[R.O. 2011 §34-61.1; Ord. No. 6482 §1, 2004]
In any residential district or the "HRO" district, no fence located within a required side or rear yard shall exceed six (6) feet in height above grade, except that posts may exceed the limitation by no more than six (6) inches (including decoration and/or ornament at the top of the post), unless otherwise permitted in this Article for purposes of screening, or for tennis courts, backstops or playgrounds. (Also see Section 400.1280.)
In any non-residential district, no fence shall exceed eight (8) feet above grade in height except for tennis courts, backstops or playgrounds. (Also see Section 400.1280.)
[R.O. 2011 §34-61.2; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
Residential Districts.
In residential districts, fences are permitted only in the rear yard and side yards, except as provided for in Subsections (A)(2) through (A)(4) of this Section and where shown on an approved development plan in a "PD" district.
On corner lots, a fence is permitted between the side of the residential dwelling unit and the street right-of-way line and may be located on said right-of-way line. However, the fence shall not extend beyond the front building line.
In the case of through lots, fences are permitted in the yard adjacent to the right-of-way that for all intents and purposes is used as the "rear" yard.
Fences or walls, not exceeding eighteen (18) inches in height above the established grade level, which are intended to protect landscaping from damage, are permitted in front yards. Such fences or walls shall comply with the requirements of Section 400.1410 of this Article.
Non-Residential Districts. In non-residential districts, fences are permitted in any yard, with the following limitations:
Except for the "PA" and "IC" districts, fences in the front yard shall be limited to low masonry walls. The height of such fences shall not exceed four (4) feet in height, except for columns that are integral to the fence design.
Within the "PA" district, fences are allowed to extend into the front yard only as necessary to contain a playground area or for sport activity areas in parks.
[R.O. 2011 §34-61.3; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997; Ord. No. 7348, 1-22-2024]
Except as otherwise provided for in Subsection (B) of this Section, fence material shall be that which is designed and intended for use in fence installations, including decorative masonry (e.g., brick, stone, or textured and pigmented concrete). All fences shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition and otherwise in a neat and clean appearance.
Barbed or razor wire, or tarp or similar material, shall not constitute any part of a fence in any residential or "PA" zoning district. In all other districts, barbed or razor wire may be attached to the fence, above six (6) feet.
[R.O. 2011 §34-61.4; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
Swimming pools shall be completely surrounded with a protective barrier in accordance with University City Building Code.
[R.O. 2011 §34-61.5; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
Tennis courts may be bounded by a chain-link fence up to ten (10) feet in height, provided such a fence is setback at least twenty (20) feet from any property line abutting a residential property.
[R.O. 2011 §34-61.6; Ord. No. 6139 §1(Exh. A (part)), 1997]
Fences, at or near street intersections or access private drives, shall comply with Section 400.1410 of this Article.
[R.O. 2011 §34-61.7; Ord. No. 6401 §1(part), 2002]
A building permit shall be required for the erection of a new fence, a replacement fence or replacement of a section of a fence that is greater than ten (10) feet in length. Minor repairs to sections of existing fences less than ten (10) feet in length shall be considered minor repairs and shall not require permits.