[CC 1974 §585.010; Pg. 29 R.O. 1939]
All telephone lines, whether local exchanges or long distance lines and all private telephone lines that are now erected or that may be hereafter erected within the corporate limits of the City of Versailles, Missouri, shall be subject to the following regulations:
All poles, piers or abutments shall be set along the edges of the streets and alleys of said City and when so set in the streets shall be set abutting the sidewalks at the corners of lots and blocks and lots of said City.
All poles, piers and abutments shall be of good sound cedar timber and firmly set in the ground in such manner as to prevent them from being blown down.
All wires used thereon shall be placed at least twenty-two (22) feet above the grade of the street or alley over which the same may pass.
[CC 1974 §585.030; Pg. 29 R.O. 1939]
It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to deliver a copy of this Chapter to the person or persons in charge of all telephone offices and telephone lines in this City and in case any persons or companies operating any such line in this City shall fail to comply with the provisions of this Chapter within thirty (30) days thereafter, the Street Commissioner is hereby empowered and authorized to remove any such poles or lines of any person or company failing to comply with the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 1458 §§3 — 4, 2-2-1999; Ord. No. 1812 §1, 12-13-2011; Ord. No. 21-003, 2-10-2021]
Connection Fees — Utilities. For tapping fees for City Utilities as follows:
Connection to City water main, two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
Connection to City sewer main, one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00).
Fees — Excavations, Utility. Fees for utility excavations are hereby set as follows:
Excavations for connection to or repair of water connections and/or sewer connections, five hundred dollars ($500.00).
All charges shall be ten percent (10%) more per connection for services outside of the City limits of the City of Versailles.
[Ord. No. 24-001, 3-12-2024]