[Ord. No. 622 §1 — 2, 4-15-2003]
Upon determination of the City Clerk that a negotiable instrument has been dishonored and returned to the municipality without proper payment for goods, services, taxes, debts, assessments, or fees provided by, on behalf of, or to the order of the City of Weatherby Lake, collection action shall be initiated at once by mail, telephone, or other appropriate action, including criminal complaint.
In addition to collecting the full sum of the amount dishonored, the City Clerk shall also require the payment of a returned check fee from the responsible party in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each instrument returned or dishonored. A negotiable instrument, such as a check, draft, or money order, shall be deemed to have been dishonored if it is returned unpaid to the municipality for any reason (including, but not limited to, insufficient funds, stop payment order, improper endorsement or a closed account). Multiple presentments to a bank of an instrument is not required to prove that such instrument has been dishonored.
Notice of this fee shall be posed in a conspicuous manner at City Hall and shall be included where feasible and appropriate on any City of Weatherby Lake statement, solicitation or billing.
The Municipal Judge has separate authority under Section 125.360 of this Code to assess such a service fee as a court cost where a negotiable instrument is presented, but then dishonored, for the intended payment of any fine, court cost, bond or restitution.