[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 1]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, or corporation to make any opening or excavation in, for, or under any street, alley, or thoroughfare or to develop, construct or install or repair any water lines of or within the limits of said Township of Susquehanna unless and until a permit therefor be secured from the Township Secretary for each separate undertaking; such permit and the application therefor to be in the form prescribed by said Secretary and for the purpose enumerated therein, and to contain further statement that the applicant agrees to the terms of this Part 2. The police officers or Secretary of the Township shall promptly prohibit any work being done without proper permit or contrary to the terms hereof.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 2; as amended by Ord. 89-16, 11/21/1989]
The charge for said permit shall be as established by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, for each separate undertaking. The application for the permit and every such permit shall specify a time and include a plan of said opening or excavation, when said opening or excavation shall begin and end, or the time when the same is to remain open and the place where said opening, construction or excavation may be made, together with the probable length, width and depth thereof, and such further information as the Secretary may require; any additional surface to be disturbed and any additional time required may be endorsed on the permit by said Secretary; provided; however, that emergency breaks or leaks may be repaired and a permit therefor secured within 24 hours. Extension of the time beyond that in the original permit may be granted on payment of the additional fee per day.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 3]
It shall be the duty of any person, firm, partnership or corporation to whom a permit is issued or by whom any opening or excavation is made as aforesaid, to provide and maintain proper and adequate guards, barriers and lights to prevent accidents, and they shall assume all risks and be liable for all damages by reason of the openings and excavations and by reason of any failure to properly fill the hole or trench and maintain the disturbed surface in a safe condition.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 4]
It shall be the duty of any person, firm, partnership or corporation causing an opening or excavation to be made, to remove the existing material and fill the excavation with 2A modified limestone compacted in eight-inch layers to within four inches of the finished grade and four inches shall be ID-2A wearing course asphalt surface. The application shall be made without ridges and without depressions and shall be maintained in as good condition as it was prior to the excavation for a period of two years. The edges shall be sealed with two applications of E-8 Emulsion. The above shall apply to improved streets where a suitable and acceptable surface has been installed. In case of unimproved streets or alleys, fill shall be replaced in excavation in eight-inch layers and tamped with an approved gasoline or mechanical tamper and a suitable top of ballast and fine stone shall be placed on the excavation to a minimum depth of 10 inches.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 5]
If the work in opening or in filling or maintaining the surface shall not be promptly completed or shall be unskillfully or improperly or incompletely done, the Township Engineer, or any other person designated by the Board of Commissioners, may cause the same to be done in the manner they deem proper; the expense thereof, including any overhead expense, shall be charged to the person, firm, partnership or corporation by whom the opening or excavation was made, together with 25% additional as a penalty.
No permit shall be issued to any person, firm, partnership or corporation in default under this section until the costs and penalty herein provided are paid, and no further permit shall be granted to any person, firm, partnership or corporation unless and until the openings or excavations already caused by him or it have been properly filled and the surface maintained as aforesaid, in a safe condition and at the proper grade, of which the said Engineer, or other person designated, shall be the judge.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 6]
In no case shall any opening or excavation made by any person, firm, partnership or corporation be considered in the charge or care of the Township or any officer or employee of the Township, and no officer or employee is authorized to in any way take or assume any jurisdiction over any such opening or excavation. However, if the person, firm, partnership or corporation causing the opening to be made deems it to their advantage to employee the same workmen as do similar work for the Township, they may do so upon payment to the Township for the actual costs thereof.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 7]
It will be the responsibility of the Township Engineer to inspect each area of water line breakage and inform the utility company as to the limits of repaying which are necessitated by the water line break. Paving is to be done as follows: If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the base stone has to be renewed, the old base stone shall be removed and eight inches of #4 limestone put in place and rolled with a minimum ten-ton roller and then choked with stone dust; a surface course of ID-2 is to be placed on the stone base and the edges are to be sealed with two applications of E-8 Emulsion.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 8]
Water line pipe is to be laid on a bed of six inches of 2A Modified, worked under pipe and pipe tube supported by 2A Modified throughout its length with no voids under pipe. 2A Modified is to be further placed around and over pipe for a minimum depth of 12 inches above pipe. Backfill to top of trench is to be material excavated from trench, except all rock over six inches in diameter is to be excluded from backfill. Backfill is to placed in eight-inch lifts if using a "J" Tamper for compaction, or eighteen-inch lifts if using a "Bomag" Roller or equal.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 9]
Inspection of water line installation and backfill operations is to be done by Township Engineer. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to notify the Engineer prior to commencing work.
[Ord. 80-12, 4/23/1980, § 10]
Testing and acceptance of water line installation is to be completed prior to paving of new streets.