[CC 1985 §14-16; Comp. Ords. §20.02(1)]
There is hereby created a Park Board, the members of which shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the consent of the Board of Aldermen and shall consist of nine (9) members. Members appointed to the Board must be residents of the City and shall serve for a term of three (3) years and no member of the City Government shall be a member of the Board. In addition to these members, the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Board of Aldermen may appoint two (2) resident high school students to the Board.
[CC 1985 §14-17; Comp. Ords. §20.02(2)]
The Park Board shall survey and make plans for the development and maintenance of facilities and activities for an adequate municipal park system.
[CC 1985 §14-18; Ord. No. 2940 §1, 12-11-1997; Ord. No. 3333 §1, 10-8-2003]
The Parks and Recreation Board shall hold regular meetings and special meetings as they provided by rule and shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and keep a record of its proceedings. These records shall be public records.