The qualified voters of the City shall have power to propose any ordinance to the Council, except an ordinance appropriating money, authorizing the levy of taxes, or changing the master zoning ordinance, if the Council fails to adopt an ordinance so proposed without any change in substance, to adopt or reject it at a City election, such power to be known as the initiative. Any initiated ordinance may be submitted to the Council by a petition signed by qualified voters of the City equal in number to at least ten percent (10%) of the total number of votes cast for the office of Mayor in the last election for Mayor.
The qualified voters of the City shall have power to require reconsideration by the Council of any adopted ordinance and, if the Council fails to repeal an ordinance so reconsidered, to approve or reject it at a City election, provided that such power shall not extend to the budget or capital program or any emergency ordinance or ordinance relating to appropriation of money or levy of taxes, such power to be known as referendum. Within fifteen (15) days after the date on which the Council has adopted an ordinance which is subject to referendum, a petition signed by electors of the City equal in number to at least ten percent (10%) of the total number of votes cast for the office of Mayor in the last election for Mayor may be filed with the City Clerk, requesting that such ordinance be either repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors.
Any officer elected by popular vote may be removed by the electors qualified to vote for his successor, such power to be known as the recall. A petition requesting the removal of an incumbent shall be signed by voters of the City equal in number to twenty percent (20%) of the registered voters qualified to vote for the office in question as shown by the registration records at the time of the last regular municipal election.
All papers comprising an initiative, referendum, or recall petition shall be assembled and filed with the City Clerk as one (1) instrument. Every initiative petition shall contain the full text of the measure proposed, every referendum petition shall contain the full title of the ordinance referred, and every recall petition shall contain a general statement of the grounds for removal. Each signer, after his name, shall designate his residence by street and number, or by any other description sufficient to identify his place of residence. The signatures to any petition need not all be appended to one (1) paper. In addition, there shall be attached to each such paper a signed statement of the circulator thereof, stating the number of signers of such paper, that each signature appended thereto was made in his presence and is the genuine signature of the person it purports to be, and that he believes each such signer to be a registered voter of the City.
Within ten (10) days after a petition is filed, the City Clerk shall determine whether each paper of the petition has a proper statement of the circulator and whether the petition is signed by fewer persons than the number certified, the signatures shall be accepted unless void on other grounds. After completing his examination of the petition, the City Clerk shall certify the result thereof to the Council at its next regular meeting. If he shall certify that the petition is insufficient, he shall set forth in his certificate the particulars in which it is defective, and he shall at once mail a copy of the certificate to the person filing the petition.
An initiative referendum or recall petition may be amended at any time within ten (10) days after the notification of insufficiency has been mailed by the City Clerk, by filing a supplementary petition executed as provided in the case of an original petition. The City Clerk shall, within five (5) days, after such an amended petition is filed, make examination thereof and if it is then found to be sufficient shall so certify to the Council at its next regular meeting. If the petition be still insufficient, he shall file his certificate to that effect and no further action shall be had on such insufficient petition. The finding of the insufficiency of a petition shall not prejudice the filing of a new petition for the same purpose.
When an initiative petition has been certified to the Council as sufficient by the City Clerk, the Council shall proceed at once to consider the proposed ordinance. If the ordinance proposed by the initiative has not been finally adopted within thirty (30) days after certification the Council shall call a special election to be held within ninety (90) days thereafter, unless a general election is to be held within such period. At such special or general municipal election, such proposed ordinance shall be submitted without alteration to the vote of the voters of the City. The enacting clause of such proposed ordinance shall be: Be it ordained by the people of Bridgeton, Missouri.
When a referendum petition has been certified to the Council as sufficient by the City Clerk, the ordinance specified in the petition shall be suspended unless and until approved by the voters as hereinafter provided. The Council shall proceed at once to reconsider the referred ordinance. If the ordinance specified in any referendum petition shall not be finally repealed within thirty (30) days after such certification, the Council shall call a special election to be held within ninety (90) days thereafter, unless a general election is to be held within such period. At such special or general municipal election, such ordinance shall be submitted without alteration to the vote of the voters of the City upon the question: Shall the ordinance specified in the referendum petition be approved?
Ordinances submitted to the electors in accordance with the initiative and referendum provisions of this Charter shall be submitted by ballot title which shall be prepared by the City Attorney. The ballot title may be different from the legal title of any such initiated or referred ordinance and shall be a clear, concise statement without argument or prejudice, descriptive of the substance of such ordinance. The ballot used in voting upon any such ordinance, if a paper ballot, shall have below the ballot title the following proposition, one (1) above the other, in the order indicated: "For The Ordinance" and "Against The Ordinance." Immediately at the left of each proposition there shall be a square in which, by making a cross (x) the voter may vote for or against the ordinance. Any number of initiated or referred ordinances may be voted on at the same election and may be submitted on the same ballot, but any paper ballot used for voting thereon shall be for that purpose only. If voting machines are used, the propositions shall be submitted to the voter for his vote in substantially the same manner.
If a majority of the electors voting on an initiated ordinance shall vote in favor thereof, it shall thereupon become an ordinance of the City. No such ordinance shall be amended or repealed by the Council for at least six (6) months, and for the next twelve (12) months thereafter only by unanimous vote. If a majority of the electors voting on a referred ordinance shall vote against the ordinance it shall thereupon be repealed.
If conflicting ordinances are approved by the electors at the same election, the one (1) receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes shall prevail. No election under the initiative or referendum procedure shall be set aside because of any defect in the petition.
When a recall petition has been certified to the Council as sufficient by the City Clerk, the Council shall set a date for holding the election not less than thirty (30) days nor more than forty-five (45) days thereafter. If such office becomes vacant prior to the election such election shall be cancelled, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in previous Sections of the Charter.
The ballot shall be in the following form:
____ Yes
____  No
Voters in favor of the removal place a cross (x) in the square opposite the word "yes."
Voters opposed to the removal place a cross (x) in the square opposite the word "no."
If voting machines are used, the proposition shall be submitted to the elector for his vote in substantially the same manner.
If a majority of the electors voting in such recall election shall vote in favor of the recall, then a vacancy shall exist, regardless of any defect in the recall petition. Such vacancy shall be filled as provided in previous Sections of this Charter. If a majority of the electors voting in such elections shall vote against the recall, the officer in question shall continue in office. Any such person who has been recalled shall be ineligible to serve the City in any capacity at any time during the remainder of the term for which he was elected. No elected officer of the City shall be subject to recall within six (6) months of his induction into office, nor during the last six (6) months of his term; and if he is retained in office upon any recall election, he shall not be again subject to recall during the same term of office.
Notice of initiative, referendum, and recall elections shall be given, the elections conducted, the returns canvassed and the results declared in all respects as are other City elections.