provide that if any installment is not paid when due, the remaining unpaid installment shall at the option of the holder of the tax bill become immediately due. The owner of the land against which any such installment tax bill is issued shall have the privilege of paying all of such tax bill at any installment paying date.
[CC 1989 §7-58]
The City Clerk shall keep a record of all tax bills issued by the City in a special book provided for that purpose which shall show the date and amount of each tax bill, the rate of interest it bears, a description of the land against which it was issued, the name of the party to whom it was issued, the street or part of the street or alley improved, and the kind of improvement. When any tax bill has been paid and is presented to the City Clerk marked paid, he/she shall note on the record the satisfaction of the tax bill.
[CC 1989 §7-59]
Before the City Council shall be authorized to grade or pave any alley or to grade, pave or gutter the roadway of any street when the improvement is to be paid with special tax bills, it shall, by resolution, declare that it deems such improvement necessary to be made and shall cause such resolution to be published in some newspaper printed and published in the City if available and, if not, then one of general circulation within the City for two (2) consecutive insertions in a weekly paper, or seven (7) consecutive insertions in a daily paper, and if a majority of the owners of lands that would be liable for the costs of the improvement, at the date of the passage of the resolution, or if a majority of the owners of front feet abutting on the street or part of street proposed to be improved shall not within ten (10) days after the date of the last publication file with the City Clerk their protest against such improvement, then the City Council shall have the power to cause the improvement to be made; and if the City Council shall find and declare by ordinance that no such majority have so filed such protest, such finding and declaration shall be conclusive after the execution of the contract for making the improvement, and thereafter no special tax bill shall be held invalid for the reason that a protest sufficiently signed is filed with the Clerk.
[CC 1989 §7-60]
The City Council shall have full power to make all provisions deemed necessary for the making of contracts by the City for the doing of all work necessary in making the improvements specified in this Article, but all such contracts shall be let to the lowest and best bidder, upon advertisement for bids, published in the manner provided in Section 88.520, RSMo.; but before the City shall make any contract for any of such improvements, excepting repairs, an estimate of the cost thereof shall be made by the City Engineer, and in case there be no City Engineer, such estimate shall be made by some other person designated by the City Council. Such estimate shall be filed with the City Clerk and no contract shall be made for a price exceeding such estimate. The City Council shall have the power to require any contractor doing work to guarantee that an improvement will last for a specified term of years and during such term will be kept in repair and to require the contractor to give to the City approved bonds for the faithful performance of any obligation.
[CC 1989 §7-61]
The City Council shall have the power to repair any sidewalk, curbing, guttering or paving without letting any contract for such work but can have such work done in such manner as may be provided for by the City Council by ordinance. When such work is done by the City, not through a contractor, the tax bills shall be issued to the City and the City shall have the same power to collect such tax bills as other owners of tax bills.