This chapter is intended to promote the orderly development of the community in accordance with the Official Village Comprehensive Plan or any of the component parts thereof.
The Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Hobart, Brown County, Wisconsin is adopted for the following purposes: to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; to promote and to protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare; to provide adequate standards of light, air and open space; to maintain the aesthetic appearances and scenic values of the Village; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; and to foster a more rational pattern of relationship among agricultural, residential, business, commercial, and manufacturing uses for the mutual benefit of all.
If any section, clause, provision or portion of this chapter is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this chapter shall not be affected thereby.
If any application of this chapter to a particular structure, land or water is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall not be applicable to any other structure, land, or water not specifically included in said judgment.