[Ord. No. I Art. XVI §§2, 5, 11-6-1956]
The Board of Aldermen shall elect a Clerk for such Board to be known as "the City Clerk" whose duties and term of office shall be fixed by ordinance. Among other things, the City Clerk shall keep a journal of the proceedings of the Board of Aldermen. He/she shall safely and properly keep all the records and papers belonging to the City which may be entrusted to his/her care; he/she shall be the general accountant of the City; he/she is hereby empowered to administer official oaths and oaths to persons certifying to demands or claims against the City.
It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep a true and correct journal of the proceedings of the Board of Aldermen in a book to be kept for that purpose. He/she shall attend all meetings of the Board of Aldermen at the hour appointed for the meeting and, unless otherwise, shall immediately upon the Board being called to order proceed to read from the journal the proceedings of the last meeting and when the same shall have been approved, shall attest the same. He/she shall prepare and attest all warrants that may be ordered issued by the Board of Aldermen and present the same to the Mayor for his/her signature. He/she shall attest all other official acts of the Board when by law or ordinance he/she shall be required to do so. He/she shall enroll all orders passed by the Board of Aldermen and shall attest and seal the same. He/she shall issue and sign all licenses that may be required by ordinance to be issued. As soon as the Board of Aldermen shall have established the rate of taxes for the year, he/she shall make the proper certification to the proper officials of McDonald County, so as proper extension of tax rates can be made as by law provided.
The City Clerk shall not permit any documental record in his/her charge to be removed from his/her office except by some officer entitled to the use thereof or for the inspection of the Board of Aldermen or upon the written order of the Mayor.
[Ord. No. I Art. XVI §4, 11-6-1956]
In case of the absence of the City Clerk, the Board of Aldermen may appoint a Clerk Pro Tem who shall possess the same qualifications as and shall have and exercise all the powers and duties of the City Clerk and shall receive the same compensation therefore as the City Clerk.